安慰失去亲人的话英语学习:phishing 网上诱骗叶振棠最经典歌曲
发布会主题 没错,phishing确有fishing一词的'含义:钓鱼,引鱼上钩的意思。那么,骗子究竟要骗些什么呢?我们再来看看一些详细的介绍:
Creating a replica of an existing Web page to fool a ur into submitting personal, financial, or password data,
The act of nding an email to a ur fally claiming to be an established legitimate enterpri in an attempt to scam the ur into surrendering private information that will be ud for identity theft, The email directs the ur to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social curity, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has, The Web site, however, is bogus〔伪造的〕 and t up only to steal the ur‘s information……
邓超主演的电影 The term phishing comes from the fact that Internet scammers are using increasingly sophisticated lures as they "fish" for urs' financial information and password data, The
most common ploy is to copy the Web page code from a major site — such as AOL — and u that code to t up a replica page that appears to be part of the company's site, 〔This is why phishing is also called spoofing,〕 A fake email is nt out with a link to this page, which solicits the ur's credit card data or password, When the form is submitted, it nds the data to the scammer while leaving the ur on the company's site so they don't suspect a thing,
法西斯的标志>表达爱的诗句>闻的拼音 原来phishing是一种网上骗术——利用其他的真实网站,伪造一个类似的网站,以便骗取用户的的个人资料:信誉卡、银行帐号等密码。