ASME B31.4
Replies to Technical Inquiries
October7,2008Through May15,2012
It has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the B31Committee concerning B31.4 as part of the update rvice to the Code.The interpretations have been assigned numbers in chronological order.Each interpretation applies either to the latest Edition or Addenda at the time of issuance of the interpretation or the Edition or Addenda stated in the reply.Subquent revisions to the Code may have superded the reply.
The replies are taken verbatim from the original letters,except for a few typographical and editorial corrections made for the purpo of improved clarity.In some instances,a review of the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature.In the cas,a revid reply bearing the original interpretation number with the suffix R is prented.In the ca where an interpretation is corrected by Errata,the original interpretation number with the suffix E is ud. ASME procedures provide for reconsi
deration of the interpretations when or if additional information is available that the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation.Further,persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. As stated in the Statement of Policy in the Code documents,ASME does not“approve,”“certify,”“rate,”or“endor”any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity.
For detailed instructions on preparations of technical inquiries to the B31Committee,refer to Nonmandatory Appendix A.
Interpretations No.1was included with ANSI/ASME B31.4c-1986.Interpretations No.2was included with ASME B31.4a-1987.Interpretations No.3was included with ASME B31.4a-1991. Interpretations No.4was included with ASME B31.4a-1994.Interpretations No.5was included with ASME B31.4-1998.Interpretations No.6was included with B31.4a-2001.Interpretations No.7 was included with ASME B31.4-2002.Interpretations No.8was included with ASME B31.4-2009.
Subject Interpretation File No.
Paragraph423.2.3and Table423.1-1,Mandatory 4-8910-1604 Paragraph434.8,Previously Qualified 4-8609-1450 Paragraph A410.1,Pig 4-8710-809 Paragraphs402.3and403.2.1,Hoop Stress and Nominal 4-8810-1154
Subject:Paragraph434.8,Previously Qualified Welding Procedures(ASME B31.4-2006Edition)
Date Issued:October20,2009
Question(1):Is it the intention of B31.4-2006,para.434.8,that the pipeline owner/operator
supply the contractor with the owner’s pre-qualified Welding Procedure Specification and
Procedure Qualification Record for u on a project?
Question(2):Is it acceptable per B31.4for the contractor to perform welding on a pipeline/
metering station using his own previously qualified Welding Procedure Specification if all of the
esntial variables are the same?八卦图
Reply(2):Yes,provided that the procedure is approved by the owner,as per para.434.8.3(b)(2). --``,,,`,,,,`,,``,`,`,`,,``,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Subject:Paragraph A410.1,Pig Launcher/Receiver
Date Issued:June7,2010
Question:Does any part of a pig launcher/receiver need to be stamped in accordance with
Section VIII,Div.1or2?
Reply:No.Plea e paras.404.7.1and404.7.3of B31.4-2009.
Subject:Paragraphs402.3and403.2.1,Hoop Stress and Nominal Wall Thickness
(ASME B31.4-2009Edition)
Date Issued:July28,2010
Question(1):Should the hoop stress be calculated per para.402.3of B31.4-2009?
Question(2):Should the nominal wall thickness be calculated per para.403.2.1?
Subject:Paragraph 423.2.3and Table 423.1-1,Mandatory Impact Testing (ASME B31.4-2009Edition)
Date Issued:September 29,2010
Question:In B31.4-2009,is impact testing only mandatory for the materials listed under “Pipe”in Table 423.1-1?
ASME B31.4
Replies to Technical Inquiries
June12,2002Through October6,2008
It has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the B31Committee concerning B31.4
as part of the update rvice to the Code.The interpretations have been assigned numbers in玩手机检讨
chronological order.Each interpretation applies either to the latest Edition or Addenda at the
time of issuance of the interpretation or the Edition or Addenda stated in the reply.Subquent
revisions to the Code may have superded the reply.
The replies are taken verbatim from the original letters,except for a few typographical and
editorial corrections made for the purpo of improved clarity.In some instances,a review of
the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature.In the cas,a revid
reply bearing the original interpretation number with the suffix R is prented.In the ca where
an interpretation is corrected by Errata,the original interpretation number with the suffix E is ud.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of the interpretations when or if additional
information is available that the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation.Further,persons
aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee.
As stated in the Statement of Policy in the Code documents,ASME does not“approve,”“certify,”
大蒜素软胶囊“rate,”or“endor”any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity.
For detailed instructions on preparations of technical inquiries to the B31Committee,refer to
Nonmandatory Appendix A.
Interpretations No.1was included with ANSI/ASME B31.4c-1986.Interpretations No.2was
included with ASME B31.4a-1987.Interpretations No.3was included with ASME B31.4a-1991.
Interpretations No.4was included with ASME B31.4a-1994.Interpretations No.5was included
with ASME B31.4-1998.Interpretations No.6was included with B31.4a-2001.Interpretations No.7
was included with ASME B31.4-2002.