LM199/LM299/LM399/LM3999Precision Reference
General Description
The LM199ries are precision,temperature-stabilized monolithic zeners offering temperature coefficients a factor of ten better than high quality reference zeners.Constructed on a single monolithic chip is a temperature stabilizer circuit and an active reference zener.The active circuitry reduces the dynamic impedance of the zener to about 0.5Ωand al-lows the zener to operate over 0.5mA to 10mA current range with esntially no change in voltage or temperature coefficient.Further,a new subsurface zener structure gives low noi and excellent long term stability compared to ordi-nary monolithic zeners.The package is supplied with a ther-mal shield to minimize heater power and improve tempera-ture regulation.
The LM199ries references are exceptionally easy to u and free of the problems that are often experienced with or-dinary zeners.There is virtually no hysteresis in reference voltage with temperat
ure cycling.Also,the LM199is free of voltage shifts due to stress on the leads.Finally,since the unit is temperature stabilized,warm up time is fast.The LM199can be ud in almost any application in place of ordinary zeners with improved performance.Some ideal ap-plications are analog to digital converters,calibration stan-dards,precision voltage or current sources or precision power supplies.Further in many cas the LM199can re-place references in existing equipment with a minimum of wiring changes.
The LM199ries devices are packaged in a standard her-metic TO-46package inside a thermal shield.The LM199is rated for operation from −55˚C to +125˚C while the LM299is rated for operation from −25˚C to +85˚C and the LM399is rated from 0˚C to +70˚C.
The LM3999is packaged in a standard TO-92package and is rated from 0˚C to +70˚C
n Guaranteed 0.0001%/˚C temperature coefficient n Low dynamic impedance —0.5Ω
n Initial tolerance on breakdown voltage —2%n Sharp breakdown at 400µA
n Wide operating current —500µA to 10mA n Wide supply range for temperature stabilizer n Guarant
eed low noi
n Low power for stabilization —300mW at 25˚C n Long term stability —20ppm
Proven reliability,low-stress packaging in TO-46
integrated-circuit hermetic package,for low hysteresis after thermal cycling.33million hours MTBF at T A =+25˚C (T J =+86˚C)
n Certified long term stability available n MIL-STD-883compliant
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package (TO-46)
Top View
LM199/LM299/LM399(See Table on fourth page)
NS Package Number H04D
Plastic Package TO-92
Bottom View
LM3999(See Table on fourth page)
NS Package Number Z03A
May 1999
LM199/LM299/LM399/LM3999Precision Reference
©1999National Semiconductor Corporation
Functional Block Diagrams
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1) Specifications for Military/Aerospace products are not contained in this datasheet.Refer to the following Reli-ability Electrical Test Specifications documents: RETS199X for LM199,RETS199AX for LM199A. Temperature Stabilizer Voltage
LM199/LM299/LM39940V LM399936V Rever Breakdown Current20mA Forward Current
LM199/LM299/LM3991mA LM3999−0.1mA Reference to Substrate Voltage V(RS)(Note2)40V
肾结石形成原因−0.1V Operating Temperature Range
LM199−55˚C to+125˚C LM299−25˚C to+85˚C LM399/LM3999−0˚C to+70˚C Storage Temperature Range−55˚C to+150˚C Soldering Information
TO-92package(10c.)+260˚C TO-46package(10c.)+300˚C
Electrical Characteristics(Notes3,6)
Parameter Conditions LM199H/LM299H LM399H Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Rever Breakdown Voltage0.5mA≤I R≤10mA 6.8 6.957.1 6.6 6.957.3V Rever Breakdown Voltage0.5mA≤I R≤10mA69612mV Change with Current
Rever Dynamic Impedance I R=1mA0.510.5 1.5Ω
Rever Breakdown−55˚C≤T A≤+85˚C数码相机品牌
小星星洗澡Temperature Coefficient+85˚C≤T A≤+125˚C0.00050.0015%/˚C
−25˚C≤T A≤85˚C LM2990.000030.0001%/˚C
0˚C≤T A≤+70˚C LM3990.000030.0002%/˚C RMS Noi10Hz≤f≤10kHz720750µV Long Term Stability Stabilized,22˚C≤T A≤28˚C,2020ppm
1000Hours,I R=1mA±0.1%
Temperature Stabilizer T A=25˚C,Still Air,V S=30V8.5148.515mA Supply Current T A=−55˚C2228
Temperature Stabilizer940940V Supply Voltage
Warm-Up Time to0.05%V S=30V,T A=25˚C33c. Initial Turn-on Current9≤V S≤40,T A=+25˚C,(Note4)140200140200mA Note1:“Absolute Maximum Ratings”indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.
