代碼(CODE) | 劑型種類 (TERM) | 定義 (DEFINITION) |
AE | 噴霧劑(Aerosol dispenr) | 以壓縮氣體為推進劑,由開啟閥門壓射出細粉或霧粒之罐裝製劑(A container-held formulation which is disperd generally by a propellant as fine droplets or particles upon the actuation of a valve)。 |
AL | (其他)液劑(Any other liquid) | 尚未定義名稱與代碼供直接使用之液態製劑(A liquid not yet designated by a specific code, to be applied undiluted)。 |
AP | (其他)粉劑(Any other powder) | 尚未定義名稱與代碼供直接使用之粉狀製劑(A powder not yet designated by a specific code, to be applied undiluted)。 |
BR | 塊劑(Briquette) | 控制釋放有效成分於水中之塊狀固態製劑(Solid block designed for controlled relea of active ingredient into water)。 |
CB 什么是吊顶 | 濃餌劑(Bait concentrate) | 使用前加水稀釋調配之固態或液態餌劑(A solid or liquid intended for dilution before u as bait)。 |
CF | 種子處理膠囊懸著劑(Capsule suspension for ed treatment) | 膠囊懸著液專供種子處理用者(A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid to be applied to the ed, either directly or after dilution)。 |
CG | 膠囊粒劑(Encapsulated granule) | 腰果花粒劑外表被覆控制釋放或保護膠膜者(A granule with a protective or granule relea-controlling coating)。 |
CL | 觸殺液劑(Contact liquid or gel) | 殺鼠或殺蟲配方供直接使用之溶液或膠狀製劑(膠狀劑型稀釋後使用)(Rodenticidal or incticidal formulation in the form of a liquid/gel for direct application, or after dilution in the ca of gels.)。 |
CP | 觸殺粉劑(Contact powder; Formerly know as tracking powder (TP)) | 殺鼠或殺蟲配方供直接使用之粉劑(Rodenticidal or incticidal formulation in powder form for direct application)。 |
CS | 膠囊懸著劑(Capsule suspension) | 有效成分包埋於膠囊微粒形成穩定懸浮液之液狀製劑,通常以水稀釋調配後使用(A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid, normally intended for dilution with water before u)。 |
DC | 水分散性乳劑(Dispersible concentrate) | 使用前加水稀釋調配,有效成分形成固體微粒懸浮之外觀均質液狀製劑(部份產品可能與乳劑性質相近)(A liquid homogeneous formulation to be applied as a solid dispersion after dilution in water. (Note: there are some formulations which have characteristics intermediate between DC and EC))。 |
DP | 粉劑(Dustable powder) | 具流動性之撒佈用粉狀製劑(A free-flowing powder suitable for dusting)。 |
DS | 種子處理粉劑(Powder for dry ed treatment) | 粉劑專供種子直接混拌處理用者(A powder for application in the dry state directly to the ed)。 |
DT | 片劑(直接使用) (Tablet for direct application) | 使用前無需加水稀釋調配,直接施用於田野或水中之片狀製劑(Formulation in the form of tablets to be applied individually and directly in the field, and/or bodies of water, without preparation of a spraying solution or dispersion)。 |
EC | 乳劑(Emulsifiable concentrate) | 使用前加水稀釋調配,有效成分分散形成液體微滴乳狀液之液狀製劑(A liquid, homogeneous formulation to be applied as an emulsion after dilution in water)。 |
ED | 荷電液劑(Electrochargeable liquid) | 供靜電噴灑用之特殊液狀製劑(Special liquid formulation for electrostatic (electrodynamic) spraying)。 |
EG | 乳粒劑(Emulsifiable granule) | 使用時加水稀釋調配,在水中崩散後有效成分形成水基乳液之粒狀製劑(可能含有非水溶性之其他成分)(A granular formulation to be applied as an oil-in-water emulsion of the active ingredient(s) after disintegration in water, which may contain water insoluble formulants)。 |
EO | 油基乳劑(Emulsion, water in oil) | 有效成分溶解於水並形成微滴分布於連續相為有機溶劑之非均質液狀製劑(A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a solution of pesticide in water disperd as fine globules in a continuous organic liquid pha)。 |
EP | 乳粉劑(Emulsifiable powder) | 使用時以水稀釋調配,乳化形成連續水相乳液之粉狀製劑(可能含有非水溶性之其他成分)(A powder formulation to be applied as an oil-in-water emulsion of the active ingredient after dispersion in water, which may contain insoluble formulants阿拉伯数字的由来)。 |
ES | 種子處理乳劑(Emulsion for ed treatment) | 乳劑或水基乳劑專供種子處理用者(A stable emulsion for application to the ed either directly or after dilution)。 |
EW | 水基乳劑(Emulsion, oil in water) | 有效成分溶解於有機溶劑形成微滴分布於連續相為水之非均質液狀製劑(A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a solution of pesticide in an organic liquid disperd as fine globules in a continuous water pha)。 |
