“Early to bed, early to ri makes people healthy, wealthy and wi.” This is an old English saying. Children should have eight hours’ sleep every night, or they can’t do their work very well. They will not be wi. The body needs exerci. Walking, running, swimming and playing ball games are all exerci. Exerci keeps the body strong.
( ) (1). “Early to ri” means we should ______ early.
A. go to bed B. go home C. get up
( ) (2). Children should have ______ hours’ sleep every night.
A. 9 B. 8 C. 7
( ) (3). Everybody______ exerci.
A. doesn’t need B. needs C. wants
( ) (4). ______ are good exerci.
A . Swimming and eating B. Running and singing
C. Walking and playing football
( ) (5). Exerci makes us ______.
逗女朋友开心的话A. fat B. strong C. ill
“Early to bed,early to ri”makes a man healthy, wealthy and wi.It's good for the body.
This is an old saying.Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.Then we shall be healthy.We shall also be rich and clever.
That is true.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young age should have enough sleep,or they can't do their work very well.They will not be wi and they may not become wealthy!
The body also needs exerci walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games and all other exerci.Exerci keeps the body strong.Exerci also helps the blood to move around inside the body.This is very important.Our blood takes food to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exerci helps us to think better.
(1).What does“early to bed.early to ri”mean?
(2).What must the body have to be healthy?
(3).What will happen to Children of young age who don't have enough sleep?
(4).What keeps the body strong?
(5).What takes food to all parts of our body?
Red Apples Gym
Swimming Mon. ~ Fri. ~
Basketball Mon. ~ Sun. ~
Volleyball Mon. ~ Sun. ~
Aerobics Mon. ~ Sun. ~
Tel 6589417
Welcome You!
Green Trees Gym(体育馆)
Swimming Mon. ~ Sun. ~
Basketball Sat. ~ Sun. ~
Volleyball Mon. ~ Sat. ~
Aerobics(健身操) Mon. ~ Sun. ~
Tel 6227225
E-mail greentrees@yahoo
( )⑴I want to go swimming on Sunday. Where can I go?
A.Green Trees Gym.
B.Red Apples Gym.制作风铃
C.Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym.
D.You can't go swimming on Sunday.
( )⑵I want to play basketball on Monday morning. Where can I go?
A.Green Trees Gym.
B.Red Apples Gym.
C.Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym.
D.Green Apples Gym.
( )⑶I play volleyball at 900 every morning. Where can you find me?
A.Green Trees Gym.
B.Red Apples Gym.
C.Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym.
D.At home.
( )⑷I do aerobics every afternoon. So you can call me at 6589417. Do you know where
试用期内辞退员工是否需要赔偿I'm going to be(将会在)?
A.At Green Balls Gym.
B.At Red Apples Gym. 素炒胡萝卜丝
C.in the school.
D.On the playground.
( )⑸Which gym accepts (接受) mail from computer? ___________.
A.Green Balls Gym.
B.Red Apples Gym.
C.Green Trees Gym.
D.Red Trees Gym.
In China, most students go to school by bike or by bus. If the school is not far, they can walk to school every day. Few students are late for school. But things are different in other countries. In many Western countries, students live far from their schools and they have different ways to get to school. Many of them go by subway. In some cities, there are double-deck bus. This kind of bus has two floors and it can carry more people. So,
some Students can take a double-deck bus to school. In some cold countries, it often snows. The students in town may take a school bus. But the students in villages far from the school have to go by sledge (雪橇)becau there is snow everywhere. Sometimes, the students may be late for school. If it snows heavily, the students can only study at home. Guess, in which country, students may go to school by bus?