
更新时间:2023-07-19 18:44:02 阅读: 评论:0

浜屻€?strong>Part A
Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET
涓夈€?strong>Text 1
Have you heard about the book which pushes blood types as determining whether somebody should be vegetarian or not?
The idea of choosing foods bad on your blood type was popularized by Peter J. D'Adamo, ND, in his
book, Eat Right For Your Type (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1996). D'Adamo, a naturopath, propos that tho who have blood type A should be vegetarian, while tho with blood type O must eat meat and eliminate wheat and some other grains. He says that following the
correct diet for your blood type will help you maintain optimal health and weight, avoid many infections, and fight back against life-threatening illness. Is there any truth to his claims?
While D'Adamo spends more than 350 pages explaining the minute details of the foods, supplements, medications, and exerci regimens which should be followed by people with each blood type, he fails to scientifically document the effectiveness of his recommendations. Many of the claims which he makes are not backed up by published rearch. For example, depending on your blood type, you are prented with detailed lists of foods which are
个子长高的方法highly beneficial, neutral, or to be avoided. How were the lists generated? Has any rearch been published showing adver health effects from u of foods which should be avoided? No studies are prented which support what appear to be the author's speculations. Numerous studies have shown that vegetarians live longer than non-vegetarians and have a lower risk of a number of chronic dias. The studies are likely to be bad on people from all blood type groups. It certai
nly ems that a vegetarian diet has benefits for tho studied, regardless of their blood type. Similarly, studies like tho of Dean Ornish appear to demonstrate the beneficial effect of a vegetarian diet and other lifestyle changes on a number of individuals, and not just tho of a certain blood type.
Eat Right For Your Type should not be ud as the basis for dietary change. Statements like "I could never be a vegetarian, I'm type O" are not bad on scientific evidence and may even lead people to avoid making dietary changes which could benefit both their health and the health of our planet. Our advice? Stick with a varied, whole foods-bad vegetarian diet regardless of your blood type.
(1).What is the author's attitude toward D'Adamo's advice?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
全国中学生广播体操舞动青春A.Unbelieving. 鈭?/span>
(2).According to the author, which of the following has been amply proved?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.Vegetarian diet has brought about many lifestyle changes.
B.Non-vegetarians have a higher risk of many chronic dias. 鈭?/span>
C.Dietary changes at regular intervals will benefit people's health.
D.Diet according to one's blood type will help people maintain optimal weight.
宋代建筑(3).By using the word "pushes" (line I, paragraph I), the author ems to believe that the idea of choosing foods bad on one's blood type is锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
C.far-fetched. 鈭?/span>
(4).Which of the following statements is true of the text?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.A vegetarian diet will bring about optimal health regardless of blood types. 鈭?/span>
B.A vegetarian diet will produce a neutral effect for people with blood type O.
C.The same diet for people of different blood types will benefit their health.
D.Different diets for people of the same blood type will produce adver health effect.
(5).It can be inferred that the author锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.favors strict diet according to one's blood type.
B.advocates limited diet regardless of one's blood type.
湛江卫校C.prefers a combination of meat and vegetarian diet as a lifelong habit.
D.favors a varied, whole foods-bad vegetarian diet. 鈭?/span>
鍥涖€?strong>Text 2
Despite improvements in state and local monitoring, America's beaches remain threatened by pollution and too many are not tested for water quality, according to a report today by an environmental organization. In its ninth annual "Testing the Waters" survey of vacation beaches, the Natural Resources Defen Council reported a record number of beach closings and swimming advisories in 1998. Many of tho were due to pollution stirred up by storms that hit southern California last year caud by the phenomenon known as El Nino.
One positive reason for the large number of closings, the group reported, is better monitoring of wate
r quality by state and local beach authorities. The report prais Myrtle Beach, S.C., and the state of Georgia derided as "beach bums" in previous annual reports for enacting new monitoring and public notification programs.
But Alabama, Louisiana, Oregon and Washington still lack any regular monitoring of beach water for swimmer safety, while Mississippi, Texas and Puerto Rico test beaches but have no public notification programs, according to the report.
"We are issuing this report ... as a reminder of how unchecked pollution continues to lower our quality of life and threaten public health," the NRDC wrote. "We hope this will provide an incentive for Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency, states and localities to
improve controls over the sources of coastal, pollution and to clo the gaps in monitoring and public notification along our coasts."
The annual report has been criticized for not recognizing distinctions among states with beaches. State officials in Washington, for instance, have pointed out that their beaches are ud far less for swimming and surfing than beaches in states like Florida, New Jery and California.
The NRDC says nine states -Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, New Hampshire, New Jery, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania -"comprehensively monitor most or all of their beaches and notify the public when health hazards exist".
The NRDC reported there were at least 7,236 days of closings and advisories in 1998 at ocean, bay, Great Lakes and freshwater beaches around the nation. There also were 41 extended closings and advisories lasting six to 12 weeks, and 36 that lasted more than 12 weeks.
Most of the beach closings and advisories were the result of tests that showed unhealthy levels of bacteria in the water, usually caud by wage or stormwater discharges. About a quarter of the closings were caud by a specific pollution event.
(1).The first paragraph points out that锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
B.America's beaches want better local monitoring.
C.The beaches in southern California were not properly monitored.
