题 目基于51单片机的简易计步器设计
学生姓名 彭伟东
学 号 ***********
系 别 自动控制系
专 业 电气工程与自动化
指导教师 曹永娟
二O一六 年 五 月祭灵魂惊弓之鸟比喻什么 三十 日
南京信息工程大学滨江学院自动控制系,江苏 南京 210044
关键字:计步器;ADXL345;传感器电路; STC89C52
Simple pedometer design bad on 51 MCU
Peng Weidong
Department of Automation and Control,NUIST,Nanjing 210044,China
Abstract:Pedometer is a popular daily exerci monitor,which can inspire people’s potential to challenge himlf, enhance physique and, help thin body. In addition pedometer can analyze the healthy condition of body according to the calculated people's movement situation. This paper designs a pedometer which us of people’s movement to detect changes generated by the acceleration of steps.The pedometer utilization of implementation scheme pedometer, small size, low power consumption, high ADXL345 three axis acceleration nsor, chip can put the data acquisition to internal data processing for the digital data acquisition to acceleration data, after appropriate algorithm can achieve plan step function. This paper introduces the design of a paragraph of the pedometer ADXL345 bad on acceleration nsor. Introduces the software algorithm real pedometer while the SPI has integrated chip I²C interface, and I can be conveniently data transmission to the main control chip. The system is simple in design, realization convenient.