here is city perspective ted演讲

更新时间:2023-07-19 19:56:11 阅读: 评论:0

here is city perspective ted演讲
On this planet today,there are about 50 citiesthat are larger than five million people.I'm going to share with youthe story of one such city,a city of ven million people,but a city that's a temporary megacity,an ephemeral megacity.This is a city that is builtfor a Hindu religious festivalcalled Kumbh Mela,which occurs every 12 years,in smaller editions every four years,and takes place at the confluenceof the Ganges andthe Yamuna rivers in India.And for this festival,about 100 million people congregate.The reason so many people congregate here,is the Hindus believethat during the festival,the cycle every 12 years,if you bathe at the confluenceof the two great riversyou are freed from rebirth.
江河日下的意思It's a really compelling idea,you are liberated from life as we know it.And this is what attracts the millions.And an entire megacityis built to hou them.Seven million peoplelive there for the 55 days,and the other 100 million visit.The are images from the same spotthat we took over the 10 weeksthat it takes for the city to emerge.After the monsoon,as the waters of the riversbegin to recedeand the sand banks expo themlv英语字母学习
es,it becomes the terrain for the city.And by the 15th of January,starting 15th of Octoberto 15th of January,in the weeks an entire city emerges.A city that hous ven million people.What is fascinating is this cityactually has all the characteristicsof a real megacity:a grid is employed to lay the city out.The urban system is a gridand every street on this citygoes across the river on a pontoon bridge.Incredibly resilient,becau if there's an unasonal downpouror if the river changes cour,the urban system stays intact,the city adjusts itlf to this terrainwhich can be volatile.It also replicates all forms of physical,as well as social, infrastructure.Water supply, wage, electricity,there are 1,400 CCTV camerasthat are ud for curityby an entire station that is t up.But also social infrastructure,like clinics, hospitals,all sorts of community rvices,that make this functionlike any real megacity would do.10,500 sweepersare employed by the city.
河车大造胶囊It has a governance system,a Mela Adhikari,or the commissioner of the festival,that ensures that land is allocated,there are systems for all of this,that the system of the city, the mobility,all works efficiently.You know, it was the cleanestand the most efficient Indian cityI've lived in.And that's what it looks likein comparison to Manhattan,30 square kilomet
ers,that's the scale of the city.And this is not an informal cityor a pop-up city.This is a formal city,this is a state enterpri,the government ts this up.In today's worldof neoliberalism and capitalism,where the state has devolved itlfcomplete responsibilityfrom making and designing cities,this is an incredible ca.
It's a deliberate,intentional city, a formal city.And it's a city that sitson the ground very lightly.It sits on the banks of the rivers.And it leaves very little mark.There are no foundations;fabric is ud to build this entire city.What's also quite incredibleis that there are five materialsthat are ud to build this ttlementfor ven million
people:eight-foot tall bamboo, string or rope,nails or screw and a skinning material.Could be corrugated metal,a fabric or plastic.And the materialscome together and aggregate.
It's like a kit of parts.And it's ud all the wayfrom a small tent,which might houfive or six people, or a family,to temples that can hou 500,sometimes 1,000 people.And this kit of parts,and this imagination of the city,allows it to be disasmbled.And so at the endof the festival, within a week,the entire city is disasmbled.The are again images f
大蒜素软胶囊rom the same spot.And the terrainis offered back to the river,as with the monsoonthe water swells again.And it's this sort of imaginationas a kit of partsthat allows this disasmblyand the reabsorption of all this material.So the electricity polesgo to little villages in the hinterland,the pontoon bridgesare ud in small towns,the material is all reabsorbed.Fascinating, it's amazing.Now, you may embracethe Hindu beliefs or not.
布农铃But you know, this is a stunning example,and it's worthy of reflection.Here, human beings spend an enormousamount of energy and imaginationknowing that the city is going to rever,it's going to be disasmbled,it's going to disappear,it's the ephemeral megacity.And it has profound lessons to teach us.
Lessons about how to touchthe ground lightly,about reversibility,about disasmbly.Rather amazing.And you know, we are, as humans,obsd with permanence.We resist change.It's an impul that we all have.And we resist change in spite of the factthat change is perhapsthe only constant in our lives.Everything has an expiry date,including Spaceship Earth, our planet.So what can we learnfrom the sorts o
f ttlements?Burning Man, of cour much smaller,but reversible.Or the thousands of marketsfor transaction,that appear around the globein Asia, Latin America, Africa,this one in Mexico,where the parking lots are animatedon the weekends, about 50,000 vendors,but on a temporal cycle.The farmer's market in the Americas:it's an amazing phenomenon,creates new chemistries,extends the margin of spacethat is unud or not ud optimally,like parking lots, for example
In my own city of Mumbai,where I practiceas an architect and a planner,I e this in the everyday landscape.I call this the Kinetic City.It twitches like a live organism;it's not static.It changes every day,on sometimes predictable cycles.About six million peoplelive in the kindsof temporary ttlements.Like -- unfortunately, like refugee camps,the slums of Mumbai,the favelas of Latin America.Here, the temporaryis becoming the new permanent.Here, urbanism is not about grand vision,it's about grand adjustment.On the street in Mumbai,during the Ganesh festival,a transformation.A community hall is created for 10 days.Bollywood films are shown,thousands congregatefor dinners and celebration.
It's made out of paper-macheand plaster of Paris.Designed to be disasmbled,and in 10 days, overnight, it disappears,and the street goes back to anonymity.Or our wonderful open spaces,we call them maidans.And it's ud for thisincredibly nuanced and complicated,fascinating Indian game, called cricket,which, I believe, the British invented.And in the evenings,a wedding wraps aroundthe cricket pitch --Notice, the cricket pitchis not touched, it's sacred ground.But here, the club membersand the wedding partypartake in tea through a common kitchen.And at midnight, it's disasmbled,and the space offered back to the city.Here, urbanism is an elastic condition.

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