FG | 細粒劑(Fine granule) | 粒徑為300 至2500 m 間供直接使用之粒狀製劑(A granule in the particle size range from 300 to 2500 m)。 |
FS | 種子處理用水懸劑(Flowable concentrate for ed treatment) | 水懸劑專供種子處理用者(A stable suspension for application to the ed either directly or after dilution)。 |
FU | 燻煙劑(Smoke generator) | 燃燒後釋出含有效成分煙霧之可燃製劑,通常為固體(A combustible formulation, generally solid, which upon ignition releas the active ingredient(s) in the form of smoke),依其外形可細分為:燻煙罐(Smoke tin, FD);燻煙燭(Smoke candle, FK);燻煙匣(Smoke cartridge, FP);燻煙棒(Smoke rodlet, FR);燻煙片(Smoke tablet, FT);燻煙丸(Smoke pellet, FW)。 |
GA | 氣劑(Gas) | 盛裝於壓力容器中之氣體(A gas packed in pressure bottle or pressure tank)。 |
GE | 付款委托书范本產氣劑(Gas generating product) | 使用時經化學反應產生氣體之製劑(A formulation which generates a gas by chemical reaction)。 |
GF | 種子處理膠劑(Gel for ed treatment) | 專供種子直接混拌處理用之均勻凝膠狀製劑(A homogeneous gelatinous formulation to be applied directly to the ed)。 |
GG | 大粒劑(Macrogranule) | 粒徑為2000 至6000 m 間供直接使用之粒狀製劑(A granule in the particle size range from 2000 to 6000 m)。 |
GL | 乳膠劑(Emulsifiable gel) | 使用前以水稀釋調配,有效成分分散形成乳液之凝膠狀製劑(长寿梅A gelatinid formulation to be applied as an emulsion in water)。 |
GP | 飄浮粉劑(Flo-dust) | 用於溫室隨通風氣流飄散施用之極細微粉狀製劑(Very fine dustable powder for pneumatic application in greenhou)。 |
GR | 粒劑(Granule) | 特定粒徑大小供直接使用之流動性固體顆粒製劑(A free-flowing solid formulation of a defined granule size range ready for u)。依粒徑分布可定義為:微粒劑(Microgranule, MG)、細粒劑(Fine granule, FG)、大粒劑(Macrogranule, GG)。 |
GS | 軟膏劑(Grea) | 調製於油脂性基質中供塗佈使用之黏稠狀製劑(Very viscous formulation bad on oil or fat)。 |
GW | 溶膠劑(Water soluble gel) | 使用前以水稀釋調配,有效成分溶解形成水溶液之凝膠狀製劑(A gelatinid formulation to be applied as an aqueous solution)。 |
HN | 熱霧劑(Hot fogging concentrate) | 適用於熱霧氣裝置用之製劑(A formulation suitable for application by hot fogging equipment, either directly or after dilution)。 |
KK | 固液混合包裝桶混劑(Combi-pack solid/liquid) | 混合固態製劑與液態製劑於同一包裝供桶混使用(A solid and a liquid formulation, parately contained within one outer pack, intended for simultaneous application in a tank mix)。 |
KL | 液液混合包裝桶混劑(Combi-pack liquid/liquid) | 混合二種液態製劑於同一包裝供桶混使用(Two liquid formulations, parately contained within one outer pack, intended for simultaneous application in a tank mix)。 |
KN | 冷霧劑(Cold fogging concentrate) | 專供冷霧施藥裝置用之製劑(A formulation suitable for application by cold fogging equipment, either directly or after dilution)。 |
KP | 固固混合包裝桶混劑(Combi-pack solid/solid) | 混合二種固態製劑於同一包裝供桶混使用(Two solid formulations, parately contained within one outer pack, intended for simultaneous application in a tank mix)。 |
LA | 漆劑(Lacquer) | 有效成分溶於有機溶劑中供塗佈用之液狀製劑(Solvent-bad, film forming composition)。 |
LS | 種子處理液劑(Solution for ed treatment)。 | 溶液專供種子處理用者(A clear to opalescent liquid to be applied to the ed either directly or as a solution of the active ingredient after dilution in water. The liquid may contain water insoluble formulants)。 |
ME | 微乳劑(Micro- emulsion) | 直接使用或使用前加水稀釋調配,有效成分分散形成液體微滴乳狀液之澄清或微混濁液狀製劑(A clear to opalescent, oil and water containing liquid, to be applied directly or after dilution in water, when it may form a diluted micro-emulsion of a conventional emulsion)。 |
MG | 微粒劑(Microgranule) | 粒徑為100 至600 m 間供直接使用之粒狀製劑(A granule in the particle size range from 100 to 600 m)。 |
OD | 水分散性油懸劑(Oil dispersion) | 有效成分穩定懸浮於與水不相溶混液體之液狀製劑,以水稀釋調配後使用(A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in a water-immiscible fluid, which may contain other dissolved active ingredient(s), intended for dilution with water before u)。 |