Electrical Characteristics(Note3)
Parameter Conditions LM3999Z Units
Min Typ Max
Rever Breakdown Voltage0.6mA≤I R≤10mA 6.6 6.957.3V Rever Breakdown Voltage0.6mA≤I R≤10mA620mV Change with Current
Rever Dynamic Impedance I R=1mA0.6 2.2ΩRever Breakdown0˚C≤T A≤70˚C0.00020.0005%/˚C Temperature Coefficient
RMS Noi10Hz≤f≤10kHz7µV Long Term Stability Stabilized,22˚C≤T A≤28˚C,20ppm
1000Hours,I R=1mA±0.1%
Temperature Stabilizer T A=25˚C,Still Air,V S=30V1218mA Temperature Stabilizer36V Supply Voltage
Warm-Up Time to0.05%V S=30V,T A=25˚C5c.
Electrical Characteristics(Note3)(Continued)
Parameter Conditions LM3999Z Units
Min Typ Max
Initial Turn-On Current9≤V S≤40,T A=25˚C140200mA
Electrical Characteristics(Notes3,6)娃娃鱼的叫声录音
Parameter Conditions LM199AH,LM299AH LM399AH Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Rever Breakdown Voltage0.5mA≤I R≤10mA 6.8 6.957.1 6.6 6.957.3V Rever Breakdown Voltage0.5mA≤I R≤10mA69612mV Change with Current
Rever Dynamic Impedance I R=1mA0.510.5 1.5Ω
Rever Breakdown−55˚C≤T A≤+85˚C
LM199A 0.000020.00005%/˚C
Temperature Coefficient+85˚C≤T A≤+125˚C0.00050.0010%/˚C
−25˚C≤T A≤85˚C LM299A0.000020.00005%/˚C
0˚C≤T A≤+70˚C LM399A0.000030.0001%/˚C RMS Noi10Hz≤f≤10kHz720750µV Long Term Stability Stabilized,22˚C≤T A≤28˚C,2020ppm
1000Hours,I R=1mA±0.1%
Temperature Stabilizer T A=25˚C,Still Air,V S=30V8.5148.515mA Supply Current T A=−55˚C2228
Temperature Stabilizer940940V Supply Voltage
Warm-Up Time to0.05%V S=30V,T A=25˚C33c. Initial Turn-on Current9≤V S≤40,T A=+25˚C,(Note4)140200140200mA Note2:The substrate is electrically connected to the negative terminal of the temperature stabilizer.The voltage that can be applied to either terminal of the refer-ence is40V more positive or0.1V more negative than the substrate.
Note3:The specifications apply for30V applied to the temperature stabilizer and−55˚C≤T A≤+125˚C for the LM199;−25˚C≤T A≤+85˚C for the LM299and 0˚C≤T A≤+70˚C for the LM399and LM3999.
Note4:This initial current can be reduced by adding an appropriate resistor and capacitor to the heater circuit.See the performance characteristic graphs to de-termine values.
Note5:Do not wash the LM199with its polysulfone thermal shield in TCE.
Note6:A military RETS electrical test specification is available for the LM199H/883,LM199AH/883,and LM199AH-20/883on request.
Ordering Information
Initial0˚C to+70˚C−25˚C to+85˚C−55˚C to+125˚C NS Tolerance Package 2%LM299AH LM199AH,L
5%LM399H LM299H H04D LM399AH
5%LM3999Z Z03A
Certified Long Term Drift
The National Semiconductor LM199AH-20,LM299AH-20, and LM399AH-50are ultra-stable Zener references specially lected from the production runs of LM199AH,LM299AH, LM399AH and tested to confirm a long-term stability of20, 20,or50ppm per1000hours,respectively.The devices are measured every168hours and the voltage of each device is logged and compared in such a way as to show the deviation from its initial value.Each measurement is taken with a probable-worst-ca deviation of±2ppm,compared to the Reference Voltage,which is derived from veral groups of NBS-traceable references such as LM199AH-20’s,1N827’s,and saturated standard cells,so that the deviation of any one group will not cau fal indications.Indeed,this compari-son process has recently been automated using a specially prepared computer program which is custom-designed to re-ject noisy data(and require a repeat reading)and to record the average of the best5of7readings,just as a sagacious standards engineer will reject unbelievable readings.
The typical characteristic for the LM199AH-20is shown be-low.This computerized print-out form of each reference’s stability is shipped with the unit.
Typical Characteristics
National Semiconductor
Certified Long Term Drift
Hrs Drift
Testing Conditions
Heater Voltage:30V
Zener Current:1mA
Ambient Temp.:25˚C
Typical Performance Characteristics
Rever Characteristics
DS005717-19Rever Voltage Change
Dynamic Impedance
Zener Noi Voltage
DS005717-22Stabilization Time
Heater Current
Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)
Typical Applications
Initial Heater Current
Heater Current(To Limit This
Surge,See Next Graph)
Heater Surge Limit Resistor vs
Minimum Supply Voltage at Various
Minimum Temperatures
*Heater must be bypasd with a2µF or larger
车位标准尺寸tantalum capacitor if resistors are ud.
Low Frequency Noi Voltage
Respon Time
Single Supply Operation
Split Supply Operation