李清照的声声慢A Method of Determination of Correction Factors for Different Body Builds in the Asssment of Pu-
川味凉拌菜239 in Lung
期刊名称: Journal of Nuclear Science & Technology
福建大专排名作者: SHIROTANI, Takashi, FUJITA, Minoru84年属鼠
年份: 1973年
期号: 第5期无无成语
关键词: lung monitor;calibration;errors;phantoms;plutonium
摘要:In the determination of 239Pu deposited in the lungs of expod subjects by external in vivo counting, some corrections must be made for the calibration factor obtained from a phantom, to take account of differences in body size between the phantom and the expod subjects. Three such correc
tion factors were considered in this work, and determined experimentally: (1) the geometrical efficiency of the expod subject was estimated using lung-shaped plane sources of actual size; (2) the shielding effect of the sternum and ribs viewed by the NaI(Tl)-detector of large area was measured from chest X-ray plates of the fifteen subjects; and (3) the effective chest wall thickness was evaluated by means of an empirical formula. Estimations of 239Pu in the lungs are expected to contain errors up to about 24.8%, due to the uncertainities 出生日期计算年龄公式