《牛津英语词典》新词 破例收录“Tweet”等网络词汇

更新时间:2023-07-20 02:46:51 阅读: 评论:0

《牛津英语词典》新词 破例收录“Tweet”等网络词汇
  "Tweet", "dad dancing" and "geekery" are three of more than 1,200 new or revid words in the latest version of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) relead on Friday.
  周五出版的最新版《牛津英语词典》收录修编了1200多条新词汇,包括"Tweet"(推文),"dad dancing" (老爸舞姿)和"geekery" (极客范儿)等。
不愿看到你流泪  The dictionary said in a quarterly update on its website that it had expanded its entries for "follow" (verb), "follower" (noun), and "tweet" (noun and verb) to include social media terms that have exploded in the past six years.
  《牛津英语词典》每季度更新一次,该词典在网站上表示,新版扩充了多条词汇,如"follow" 关注(动词)、"follower" 粉丝(名词)、"tweet" 推文/发推文(动词和名词)等,将过去六年人们最常用的社交媒体词汇收入新版词典中。
  Aording to the dictionary, "tweet" is now a posting on the social working rvice as well as its more traditional meaning: a brief high-pitched sound. 一群鸭子开会打一成语
  "This breaks at least one OED rule, namely that a new word needs to be current for ten years before consideration for inclusion," said the OED's chief editor John Simpson in a statement. "But it ems to be catching on."
  "Crowdsourcing", "flash mob", "geekery" and "dad dancing" also earned a place in an OED now containing 823,000 entries.
  新版《牛津英文词典》收词823,000条,包括"Crowdsourcing" (众包) "flash mob" (快闪)"
geekery" (极客范儿)和"dad dancing" (老爸舞姿)等网络词汇也被收录其中。
  "Crowdsourcing" is defined as the practice of obtaining information or rvices by soliciting input from a large number of people, typically via the Inter and often without offering pensation.
一世宠爱  "Crowdsourcing"(众包)的定义是:通过向大量人群征询意见建议,从而获得答案的行为。这种方式通常在网络上无偿进展。
  A "flash mob" is a large group of people organized by means of the Inter, or mobile phones or other wireless devices, who asmble in public to perform a prearranged action together and then quickly disper.
  "flash mob"快闪特指一群人,他们通过网络、手机或其他无线设施相互联系,一起到公共场所表演一段事先安排好的动作,然后快速分散离开。
  Watchers of "The Big Bang Theory" hit U.S. TV show will recognize "geekery". It's meaning has been updated from a rarely ud term for bizarre circus acts in favor of an o
bssive devotion to or knowledge of a particular subject or pursuit and also the state of being a geek or "geekiness".
  看热播美剧《生活大爆炸》的人对"geekery" (极客范儿)一词不会陌生。以前这个词指的是“怪异的马戏团表演”,并不常用;但现在却是“热衷于钻研某学科,在某领域有丰富知识”的意思,它也指成为"geek"这类人的状态。
  Other more worthy terms, such as "fiscal cliff", "e-reader" and "fracking" also make appearances alongside an alarm bell for fathers of brides at the height of the wedding ason.
  其它更常用的词条还有"fiscal cliff" (财政悬崖) , "e-reader"(电子书)和"fracking"(水力压裂法)等。 这些词和“结婚旺季中的新娘父亲警铃”一起出现在词典里。
  Tho funky moves on the dancefloor at the wedding reception are unlikely to impress the OED. They are drily captured by the term "dad dancing". 莲的古诗
  "An awkward, unfashionable, or unrestrained style of dancing to pop music, as characteristically performed by middle-aged or older men," the OED definition reads.
  《牛津英文词典》将"dad dancing"定义为:“一种笨拙、过时或放纵的舞蹈形式,有流行音乐伴奏,通常是中老年男子跳的舞。”

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