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1、教育中的定性研究是什么,什么问题适合这种⽅法Qualitative Rearch in Education: Where it Fits and What it Is
Laurie Puchner, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Types of rearch
Empirical vs. non-empirical rearch
Empirical:1、Bad on or derived from obrvation or experiment 2、Answer a question through data collection
Non-empirical:1、Not bad on obrvation or experiment 2、Answer a question by looking at the literature, for example Basic Rearch Types
Quantitative rearch (empirical)
Qualitative rearch (empirical)
Mixed methods (empirical)
Literature-bad or library-bad rearch (non-empirical)
Action Rearch (empirical)
Quantitative Rearch: Three Purpos
1. Describe
Descriptive rearch answers the question “What exists?”
Typically us survey
2. Compare
Examine relationships and similarities and differences
More common than descriptive, often u correlation
3. Attribute causality
Example: What is the effect of cooperative learning on student classroom relationships? Qualitative Rearch
Typically us in-depth interviews and obrvations
Goal is a good understanding of participant perspective
We’ll come back to this later…
Mixed Methods Rearch:Combines qualitative and quantitative methods Example: “How effective is the “Star”program for children with autism?”
Quantitative Parts:1、Begin with a quantitative survey of staff and parent perceptions of the program 2、Also do analysis of achievement data.
Qualitative Part:Bad on the survey results, do follow-up in-depth interviews with small number of staff and parents
What is Action Rearch?(Practitioner Rearch)
Rearch that solves a problem in YOUR OWN practice
Sample Action Rearch questions:
1、“How can I promote more verbal engagement among ALL my students and hence more learning during lessons?”
文字的拼音2、How can I increa critical thinking skills of my students?
Good Action Rearch Projects:
Focus on an issue you control and are very interested in improving
U multiple data sources (e.g., interviews, obrvations, student work, journaling)
Rely mainly on qualitative data (it’s very hard to collect valid quantitative data on your own practice)
U systematic, rigorous, data collection methods
Action Rearch Exerci
Develop and write down one Action Rearch question relevant to your professional practice. Make sure you u the word “I”in your question. (For example, “How can I…”) Tell it to the person next to y
Qualitative rearch and action rearch are very common in the United States
Most graduate programs in education cover both qualitative and quantitative rearch, and many students do qualitative thes
Some programs, especially tho focud on advanced preparation of practitioners (as oppod to rearchers), emphasize qualitative action rearch
Why Do Qualitative Rearch?
Qualitative rearch recognizes that objectivity is impossible, and emphasizes process and meanings that cannot be experimentally measured
It stress the “socially constructed nature of reality, the intimate relationship between the rearcher and what is studied, and the situational constraints that shape inquiry”(Denzin & Lincoln, 2005, p.10)
Why Qualitative Rearch?, cont.
Thus qualitative rearch in social science is a philosophical and methodological revolt against positivism (hard data and so-called scientific rearch)
This academic revolt is political in that it eks to transform knowledge production in the academy In a society marked by classism, racism, xism, and other inequalities, it recognizes that there is no universalistic, objective standpoint, and focus on making previously silenced voices heard Political Comparison
Quantitative :
Objectivity exists and quantitative rearch is objective
Universal truths can be found via rearch and are politically neutral
Dominant paradigm in Western society
Rearchers on average more politically conrvative
Knowledge as culturally situated & interpretive
Objectivity is a myth
Everything is political and ideological投入的近义词
Focus on power differences in society
Interest in reprenting marginalized groups and individuals
Rearchers on average more politically liberal
Political Dimensions, cont.
Qualitative rearchers tend to be more left-leaning politically than quantitative rearchers, and more likely to be interested in equity and social justice. And some qualitative rearchers completely reject quantitative rearch and vice versa. However, many rearchers recognize the value of both kinds of rearch. Further, there are many social justice advocates who u quantitative rearch to reduce inequality. (e.g., Linda Darling-Hammond, Rusll Skiba)
Characteristics of qualitative rearch
Goal of qualitative rearch is to find out the meaning of an experience or event from the perspective of the participants Qualitative rearch is like a funnel:
Funnel:begin very open —ended,then narrow as you go along
Qualitative vs quantitative rearch
Quantitative rearch:
1、Numerical data and results
2、Large number of participants
3、Cau and effect or comparison questions:What is the impact of X on Y?ORWhat is the relationship between X and Y?
