Charged Device Model (CDM) Qualification Issues水仙花球
Purpo /Abstract
•IC design for performance constraints make it increasingly difficult to meet the current CDM levels as the technologies continue to shrink and the circuit
speed demands continue to increa
•This work shows that devices with CDM levels below the general target of 500 V can safely be handled with CDM control methods available in the industry today •Bad on the obrvations and constraints it will be shown through this work that 250V is a safe and practical target CDM level
•Relevance of CDM
•CDM Technology & Design Issues •CDM Qualification Methods
•ESD Control Methods Addressing CDM •Analysis of Field Return Data •Summary
Relevance of CDM
•CDM is a unique and important test method for IC component ESD testing
•There are proven damage signatures for field returns due to fast ESD discharges with high peak current that cannot be reproduced by HBM (or MM)薪酬设计
•CDM testing can effectively replicate the failure signatures赵构
•Typical discharge scenarios have been simulated in IC testing and obrved in manufacturing which cau CDM failure signatures
CDM is a necessary and important qualification test
CDM Technology & Design Issues
•CDM protection design is primarily driven by the peak current from the IC package discharge at the
荷兰首相required (targeted) CDM voltage level.
•Increasing package size (and capacitance) lead to increasing peak CDM current for a given CDM stress
•Additionally, CDM protection design is increasingly limited by reduction in breakdown voltage of gate dielectrics and junctions.