Ah-Bing 词汇预览
1. 收养的 adoptive
2. 二胡 er-hu
3. 流浪的 vagrant/vagabond
4. 艰辛的 rough
5. 作曲 compo
6. 改编 modify
7. 杰作 masterpiece
8. 独奏 solo
9. 著名的 renowned
1. jazz/rock-n’-roll/country western
2. heavy metal music/samba/rumba/waltz木兰诗拼音版
3. Tango/chamber music/blues
4. National anthem
5. patriotic/lyric/hit song
6. concerto 协奏曲
7. rap 说唱
8. chant 吟唱
9. rhapsody 狂想曲
10. renade 小夜曲
11. sonata 奏鸣曲
12. 不在话下lullaby 催眠曲
13. march song
14. wedding/funeral march
15. overture/finale/suite序曲/终曲/组曲
16. 乐谱 music
17. 简谱 numerical note
18. 五线谱 staff/stave
19. 姜黄的功效节 bar
20. 高音/中音/低音谱号treble/alto/bass clef
21. 大调/小调 major/minor
22. 咏叹调 aria
23. 老师是辛勤的园丁升音/降音 sharp/flat
24. 全/二分/四分/八分/十六分/三十二分/附点音符
whole note/half/crotchet/quaver/miquaver/demimiquaver/dotted note
25. 拍子 tempo/meter
26. 四拍 four beat
27. 和弦 chord
28. 合唱 chorus
29. 副歌 refrain
30. 假声 faltto
31. 走调 mistune
32. 不合拍 out of beat
33. 指挥棒 (conductor’s) baton
34. 吹鼓手 blowers and drummers
35. 男高/中/低音 tenor/baritone/bass
36. 女高/中/低soprano/mezzo soprano/alto
37. sole/duet/trio/quartet/quintet
38. xtet/ptet/octet/nonet
39. Encore!
40. 山歌 ditty
41. 琵琶 lute
42. 胡琴 huqin/jinghu/erhu
43. 胡笳 Tartar reed flute
44. 笛子 flute
45. 琴书story-telling, mainly in song, with musical accompaniment
46. 演唱会vocal concert
47. 瑟/spinet (25-stringed plucked instrument)
48. 筝 zheng/zither
49. 笙 sheng (a reed pipe instrument)
50. 箫 xiao (a vertical bamboo flute)
51. 扬琴 dulcimer
52. 锣 gong
53. 唢呐 suo-na (Chine oboe)
54. bugle 军号
55. clarinet 单簧管
56. trumpet 小号
57. tuba 土巴
58. trombone 长号
59. oboe 双簧管
60. bassoon 巴松低音管
61. flute piccolo recorder 竖笛
62. violin/viola/cello
63. kettledrum定音鼓 side-drum drum stick
64. acoustic guitar 原声吉他 electric guitar
65. cymbals
66. xylophone 木琴 harp 竖琴
67. key/mute/valve/mouthpiece/reed/bow/tuning peg/fret/finger hole
68. saxophone
69. bow/sting/woodwind/percussion
70. striptear/gigolo
71. wallflower ballerina
72. Ambush on All Sides
73. Three Moon-reflecting Tarns
74. Blooming Flowers and Full Moon
75. High Mountains, Flowing Rivers
76. Flowers Blooming at Malan
77. Three Plum Blossoms Melodies
78. Three Songs of Yang Pass
79. The Fall Moon over the Han Palace
80. Evening of Spring River, Flowers and Moon
1. The melody is very haunting and sad(哀婉动听,令人难忘).
2. The stage tting is gorgeous.
3. Who’s starring the new film?
4. The critics said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining.
5. The singer was accompanied at/on the piano by her sister.
6. What impresd me most is not merely the theme, but the way they’ve put it across(演技).
7. Critics are expecting it to be nominated for an Oscar Award.
8. It received the Golden Cock Award for the play story of 2003.
9. The theme song of this film is said to be sung by the actress who played the heroine.
10. He performed with real talent and gusto(artistic style).
11. Her performance in the film has a great appeal for the general public.
12. She said she had got her life part.
13. She won the Oscar award for the best actress for her excellent performance in “Gone with the Wind”.
14. Music has played a vital role in life.
15. The masterpiece of Chine classical music is reprented by “Lofty Mountain & Flowing River.”
16. Today, American folk music in its various form has conquered the planet and become the music of a generation.
17. In other music areas, America has been tting the tone for a long time.
18. When it comes to classical music, the US has a right to be proud of veral prestigious orchestras, among them: the New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles Symphony Orchestras.
19. This kind of music appeals to the listener’s feelings and imaginations.
20. He has a fabulous technique. He can do whatever he likes in any key. (技艺精湛,潇洒自如)
21. Everything with him was violent, exaggerated and passionate.
22. She looks fit and she’s very graceful.
23. She is keeping perfect time with the music.
1. 独舞 solo dance
2. 抒情舞 lyric dance
3. 河山 landscape
4. 诗情画意 poetic picture
5. 肚子疼英文花香弥漫 be permeated with fragrance of flowers
6. 吸食毒品流连忘返
7. 扑打翅膀 flutter the wings
8. 抒发 express
9. 憧憬 long(ing) for
10. 繁华盛开 flowers in full blossom
Reference version for Ah-Bing the Blind:
Ah-Bing was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu province in 1893. His parents died when he was youn
g. From his adoptive father, who named Hua Yan-jun, he learned to play various Chine musical instruments, er-hu in particular. (adopted son, half-brother, step-daughter)