D.1998 witnesd the most beach closings and advisories. 鈭?/span>
(2).What does "advisory" (line 6, paragraph 1) mean?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.Public notification. 鈭?/span>
B.Public opinion.
C.Health recommendation.
D.A government guide.
(3).According to the cond paragraph, the reason for most beach closings is锛堝垎鏁帮細
< tide over the stormwater discharges.
< enact new monitoring laws.
< monitor better water quality control. 鈭?/span>
< avoid some specific pollution event.
(4).Which of the following statements is true according to the text?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00
A.The Congress has decided to exerci control over the sources of coastal pollution.
B.The annual report criticizes some states for not recognizing health hazards.
C.Some coastal states have clod their beaches but failed to advi the public of the health hazards. 鈭?/span>
D.In the US, all the coastal states have paid equal attention to beach monitoring.
(5).What may be the best title for the text?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.El Nino the Main Cau for Beach Pollution.
B.Pollution Still Mars American Beaches. 鈭?/span>
C.Clo the Gaps Between Closings and Advisories.
D.Beach Bums Become Cleaner.
浜斻€?strong>Text 3
Babies are less likely to grow up into fat children if they are fed breast milk exclusively, which provides powerful ammunition fi3r the campaign to encourage mothers to choo the breast over the bottle.
German scientists say their findings are the result of the largest study to date investigating the link b
etween breast-feeding and obesity later in life. The findings suggest breast-feeding could turn out to be a powerful strategy for fighting the spiraling level of childhood obesity. The study, which tracked 9,357 children in Bavaria, found that the longer babies were breast-fed exclusively before being switched to formula or food, the lower their chances of starting school as overweight children.
描写初秋的诗句The German study found that infants given only breast milk until they were 3 to 5 months old were more than a third less likely to be obe by the age of 5 or 6 than babies given only formula from the start. Tho breast-fed exclusively for 6 months to a year fared even
better -they were 43 percent less likely to be obe. Breast-feeding beyond a child's first birthday was better still, giving babies a 72 percent lower chance of turning out to be obe children.
Even just some breast milk proved to be better than none, according to the study. Children who were breast-fed for only 1:he first month or two of their lives were 10 percent less likely to be obe by the time they entered elementary school.
Besides being more likely to be obe, bottle-fed children also had a greater chance of being simply overweight by elementary school. As with obesity, the risk diminished the longer breast-feeding continued into childhood.
Children were clasd as overweight if their body mass index which allows comparison of the girth of people of different heights was in the highest 10 percent of all children their age and x in IBavaria. They were labeled obe if they were in the highest 3 percent.
The rearchers took into account veral factors that could have skewed the results, such as eatin.cl habits, socioeconomic class, birth weight, parents' and siblings' ages, how long the children played outside and whether they had their own bedrooms.
In fact, the fatter children were eating less butter, fewer desrts and whole-milk products, and more low-fat dairy foods -probably in an attempt to lo weight.
However, what is not clear from the study is how much of the children's weight problem was due to an inherited tendency to be fat. Experts noted that genetics might be responsible for a small percentage of the cas, but could not be the total explanation. A follow-up study which takes into account parents' weight suggests a genetic disadvantage doesn't em to make much difference.
But is it something in the breast milk, or something associated with the act of breast-feeding that makes a difference? It's a bit early for us to draw such a conclusion.
(1).The first paragraph shows that锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.breast-feeding is more beneficial to children's growth than bottlefeeding. 鈭?/span>
B.breast milk is the prime cau of childhood obesity.
C.bottle-feeding provides a powerful strategy for inherited obesity.
D.breast-feeding can curb the ever-increasing cas of adult obesity.
(2).The word"ammunition" (line 2, paragraph I) means锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.weapons. 鈭?/span>
B.gun powder
(3).Which of the following factors do the rearchers take into account when they study the children?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.Their heights,
B.Their gender.
C.Their school environment.
D.Their birth weight. 鈭?/span>
(4).What is the author's attitude toward the new finding?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
C.Cautious. 鈭?/span>
(5).Which of the following titles best summarizes the text?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>
A.A Little Breast Mill Goes a Long Way.
B.Impressive Results of Breast-Feeding. 鈭?/span>
C.A New Strategy for Fighting Adult Obesity.
D.It is Too Early to Favor the Breast over the Bottle.
鍏€?strong>Part B
The question of health care reform again wafts about the corridors of power in Washington. The revo
观察日记两则lutionary spirit of Thomas Jefferson is invoked with the language of a Patients' Bill of Rights. Life and liberty are again at stake, threatened by the tyrannical Chief Efficiency Officers of the managed care empires.
16. ______
Sadly, the answer is "no." Harry lost his management position three years ago in a downsizing applauded by Wall Street. He now works two jobs at $9 per hour and has no health benefits. Loui has metastatic breast cancer. They've re-mortgaged their hou to pay her medical bills. They have no time for pointless political posturing.
In 1993 the Clinton administration undertook an honest effort at health reform. It was flawed in many ways. But it was inspired by a genuine moral vision that a just and caring society ought to assure all of its citizens the right to health care.
The defining moral features of the plan were:
路 Universality (no one would be uninsured).
路 Nearly equal access (a thick package of health benefits would be guaranteed to all; no gregatio
n of the poor in dilapidated health plans).
路 No discrimination against the chronically ill (health plans could reject no one for pre-existing conditions).
路 Choice among health plans for virtually all (contrary to the Harry and Loui

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