每周末早上我会复习之前做过的听写, 每次复习一周的内容,重新听写之前听错的句子,今天复习第64-70次听写《银河护卫队》. 挖空的地方代表我之前听写时的错误, 我看看当时的错误, 自己现在能听对多少.
Show time, A-holes.
Gonna be here any minute.
Which will be its loss
I thought your thing was a sword.
We’ve been hired to stop an inter-dimensional beast from feeding on tho batteries.
__1__ gonna stop it with a sword?
It’s just swords were your thing and guns were mine.
but…I guess we’re both doing guns now.
I just didn’t know that.
Drax, why aren’t you wearing one of rocket’s __2__ ?
It hurts.
It hurts.
教师职业病I have nsitive nipples.
What about him?
What’s he doing?
I’m finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work.
How is that a priority?
__4__ Quill.
He’s the one who loves music so much.
高中英语演讲稿I actually agree with Drax on this.天资聪慧
That’s hardly important right now.
Oh, okay. sure, Quill.
No, riosly.
I side with Drax.
I understand that. You’re being very rious right now.
I can clearly e you winking.
Damn it, I’m using my left eye?
I am groot.
They were not looking at you funny.
I have single handedly vanquished the beast.
股份合作协议What are they called again?
王昭君出塞__6__ batteries.
__7__ batteries.
That’s nothing like what I just said.
But they’re worth thousands of units a piece,
which is why the __8__ hired us to protect them.
Careful what you say around the folks.
They’re easily offended.
The cost of transgression is death.
We thank you guardians for putting your lives on the line.
We could not risk the lives of our own sovereign citizens.
Every citizen is born exactly as designed by the community.
Impeccable both physically and mentally.
We control the DNA of our progeny.
Germinating them in birthing pods.
I guess I prefer to make people __9__ .
Well, perhaps someday you could give me a history lesson in the archaic ways of our ancestors for academic purpos.
I would be honored.
Yes, in the name of rearch.
I think that could be pretty…pretty repulsive.
__10__ that kind of casual…
Oh plea,__11__ promid something in exchange for our rvices.
Bring it and we shall gladly be on our way.
What were you thinking?
Dude, they were really easy to steal.
That’s your defen?
Come on, you saw how that __12__ .
I’m teaching her a lesson.
I didn’t realize your motivation was altruism.
It’s really a shame the sovereign __13__ mistaken your intentions and they’re trying to kill us.
I was being sarcastic.
No, __14__ to u a sarcastic voice.
Now I look foolish.
Can we put __15__ on hold until after we __16__ this massive space battle.
More incoming.
Good, I’m gonna kill some guys.
Quill, to make it through that , you’d have to be the greatest pilot in the univer.
Lucky for us, I am.
What are you doing?
小学语文教研组工作计划I’ve been flying this rig since I was 10 years old.
I was __17__ enginneered to pilot a spacecraft.
You were __18__ enginneered to be a douchebag.
Stop it.
That was awesome!
Look at this.
Where’s the other half of our ship?
My ship?
Either one of you could have gotten us through that field.
Had you __19__ with what’s between your ears instead of what’s between your legs.
If what’s between my legs had a hand on it, I guarantee you I could have landed thi
s ship with…
Peter, we almost died becau of your arrogance.
More like becau he stole the Anulax batteries.
They’re called Harbulary batteries.
No, they’re not.
1 And I’m
2 aero rigs
3 My nipples hurt. Oh, goodness me
新的生命4 Blame
5 Well, that’s inten
6 Anulax
7 Harbulary
8 sovereign
9 the old fashioned way
10 I’m not into
11 you people
12 high priestess talked down to us
13 have
14 you’re suppod
15 the bickering
16 survive
17 cybernetically
18 cybernetically
19 flown
2还是听不错, 扔掉算了
3一开始还是听成了My nipples are no good for me…和上次听的一模一样, 反复听了多次, 答案冒出来了, 是My nipples hurt, 然后再听, 后边是oh goodness me
5一开始听的还是that’s a death…和上次一模一样, 反复听了多次, 答案冒出来了, 是inten
9还是写了the old fashion way, 听不到那个ed啊啊啊
11还是写了your people, 呃呃呃
12听成了high priest has/is talked down to us, 由于不知道priestess这个词, 导致解码错误
13完全听不到, 只能语法补足, 我补成has了, 好像上次也是has