4、Small amount of time collecting data
5、Deductive reasoning:Generalization (such as a theory) leads to prediction about a specific instance
Qualitative rearch:
1、Data and results NOT numerical
2、Small number of participants
3、Exploratory Questions:What is happening during X?What is the experience of Y?
4、Lots of time in the field collecting data
5、Inductive reasoning:Obrvations of many instances leads to generalization
Advantage of qualitative rearch
1、You develop a good understanding of a situation or of the perspective of a group of people
2、Conducting qualitative rearch helps students develop deep reflective skills uful for educators
Key concepts in qualitative rearch
1、Symbolic Interaction
2、Insider versus outsider perspective
3、“Make the familiar strange”(Erickson, 1986, p. 121)
Symbolic interaction
1、Things and events have no independent meaning
2、Meaning of things and events are conferred on them by people
3、So meaning of a thing or an event depends on how the thing or event is interpreted by people
4、A thing or event can have many different meanings
梦见大葱Example of symbolic interaction
“What is homework”:different subjects have different interpretations
1、For Student #1 homework = “Way to continue showing how smart and obedient I am”
For Student #2 homework = “Confusing problems and questions I do not understand and that will continue to reveal how stupid I am”
For Student #3 homework = “Papers I bring home in my bag every afternoon but never take out”
2、For Teacher #1 homework = “Important practice of concepts learned in school”
For Teacher #2 homework = “Way to sort good students (tho who do homework) from bad students (tho who do NOT do homework)浙江仙居县
For Parent #1 homework = “Source of fighting and miry for me and my child every evening”Symbolic interaction exerci Come up with 3 different meanings for:
High school
Eating lunch
销售人员岗位职责Discuss the with the person next to you
Insider or outsider perspective
Quantitative Rearch:Obtain an outsider view
Qualitative Rearch:Obtain an insider view
Insider vs outsider view,example
1、Evaluation of national preschool program, 1970s, USA (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007, p. 223) OUTSIDERVIEW:Quantitative data collection Survey of preschool directors Found that number of students with disabilities had incread to the required 10%
INSIDER VIEW:Qualitative data collection Obrvations of preschools and interviews with staff Found no change in students, just a change in how “disability”is defined
2、The government had recently mandated that the program increa by 10% the number of students with disabilities that it rved.
3、So the rearch question was: Had there been an increa in the number of students with disabilities rved by the program?
4、Ud qualitative and quantitative methods
Insider vs outsider view exerci
Think of an insider and an outsider view of a single event or situation that you have experienced or en. Describe it to the person sitting next to you.
“Making the familiar strange ”(Erickson, 1986)
One function of qualitative rearch in education is to make rearchers e everyday events in a new way. In other words, to “make the familiar strange.”
Making the familiar strange ,an example
内务A teacher decides to do a small qualitative study of “discipline”at her high school
She interviews a student who is frequently disciplined for misbehavior.
Student tells the teacher that unpopular students are frequently punished for behaviors that popular students are not punished for.
Teacher does not believe the student, but decides to investigate
Example of Making the familiar strange,cont
Teacher conducts obrvations in the cafeteria at lunchtime, paying clo attention to what students and teachers do
Discovers the student is correct:
Sees two unpopular, low-status students get punished by teachers for cutting in the lunch line, and then later es an athlete cut in line with no conquence
Sees teachers cloly monitoring behavior of unpopular students at one table, while ignoring equally boisterous behavior of popular students at another table
The teacher had been in that lunchroom many times before, but until she began systematically obrving, she had not noticed the phenomenon that the student had told her about.
Doing her small qualitative study “made the familiar strange”for her; it made her e everyday events with a new lens References:
Bogdan, R. C. & Biklen, S. K. (2007). Qualitative Rearch for Education. Boston: Pearson. Erickson,
F. (1986). Qualitative methods in rearch on teaching. In M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of rearch on teaching (pp. 119-161). New York, NY: Macmillan Esterberg, K. G. (2002). Qualitative Methods in Social Rearch. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

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