伯德图matlab,MATLAB中bode函数的使⽤及实例.pdf MATLAB中bode函数的使⽤及实例
键盘失灵怎么办ode :: Functions (Control System Toolbox™) jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/MATLAB/R2010a/help/toolbox/control/... bode
Bode diagram of frequency respon
bode computes the magnitude and pha of the frequency respon of LTI models. When you
拈花惹草invoke this function without left-side arguments, bode produces a Bode plot on the screen. The
magnitude is plotted in decibels (dB), and the pha in degrees. The decibel calculation for mag is
干生蚝怎么做好吃computed as 20log10 (|H(j ω)|), where |H(j ω)| is the system's frequency respon. You can u
bode plots to analyze system properties such as the gain margin, pha margin, DC gain,
bandwidth, disturbance rejection, and stability.
bode(sys) plots the Bode respon of an arbitrary LTI model sys. This model can be continuous
虔诚or discrete, and SISO or MIMO. In the MIMO ca, bode produces an array of Bode plots, each
plot showing the Bode respon of one particular I/O channel. The frequency range is determined
automatically bad on the system poles and zeros.
bode(sys,w) explicitly specifies the frequency range or frequency points for the plot. To focus on
a particular frequency interval [wmin,wmax], t w = {wmin,wmax}. To u particular frequency
points, t w to the vector of desired frequencies. U logspace to generate logarithmically荣耀电脑怎么样
spaced frequency vectors. Specify all frequencies in radians per cond (rad/s).
bode(sys1,sys2,...,sysN) or bode(sys1,sys2,...,sysN,w) plots the Bode respons
of veral LTI models on a single figure. All systems must have the same number of inputs and
outputs, but they c