王者怎么送皮肤一、 Writing(总题数:7,分数:14.00)
1.Section III Writing索取(分数:2.00)
2.Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words bad on the following information.(分数:2.00)
银基水世界3.Illegal Cooking Oil Is Everywhere Write an essay of 160-200 words bad on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. 小茹和小白
正确答案:(正确答案: As is shown in the picture, veral casks of illegal cooking oil are the source to a cooking oil factory, a supermarket and a restaurant. Then the waste cooking oil from the restaurant is recycled and collected back to the production, sale and u cycle. This picture vividly illustrates the process of how illegal cooking oil is produced, sold, ud and reud. It nds a strong message to us that this hazardous oil ems to exist in every part of our life. For the sake of people"s health, the authorities concerned must enhance the law enforcement to eliminate the practice of producing and lling illegal cooking oil. First, a special team needs to be t up to locate any unlawful oil production factories. Once found, the owners should be charged for criminal offence, as they have put others" lives in danger. Second, the authorities concerned should t up
a hotline so that the public could get through on it to the special team and tip them off. A reward could be offered to the "whistle-blower" as an incentive. To sum up, the elimination of illegal cooking oil depends on the joint efforts from the government and the general public.)
解析:解析: 这幅图片刻画了地沟油从生产、销售到使用、回收的情景。整个产业链可谓完备。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下: 第一段描绘图片,指出地沟油似乎无处不在,整个产业链俨然完备。 第二段指出有关部门应该加强执法来遏制地沟油的生产和售卖。其一,成立专项小组,彻查任何违法生产地沟油的工厂。其二,设立举报热线,鼓励群众提供线索,并给予一定的奖励。 第三段总结全文:根除地沟油,需要政府和群众的共同努力。
4.On Food Safety Write an essay of 160-200 words bad on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments.
正确答案:(正确答案: In the picture, a man is probing the food market cautiously for mines, some of which have already been found, namely Sudan III, formalin, and melamine. This picture vividly illustrates the verity of food safety issue in China. To buy untainted food, you now have to arm to the teeth. Otherwi, your life and your family"s life will probably be at risk. In my opinion, food safety issue must be addresd with great urgency and effective measures. First, the authorities concerned must inspect more samples and do more tests to properly rve the watchdog function. For example, 10% of the vegetables in food markets need to be randomly tested on a daily basis for pesticide residue. Once problems are found, the whole batch of food must be aled and a warning should be made to the general public. Second, more stringent penalties for illegal food processing should be impod to deter potential wrongdoers. In conclusion, food safety has everything to do with citizen"s well-being. The government must spare no effort to ensure it.)
解析:解析: 这幅图片刻画了一名男士拿着探雷器在菜市场扫雷的情景。从图片可看出,
菜市场的“地雷”不少,一不小心就会遭受其害。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下: 第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:中国食品安全问题非常严重。 第二段提出个人看法:必须立刻采取有效措施来解决食品安全问题。其一,相关部门应发挥好监管和检验职能,对菜市场的食品多抽样多检查。其二,应该订立更严厉的处罚措施,使其能对非法加工食品的罪犯起到有效的震慑作用。 第三段总结全文:食品安全关系到每个市民的健康,政府应该不遗余力地保障食品安全。
5.On Drunk Driving Write an essay of 160-200 words bad on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments.
正确答案:(正确答案: As can be en in the picture, a car crashes into a tree. The shadow of the car is a large winebottle. Underneath the picture the caption reads: "The "power" of wine". This picture warns us of the danger of drunk driving, which will lead to c
atastrophic conquences. The power of wine, as the picture indicates, can take people"s life. In my eyes, drunk driving is a rious offence that spells disaster for the drunk drivers and people around them. To tackle this problem, the authorities concerned should impo strict rules and regulations to prevent accidents of this sort from happening. First, random drunk tests should be administered to drivers. If they fail tho tests, they shall be punished accordingly. Second, a record system, bad on the drunk driving history and other traffic offences, should be t up. Tho who are found drunk driving again and again should be punished verely e-nough to deter other potential offenders. To conclude, we should nd the message to drivers that to drive after drinking is irresponsible, for drunk driving pos a threat to drivers themlves as well as other people.)