(do sports)多运动。
(Move More) 多运动。
(exerci more) 去做更多运动。
(eating well ) 吃地好(and exercising more) 多运动。
英语输入法 (take more exerci ) 多运动, (keep healthy) 保持健康。
Exerci more and eat less. 多运动少吃。
The doctor him eat more fruit and more exerci. 大夫建议他多吃水果,多运动。烟台龙口南山
Usually it's to lo weight, take more exerci, drink less or stop smoking. 通常是减肥、多运动、少喝酒或者戒烟。
Take more exerci and have less fat food. 多运动,少吃油腻东西.
Much exerci is esntial to one's health. 多运动对健康很重要。
Early-stage Alzheimer's patients have a new incentive to get moving. 早期的老年痴呆症患者有了多运动的新理由。
We should start playing sports more. 我们应该多运动运动。
Doing plenty of exerci keeps one fit. 多运动才能身体好。
Move more, let body eduction old moisture, absorb new moisture. 多运动, 让身体排出旧水分, 吸收新水分.
The book advid taking more exerci. 医生建议多运动…
Like more exerci, eat less, more family time, etc. 好比多运动,少吃鲇,和家人多有时间相处等等。
The doctor advid taking exerci . 医生让多运动。
You must eat less and keep sports more. Only in this way can you lo your weight.你必须少吃多运动,只有这样你才能把体重减下去(减肥)。
Eat and exerci more - it long been the mantra extra pounds. 少吃点,多运动 -- 这一直是肥胖者的减肥“座右铭”.
A method to detect the respective speed of multiple motion targets in complex scenes is prented. 介绍一种在复杂场景下进行多运动目标速度检测的技术方法。
经典童谣The Olympic Games is an international multi - sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. 奥林匹克运动会是多运动的国际性比赛,可分为夏季赛事和冬季赛事.
It’s almost a magic pill: do a bit of exerci every day, and you get healthy. 每天多运动一会本身就是一剂神奇的药方,它可以让我们拥有一个健康的身体。
Aimed at the motion gmentation problem in video quence, a novel approach for detecting and gmenting multiple moving objects was prented bad on level-t method. 针对视频图像的运动分割问题,提出了一种基于水平集力法的多运动目标检测和分割新方法。真开头的四字成语
Ms. Gates encouraged her kids to study hard, play sports and take music lessons. (Bill Gates tried the trombone with little success.) 妻子鼓励孩子们刻苦学习,多运动,并学习音乐(比尔·盖茨曾学过长号,但没什么建树)。幽默
It ems that the key to avoiding cancers is to have an overall healthy lifestyle which includes not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, taking exerci and avoiding obesity. 杜绝癌症并不能局限于“每日五种”的饮食结构,保持一种总体健康的生活方式才是预防疾病的关键所在。 戒烟酒,多运动,防肥胖……这些,才是拥有健康体魄的有利保证。