哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)简介:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, first published in 1998, is the cond instalment in the Harry Potter ries written by J. K. Rowling. During Harry's cond year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a ries of messages on the walls on the school's corridors warn that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened and that the "heir of Slytherin" will kill all pupils who parents are not both magical. The threats are followed by attacks which leave residents of the school petrified. Harry finds an enchanted diary, the property of Tom Marvolo Riddle, which shows him a vision of the last ries of attacks, 50 years ago. After the diary is stolen, Harry's friend Hermione Granger is petrified, but a note clasped in her hand reveals that the attacker is a Basilisk which travels through the school's wers. Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of Harry's friend Ron, is abducted and the two boys t out to hunt down the Basilisk. In the Chamber of Secrets Harry finds Ginny unconscious beside the diary. Tom Riddle appears and reveals that he is a copy, stored in the diary, of the boy who became Voldemort, the dark wizard who caud a magical war and tried to kill Harry eleven years ago. Riddle summons the Basilisk but Fawkes, Professo
白加黑广告r Dumbledore's phoenix, brings Harry Godric Gryffindor's sword. Harry kills the Basilisk but is mortally wounded by its venomous fangs, one of which breaks off. After being healed by Fawkes, Harry stabs the diary with the broken fang, destroying the copy of Tom Riddle. A potion which has been in preparation since the Basilisk's first attack restores all of its victims.
Although Rowling found it difficult to finish the book, it won high prai from critics and awards from critics, young readers and the book industry, although some critics thought the story was perhaps too frightening for younger children. Some religious authorities have condemned its u of magical themes, while others have praid its emphasis on lf-sacrifice and on the way in which a person's character is the result of the person's choices.
Commentators noted that personal identity is a strong theme, highlighted in Harry's questions about himlf and in the concealment of idenity by Tom Riddle and by the vain, dishonest and cowardly celebrity Gilderoy Lockhart. Opposition to racism is exemplified b
y Harry's considerate treatment of various non-magical, non-human and non-living characters. Some commentators regard the diary as a warning against uncritical acceptance of information from sources who motives and reliability cannot be checked. Harry and Ron show little regard for rules, and Dumbledore endors their actions becau thay saved the school. Institutional authority is portrayed as lf-rving and incompetent.
The film version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, relead in 2002, became the third film to exceed $600 million in international box office sales and received generally favourable reviews. However, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers won the Saturn Award for the Best Fantasy Film. Video games looly bad on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets were also relead for veral platforms, and most obtained favourable reviews. 哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校学习一年之后,暑假开始了。他在姨父姨妈家熬过痛苦的假期。正当他准备打点行装去学校时,家养小精灵多比前来发出警告:如果哈利返回霍格沃茨,灾难将会临头。多比为哈利重返霍格沃兹设置了很多障碍,但哈利和罗恩还是开着韦斯莱先生会飞的福特老爷车,义无反顾地回到了霍格沃茨……
茉莉花古筝 新来的黑魔法防御课老师 吉德罗.洛哈特 是很多女巫的偶像,因为他外貌英俊,风度翩翩,而且他写出了一系列著作,如《会魔法的我》等等,描述了他所经历的很多惊险的场面,为他在魔法界赢得了很高的声誉。然而,通过了解,哈利渐渐发现,洛哈特教授不过是一个夸夸其谈的伪君子,他在魔法上造诣似乎并不像他吹嘘的那样深厚。并且,洛哈特教授生性虚荣,不断向哈利传输所谓“名人的行为准则”,让哈利不胜其烦。
哈利和罗恩在一次探视被石化的赫敏时,无意中发现赫敏手中握着一张从图书馆书上撕下来的纸,上面写着“蛇怪” 和“管子”。哈利一下子恍然大悟,原来他一直听到的声音是蛇怪的声音,因为他是蛇佬腔,所以只有他能听到,而别人听不到。而这个声音之所以一直在移动,是因为蛇怪一直藏在城堡里的下水管道里面,并移动着。而50年前死去的女学生,如果她一直没有离开她死去的地方,那么她就是女生盥洗室里的幽灵“了界人物形象”。