绍氏酥鱼Downloading music should茶杯犬多少钱一只 be charged登鹳雀楼古诗解释
By Katelyn
Recently, Chine fans have found that many of the songs they ud to listen to have become unavailable for both play and download. Many music-streaming platforms have asrted that the music without company’s authorization is banned from downloading on account of respecting the copyrights of music producers. However, a few findings of the study claim that illegal music downloads em to have a positive impact on music industry. Though downloading illegal music may benefit the music sales, I still would like to emphasize that downloading music should be charged.
First of all, downloading music for charge not only means respecting the copyrights of music producers, but also shows the reverence to their hard work on music. Every art has its own price, and music is no exception. Downloading illegal music just like stealing music producers’paper怎么读 talents yet get away from punishment. Once you download the music illegally, what you are conveying is that their music is worthless and their efforts should not be paid
off. Secondly, downloading music without authorization actually has a negative effect on the sales of musical products such as albums, disks and casttes, which may do harm to the whole music industry. The advance of technology, especially peer-to-peer file sharing, provides the Internet urs with almost unlimited access to various music. If the music industry is not earning money, record labels will have no funds to take on talented artists. Hence, the whole music industry is caught in predicament inevitably.
In all, for the sake of protecting artists’ time-consuming creation as well as the long-term development of music industry, downloading music should be charged.
Time:43 minutes