本文汇总了ENVI FLAASH大气校正模块中常见的错误,并给出解决方法,分为两部分:运行错误和结果错误。前面是错误提示及说明,后面是错误解释及解决方法。
∙∙●1050-1210 nm
∙∙●770-870 nm耳朵大有福吗
∙∙●870-1020 nm
3、数据类型:浮点型(Floating Point)、32位无符号整型(Long Integer)、16位无符号和有符号整型(Integer、Unsigned Int),但是最终会在导入数据时通过Scale Factor转成浮点型的辐射亮度(μW)/(cm2*nm*sr)。
4、文件类型: ENVI标准栅格格式文件,BIP或者BIL储存结构。
5、中心波长:数据头文件中(或者单独的一个文本文件)包含中心波长(wavelenth)值,如果是高光谱还必须有波段宽度(FWHM),这两个参数都可以通过编辑头文件信息输入(Edit Header)。
1.Aerosol Scale Height
2.CO2 Mixing Ratio (ppm) 2001年前是370ppm。2001年以后是390ppm。
3.U Square Slit Function(是否使用平方函数进行邻近像元亮度的均匀)一般选择no
4.U Adjacency Correction(进行邻近效应校正)
5.Reu MODTRAN Calculations使用以前的MODTRAN模型计算结果
6.Modtran Resolution设置MODTRAN模型的光谱分辨率(推荐值5 cm-1) 分辨率高速度慢精度高,分辨率低,速度快,但是精度差。
7.Modtran Multiscatter Model 计算散射模型的选择。DISORT提供更加准确的计算结果(主要针对波长小于1000nm的),花费的时间比较长。选择Isaacs模型,速度快但是精度
较低,一般不用。Scaled DISORT计算的精度接近于DISORT,同时处理速度也大大提高了接近于Isaacs,一般分流的次数最少选取8,对于DISORT来说,随着分流次数的增加,纠正的时间就越长,但是对于Scaled DISORT来说,分流次数的增加基本对时间没多大影响。一般没必要为了追求那么一点精度而浪费太多时间去选择DISORT模型。
8.Setting Viewing Geometry Parameters:Zenith Angle(天顶角)在星下点观测时是180°,也就是说从传感器到地面的视线和天顶方向的夹角,其值介于-180°——+180°。Azimuth Angle卫星方位角,就是从我们的角度看传感器的视线与真北方向的夹角。天顶角\方位角(针对非星下点传感器)
二.Setting FLAASH Processing Controls
9.U Tiled Processing
三.Multispectral Settings(多光谱的设置)
正的模板是由以前校正过的模板导入的,那么在设置水汽去除模型和气溶胶检索所需波段时就需要从原来的模板中获取信息来设置。(The channel definitions are ud to assign bands from the input file for u in the water and aerosol retrieval process. If a FLAASH template file was restored before opening the Multispectral Settings dialog, then the channel definitions are t according to the information saved in the template file),如果是已定义的传感器并且用现在的纠正模型纠正,那么可以选择水汽去除模型和气溶胶检索的波段,都列在了下拉列表中。
The channel definition file follows a simple format where each line contains one channel definition in the form:
channel_type = band_number The valid channel_types are listed below, and must be included in the file verbatim:
water channels reference water channels absorption cirrus channel KT upper channels KT lower channels KT band cutoff KT band ratio The first band in the file is referred to as
band number 1. If more than one band is appropriate for a channel_type, the bands should be enclod in curly brackets {} and parated with white space. Comments can be included as long as they are preceded with a mi-colon character. You only need to include channel definitions for tho processing steps that are being requested. For example, a channel definition file for applying FLAASH to Landsat TM with aerosol retrieval but a fixed water vapor amount could include the following text:
; FLAASH channel definition for Landsat TM KT upper channels = 6 KT lower channels = 3 FLAASH produces a channel definition file for each processing run (both multispectral and hyperspectral). The file, named rootname_, is saved when the Output Diagnostic Files option is t to Yes in the FLAASH Advanced Settings dialog.
Water Retrieval 歌颂祖国的对联 | 1135 nm | absorption | 1117 - 1143 nm |
reference upper wing | 1184 - 1210 nm |
reference lower wing | 1050 - 1067 nm |
940 nm | 请假条如何写absorption | 935 - 955 nm |
4年级语文下册reference upper wing | 870 - 890 nm |
小蝌蚪怎么画reference lower wing | 995 - 1020 nm |
820 nm | absorption | 810 - 830 nm |
reference upper wing | 850 - 870 nm |
职业资格证书都有哪些reference lower wing | 770 - 790 nm |
Aerosol Retrieval 学习方法的重要性 | KT upper | 2100 - 2250 nm |
KT lower | 640 - 680 nm |
Cloud Masking | cirrus clouds | 1367 - 1383 nm |
| | | |
3.Filter Function File,是滤波函数的选择,如果导入的图像是未定义的传感器,那么就需要导入滤波函数,相当于给出一个光谱响应的模型。因为光谱响应必须要一个模型来支撑。如果是已知的传感器类型,那么这个函数会自动导入。
4.Index to first band,就是滤波函数从哪个波段开始起作用,未定义的需自己选择。已定义的系统会自动给出。