作者:周斯译 杨雅涵 王建武微笑的魅力 邢国春
摘 ;要:大数据作为信息产业持续高速增长的新引擎,它为我们提供了丰富的网络信息资源,并且正在渗透到当今的每个领域之中,成为重要的生产因素。尤其在教学领域的使用,受到广泛关注。凭借网络自主学习是学习者获得知识的重要来源,在线辅助减少时空局限性,步步从而增加学习者的主动性,直到完成学习者的目标任务。文章主要通过对大数据,辅助学习,和学习系统模型的钻研,结合案例分析对于系统功能进行初步的说明。希
土豆红烧排骨>一元二次 关键词:大数据;辅助学习;系统模型
中图分类号:G434 ; ; ; ; 文献标志码:A ; ; ; ; 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)18-0040-02
Abstract: As a new engine for the sustained and rapid growth of the information industry, big data provides us with rich network information resourceswhile的意思, thus infiltrating into every field today and becoming an important production factor. Especially in the field of teaching, it has received extensive attention. Online autonomous learning is an important source for learners to acquire knowledge. Online assistance reduces time and space limitations and lures learners step by step so as to increa learners' initiative until the completion of learners' goal tasks. This paper, through the study of big data, auxiliary learning, and learning system model, combined with ca analysis, provides an explanation of the function of the system. It is hoped that it will be helpful to the improvement of the learning system and the teaching environment in the future.