
更新时间:2023-07-20 01:56:25 阅读: 评论:0

气温确实高  你说呢 I don't know about you, it's just too hot today, isn't it?
而且在持续攀升 And it's going to get even wor.
目前已超过三十摄氏度 Temperatures up in the mid-30s Celsius,
也就是九十华氏度 that's the mid-90s Fahrenheit,
明天甚至可能过百 tomorrow, maybe even hitting 100.
小心晒伤  注意避暑 So, plea, remember to cover up and stay cool
FM电台陪您共度炎炎夏日 with the hottest hits on your FM dial.
走吧  伙计们  回家吧 Come on, guys, time to go home.
亲爱的  下来吧 Come on, love, off you get.
-再玩会儿行吗  -不行 - Do we have to? - Yes, we do.
晚上给你做好吃的补偿 I'll make you your favorite dinner to compensate.
听见他哀嚎了吗 He squealed like a pig, didn't he?
打的漂亮  大D  看到他的表情了吗 Yeah, brilliant punch, Big D. Did you e his face?
又欺负小孩子了 Beat up another 10-year-old?
-是他欠打  -就是 - This one derved it. - Yeah.
-五对一  真勇敢  -谁有你勇敢啊 - Five against one, very brave. - Well, you're one to talk.
睡觉都会哭 Moaning in your sleep every night?
至少我不怕枕头 At least I'm not afraid of my pillow.
别杀塞德里克 "Don't kill Cedric."
塞德里克是谁  你男朋友吗 Who's Cedric, your boyfriend?
-闭嘴  -他要杀我  妈妈救我 - Shut up. - "He's going to kill me, Mum."
你妈妈呢 Where is your mum?
你妈妈呢  波特 Where is your mum, Potter?
死了 She dead?
是不是死了 Is she dead?
她就是个死了的 Is she a ?
-达力  -达力  我们走吧 - Dudley. - Dudley, let's go.
-怎么了  -你要干嘛 - What's going on? - What are you doing?
-不是我  -先走了  达力 - I'm not doing anything. - We're getting out of here, Dudley.
走吧  达力  快 Come on, Dudley, hurry up.
达力  快逃 Dudley, run.
呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum.
费格夫人 Mrs. Figg.
别收魔杖  哈利 Don't put away your wand, Harry.
以防他们再来 They might come back.
摄魂怪都出现在小惠金区了  还能多糟 Dementors in Little Whinging, whatever next?
整个世界一团乱 Whole world's gone topsy-turvy.
我不懂  你怎么知道 I don't understand. How do ?
是邓布利多  他让我看着你 Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you.
邓布利多  你认识他 Dumbledore asked you? You know Dumbledore?
那可怜孩子刚死在神秘人手里 After You-Know-Who killed that poor Diggory boy last year,
你真觉得他会让你一个人到处乱晃吗 did you expect him to let you go wandering on your own?
真是  亏他们还夸你聪明呢 Good Lord, boy. They told me you were intelligent.
回家呆着  不要出门 Now, get inside and stay there.
我想很快就会有人来 Expect someone will be in touch soon.肉末茄子
不管发生什么  都不要离开家 Whatever happens, don't leave the hou.
确实很热  不过哪里都一样 It is hot. That's right, hot everywhere.
汗流浃背  酷热难耐 There's sweat. There's stifling.
达达小宝贝 Diddykins?
是你吗 Is that you?
达达  弗农  快来 Duddy. Vernon, come quick.
得带他去医院 We're going to have to take him to a hospital.公安肩章
谁干的  儿子 Who did this to you, boy?
你高兴啦 Happy, are we, now?
你终于成功的逼疯了他 You've finally done it. You've finally driven him loopy.
弗农  别胡说 Vernon, don't say that.
佩妮 你看儿子成什么样了 Well, just look at him, Petunia. Our boy has gone yumpy.
你听着  我受够你了 I've reached my limit, do you hear?
我不会再容忍你这些怪事了 This is the last I'm gonna take of you and your nonn.
-亲爱的波特先生  -怎么回事 - Dear Mr. Potter. - What?
魔法部接到情报 The Ministry has received intelligence
表明您在今晚6:23分 that at 6:23 this evening,
在一名麻瓜面前使用了守护神咒 you performed the Patronus Charm in the prence of a Muggle.
该行为严重违反了 As a clear violation
《限制未成年巫师魔法使用条例》 of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery,
特此通知  您已经正式 you are hereby expelled
被霍格沃茨魔法学校开除 from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
此致  玛法尔达·霍普柯克 Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk.
苍天有眼 Justice.
他不太舒服 He's not very well.
抱歉  海德薇 Sorry, Hedwig.
这家麻瓜真是干净 Very clean, the Muggles.
-唐克斯  拜托  -真是干净 - Tonks, for God's sake. - Unnatural.
穆迪教授 Professor Moody.
-你怎么在这  -当然是救你 - What are you doing here? - Rescuing you, of cour.
救我去哪呢  信上说我被开除了 But where are we going? The letter said I've been expelled.
还没  金斯莱  你打头 You haven't been. Not yet. Kingsley, you take point.
但是吼叫信 But the
邓布利多说服了魔法部等听证会后 Dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend
隆重-再做决定  -听证会 - ... pending a formal hearing. - A hearing?
别着急  等我们到了总部 Don't worry. We'll explain
convinced会有人给你解释清楚 everything when we get back to headquarters.
到了再说  尼法朵拉 Not here, Nymphadora.
别叫我尼法朵拉[有下流意味] Don't call me Nymphadora.
保持队形 Stay in formation, everyone.
就算出人命也不能乱队形 Don't break ranks if one of us is killed.
进去  孩子 In you go, son.学习国学的意义
没有目击者 There've been no sightings.
没有被害人  没有证据 No deaths. No proof.
他差点杀了哈利  这还不算证据吗 He almost killed Harry. If that isn't
不是  但是看好那个东西才是最重要的 Yes, but guarding you-know-what is the

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