Voodoo Cities
The quality of urban life and culture have changed markedly throughout the western world since 1972. Before then we had urban renewal, public housing, tearing cities apart to make way for the car, suburbanisation, and mass production of urban environments in soulless modernist style.
There were abundant signs of unrest (inner city impoverishment, inadequate social provision, radical protest against the homogeneity and blandness of daily life). But they were tempered by a certain political commitment to do something about material needs, alb
eit within the constraints of the efficient and rational planning of urban life and space.
诚信手抄报简单又漂亮 城市中有很多表明动荡的迹象(内城贫困,社会供应不足,对同质化和日常生活的平淡发起地的激进抗议)。但由于政府特定的政治承诺,即要采取一些有关民众物质需求的办法,以致这些迹象逐渐缓和,虽然仅局限于城市生活和空间的有效而合理的规划。
Since 1972, however, a whole new urban vocabulary has come into play. Words like “gentrification” and “yuppie”, styles like postmodernism, the creation of spaces of play and spectacle, the imitation or prervation of past environments, the cealess promotion of almost anything that has glitz and glitter, are just some of the signs of radical change.
服务我 然而1972查漏补缺年以来,一个全新的城市词汇已经开始发挥作用。诸如像“绅士化”
Where we ud to think of the city as a machine for working in, we now e it as an antique, a spectacle or even an image for living in. The city is no longer treated as an entity malleable for broad social ends, but as a college of spaces and people, of ephemeral events and fragmentary contacts.
We no longer plan the whole, but design the parts. We no longer renew, we rehabilitate and renovate. Aesthetics dominates ethics. Images dominate the narratives of coherent analysis. And in spite of noble rearguard actions, the overall political will to do anything about omniprent urban discontents has faded. Our cities may be an arena of actual or impending social disaster but at least they look nicer.
关于景色的作文 我们不再规划整体,而是计划局部。我们不再彻底更新,仅仅是对旧事物修复和翻新。美
I choo the year 1972 not becau this is when Charles Jencks dates the symbolic shift from modernism to postmodernism in architecture and urban design. More significantly, 1972 was the last year of a postwar boom that had brought strong growth, significant gains in material living standards, relatively full employment and an expanding welfare state to most of the advanced capitalist world.
The recession of 1973-75 changed all that. It ushered in a difficult period of sluggish growth, high unemployment, diminishing real wages (offt by rising family incomes throu
gh increasing participation of women in the labour force), and widening disparities in the distribution of income. The restructuring of industry and commerce, through a combination of strong technological change and a revolution in telecommunications, generated marked shifts in the international division of labour. The increasing power of financial institutions, the ri of rvices and decline of manufacturing employment further confud matters.
Working-class power and institutions were put on the defensive. In the US, for example, President Nixon in 1973 declared that the urban crisis in the United States was over, thus signalling the first step in a progressive withdrawlal from state commitments to deal with problems of impoverishment and social deprivation.
While resistance varied throughout the capitalist world, the general trend this signalled was unmistakable. Expectations had to be revid downwards. New strategies for economic survival had to be found.
Capitalism radically changed its spots from 1973 onwards. Volatility and incurity, flexibility and mobility, replaced steady growth and planned development. The fate of individual cities depended on how they were situated in this maelstorm of change.