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Title:Determination of benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in
human urine by UHPLC-TQMS
Authors:Jiufeng Li,Hongzhi Zhao,Yanqiu Zhou,Shunqing
Xu,Zongwei Cai
DOI:doi/10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.10.045 Reference:CHROMB20875
To appear in:Journal of Chromatography B
Received date:17-8-2017
Revid date:16-10-2017
Accepted date:20-10-2017
Plea cite this article as:Jiufeng Li,Hongzhi Zhao,Yanqiu Zhou, Shunqing Xu,Zongwei Cai,Determination of benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in human urine by UHPLC-TQMS,Journal of Chromatography B doi/10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.10.045
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Determination of benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in human urine by UHPLC-TQMS Jiufeng Li a, Hongzhi Zhao a, Yanqiu Zhou a, Shunqing Xu b*, Zongwei Cai a*
a State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis, Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China.
b Key Laboratory of Environment and Health, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Environmental Protection, and State Key Laboratory of Environmental Health, School of Publi
白居易的诗歌c Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science an
d Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
*Corresponding author. E-mail: (Z. Cai), Tel: +852-********; (S. Xu), Tel: +86-27-83657705
∙ A UHPLC-TQMS method was developed to analyze six BTRs and five BTHs in urine samples
∙Precision, accuracy, recovery of the method were validated and found satisfactory
∙The method was applied to analyze the targeted compounds in 22 urine specimens
∙1-hydroxy-benzotriazole was detected in urine samples for the first time
Benzotriazole (BTR) and benzothiazole (BTH) derivatives are extensively applied in industrial process and consumer products, and are thus frequently detected in the environmental matrices.Due to their potential estrogenic effects reported in animal studies,the asssment of human exposure to BTRs and BTHs is important. In this study, a method was developed and validated to determine six BTRs and five BTHs in human urine by using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-TQMS) in positive electrospray ionization mode. After de-conjugation by β-glucuronida, urine samples were liquid-liquid extracted for the measurement of total concentrations of BTRs and BTHs. The linearity, detection limit, precision, recovery, accuracy and matrix effect were evaluated.The limits of detection were less than 0.5 ng/mL. The validated method demonstrated good precision (RSD% <15%), linearity (R2>0.99), recovery (>80%) and accuracy (80–100%). The method was successfully applied for the analysis of 22 human urine samples. Four out of eleven targeted compounds were detected in more than half of participants at ng/mL levels.
Keywords: Benzotriazoles; Benzothiazoles; Liquid-liquid extraction; Human urine analysis; Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
Benzotriazoles (BTRs, a group of substances comprising 1, 2, 3-benzotriazole skeleton) and benzotriazoles (BTHs, a ries of chemicals with 1,3-benzothiazole skeleton) are high-production-volume chemicals that are widely ud in production of industrial products and houhold consumer goods [1]. BTR derivatives(The detailed information of targeted compounds was listed in Table S1) are mainly applied as corrosion inhibitors [2], ultraviolet stabilizers [3] and also in dishwasher detergents, anti-freeze fluids and pigments [4]. Likewi, BTHs(Table S1) are employed as rubber accelerators, dyes and biocides in manufacturing [5] and also ud for pharmaceutical synthesis [6]. Owing to their popular usage and stability to biodegradation [7], the compounds are universally detected in waste water, sludge and diment [8-11]. Recently, the occurrence of BTRs and BTHs in air [12], tap water [13], swimming pool [14], textiles and clothing [15] has revealed the potential human exposure. The chronic toxicities of the emerging pollutants [16] have been proved by in vitr
o and in vivo studies [17-19]. BTRs have been reported to be hazardous to bacteria [20], microorganism [20], plants [21] and fish [18]. Especially, 1-H-BTR has been categorized as one of suspected human carcinogens by The Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Standards [20]. Additionally,
BTHs have been proven carcinogenic on human [22] becau of the similar structure with purine [23]. Therefore, concern was raid about the impacts of BTRs and BTHs exposure on human health. However, very few related studies have been conducted in China.天纵英才网
Solid-pha extraction (SPE) [24] is commonly applied in sample pretreatment. Due to the time-consuming and high cost of SPE, the classic liquid-liquid extraction was chon and evaluated in this study. In recent years, the occurrences of BTRs and BTHs have been investigated in environmental matrices by using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) [25-27]. Becau BTHs are easily to be oxidized [1], GC-MS is not the most suitable method for their analysis. Due to the polarity and low molecular weight of BTRs and BTHs, the accurate quantifications of BTRs and BTHs in biological samples are of great challenges. A liquid chromatogr
aphy-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) method has been developed to determine BTRs and BTHs in human urine [28]. Compared with the conventional high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)can offer higher paration efficiency with reducing solvent consumption. UHPLC coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-TQMS) provides good nsitivity, lectivity and specificity for the analysis of pollutants in urine samples [29].
小周天In this study, an UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS method was developed by optimizing the chromatographic conditions (mobile phas, columns, gradients, flow rates) and mass