建 模
①文件与工程在同一个文件夹,只写文件名即可:If the called file is located in the same folder as the FLAC3D project file, then only the file name need
be entered with the 儿童图画大全CALL command.
②不在同一个文件夹,全路径:Otherwi, the file may be called by specifying its complete path (e.g., c:\myfolder\file.dat).美夜
Undo ;撤销上一条命令
2、创建 旋转 缩放视图
model mech mohr ;莫尔库伦模型
model mech elastic ;弹性模型
t grav 0, 0, -9.81 ; 重力加速度 negative z-direction. (垂直向下!常用的)
gen zone brick size 6,8,8 p0 -10, -10, -20 ... ;省略号表示写不下后面继续
p1 10, -10, -20 ...
p2 -10, 10, -20 ...
p3 -10, -10, 0
plot zone字母英文
gen zone brick size 6,8,8 p0 -10, -10, -20 ... ;不规则六面体
p1 10, -10, -20 p2 -10, 10, -20 ...
p3 -10, -10, 0 p4 10, 10, -20 ...
p5 -10, 10, 10 p6 10, -10, 0 ...
p7 10, 10, 10
plot current plot Plot01
plot clear
plot zone
Undo ;撤销命令
t log on truncate
t log off
list zone prin range x 0 1 y 0 1 z 0 1 ;显示指定范围内各单元的主应力,结果如下
① 命令编号按顺序从父母的心声1开始:each history is numbered quentially from 1 as it is entered via the HISTORY command.
②查找显示所有的his命令:Return to the Flac3D> prompt and type
list hist
for a listing of the histories and their corresponding numbers.
hist nstep 5 ;每5步记录1次。默认是10拟古决绝词柬友步记录徐寿辉1次
hist add ratio ; 记录脸部瑜伽maximum unbalanced force ratio
hist add gp zdisp 4 4 8 ;记录节点的位移
model null range x=2,4 y=2,6 z=5,10 ;To excavate the trench,enter
The dimensions of the excavation region (i.e., the null material) are defined by the x-, y- and z-coordinate range.快热式电热水器
t large ; 设置大变形large-strain logic is specified
ini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0 ;位移归零