The difference between China and Western
What is culture?L.Beamer &I. Varner reminded us, “Culture is a mental t of windows through which all of life is viewed. It varies from individual to individual with in a society, but it shares important characteristics with members of society.” Culture is everything and everywhere. And more important, at least for our purpos, culture governs and defines in which position the conditions and circumstances veer.Simultaneously, in certain conditions and circumstances lots of information can or not be noticed or understood. That is too abstract to really understand. Different countries have different traits and characteristics due to their different geographical environments, differenthistoricalconditions and different logical thinking. No countries and nations are without their cultures.
The characteristics of any culture can not be parated from a certain geographicalenvironment, each kind of culture has different characteristics due to the characteristics of the 启动优盘region, climate and environment. China is a great mi-clod continental country, which a on one side and on the other transportationthree sides is ext
remely inconvenient. Such kind of natural environment form a state of half isolation不婚族 from the outside world, and the congenial habitat and lf- sufficient夏天的作文 resource have an esntial effect on characteristics of Chine traditional culture. The human habitat was too congenial to produce an outward-looking, adventurous, a-farming culture. The result of this congeniality is a peaceful people, indulging in an uneventful life of the simple rhythmical pul of nature. At the same time, lf-sufficient farming culture caud lf-contained that developed satisfaction and conrvation. Farming is the basic economic mode for the existence of Chine people. The睡前锻炼好不好 prematurity and relative stability of the agriculturalcivilization nurtured the tradition of harmony and maintaining equilibrium.小班家园共育 The harmonious and stable life molds the Chine people ‘character of being content with what they are and what they have. They tend to lead a simple and placid life comparing with aggressiveness. They em to be a balanced existence, neither over-delight, nor over-sorrowful, but take control of themlves with persistence. They are skillful of dealing with injustice and calamity with周长的计算公式 tolerance and humor. On the contrary, the territory洋金花的功效与作用 of every western country is relatively small area that is surrounded by a and where hav
e no enough natural resources. Western people were restricted to move so that they have a tendencycling to explore the a that are peaceful, friendly, and full of chances and lures. The cradleof Western civilization Greek was exoteric geographical environment, people struggling with the hostile nature, they hence cultivated such kind of science tradition that people were fond of explore and conquer nature. That makes western culture shows advocating the spirit of competition and struggling as a whole.
There are so many dimensions on which cultures may differ; human nature can be said as a basic difference. In China, people have accepted the thought of Confucius who believed the human nature was basically good. As they said, children are believed to bepure and innocent but may become corrupt as they grow older and have more contact with society. The direction of moral changes is from good to bad. Becau of this danger, it is the responsibility of tho in authorities, such as parents, teachers and political leaders, who protect the morality under their care. When some children write about their mothers, fathers, teachers and honored historical figures, they tend to idealize them. The traditional Western belief about human natures is that humans are basically evil. We e t
his in the Bible story of Adam and Eve. God throw them out of the Garden of Eden becau they ate fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. From that time, all humans have been born with original sin. That means they do evil as part of their nature and can only be saved by God. As a result of the ri of humanism in the West, this basic belief has changed to a mixture of good and evil. The original belief continues to flourish alongside the more modern belief. For instance, Westerners who are called fundamentalist Christians, tho who follow the Bibleas a guide to their daily life, still believe that humans are basically evil and must be saved, that is, must accept the help of God to become good. The traditional view has also been incorporated into Western institutions in various ways. In Confucian culture people are encouraged to be good by others around them. Becau of the eyes of other people, when the person cannot reach others’ expectations, he likely to feel ashamed. If China calls that situation a shame culture, then the West is dominated by guilt culture. In shame culture, the standard is an ideal t up in everyone’s mind. Everyone wants to achieve this possibility, but sometimes they cannot. At this time, they could have a shame feeling. In guilt culture, the person is expected to k
now the difference between right and wrong. When they do something wrong or out of moral, they could feel guilty, especially the Christian.