OF | 油懸劑(Oil miscible flowable concentrate (oil miscible suspension) | 有效成分穩定懸浮之液狀製劑,以有機溶劑稀釋調配後使用(A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in a fluid intended for dilution in an organic liquid before u)。 |
OL | 油溶性液劑(Oil miscible liquid) | 外觀澄清之均勻液狀製劑,以有機溶劑稀釋調配後使用(A liquid, homogeneous formulation to be applied as a homogeneous liquid after dilution in an organic liquid)。 |
OP | 油分散性粉劑(Oil dispersible powder) | 使用時以有機溶劑稀釋調配,分散形成懸浮液之粉狀製劑(A powder formulation to be applied as a suspension after dispersion in an organic liquid)。 高频磁芯 |
PA | 糊狀劑(Paste) | 調製於水性基質中供塗佈用之黏稠狀製劑(Water-bad, film-forming composition)。 |
PC | 濃膠糊劑(Gel or paste concentrate) | 使用前以水稀釋調配為膠狀或糊狀之固體製劑(A solid formulation to be applied as a gel or paste after dilution with water)。 |
PR | 藥籤劑(Plant rodlet) | 含有效成分之短棒狀製劑(直徑數毫米,長數厘米)(A small rodlet, usually a few centimetres in length and a few millimetres in diameter, containing an active ingredient)。 |
PS | 種衣劑(Seed coated with a pesticide) | 披覆農藥之種子(Self defining)。 |
RB | 餌劑(Bait (ready for u)) | 意使有害生物受到誘引並取食之製劑(A formulation designed to attract and be eaten by the target pests),依外形定義為:片餌(Plate bait, PB);粒餌(Granular bait, GB);塊餌(Block bait, BB);粒餌(Grain bait, AB);碎餌(Scrap bait, SB)。 |
SC | 水懸劑(Suspension concentrate (=flowable concentrate)) | 有效成分穩定懸浮於水中之液狀製劑,以水稀釋調配後使用(A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in water, intended for dilution with water before u)。 |
SD | 直接噴施水懸劑(Suspension concentrate for direct application) | 有效成分穩定懸浮之液狀製劑,可能含有其他溶解之有效成分,可供直接使用(A stable suspension of active ingredient(s) in a fluid, which may contain other dissolved active ingredient(s), intended for direct application to rice paddies, for example)。 |
SE | 濃懸乳劑(Suspo- emulsion) | 有效成分形成液體微滴或固體微粒分布於連續相為水之非均質液狀製劑(A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a stable dispersion of active ingredients in the form of solid particles and fine globules in a continuous water pha)。 |
SG | 水溶性粒劑(Water soluble granule) | 使用前加水稀釋調配,崩散後有效成分溶解形成水溶液之粒狀製劑(可能含有非水溶性之其他成分)(A formulation consisting of granules to be applied as a true solution of the active ingredient after dissolution in water, but which may contain insoluble inert ingredients)。 |
SL | 溶液(Soluble concentrate) | 使用前加水稀釋調配,有效成分溶解形成水溶液之外觀澄清或微混濁液狀製劑(可能含有非水溶性之其他成分)(A clear to opalescent liquid to be applied as a solution of the active ingredient after dilution in water. The liquid may contain water insoluble formulants)。 |
SO | 擴佈油(Spreading oil) | 使用時水面形成油層之特殊製劑(Formulation designed to form a surface layer on application to water)。 |
SP | 水溶性粉劑(Water soluble powder) | 使用時以水稀釋調配,溶解形成水溶液之粉狀製劑(可能含有非水溶性之其他成分)(A powder formulation to be applied as a true solution of the active ingredient after dissolution in water, but which may contain insoluble inert ingredients)。 |
SS | 種子處理水溶性粉劑(Water soluble powder for ed treatment ) | 使用前加水稀釋調配為溶液供種子處理用之粉狀製劑(A powder to be dissolved in water before application to the ed)。 |
ST | 水溶性片劑(Water soluble tablet) | 使用時加水稀釋調配,崩散後有效成分溶解形成水溶液之片狀製劑(可能含有非水溶性之其他成分)(Formulation in form of tablets to be ud individually, to form a solution of the active ingredient after disintegration in water. The formulation may contain water insoluble formulants)。 |
SU | 超低容量懸浮劑(Ultra-low volume (ULV) suspension) | 直接供超低容量噴霧器施用之懸浮液狀製劑(A suspension ready for u through the ULV equipment)。 |
TB | 片劑(Tablet) | 外形均一之固態片狀製劑,通常為直徑長於厚度之平面或凸面圓柱形或橢圓柱形(Pre-formed solids of uniform shape and dimensions, usually circular, with either flat or convex faces, the distance between faces being less than the diameter)。依其使用方法可區分為:片劑(直接使用)(Tablet for direct application, DT)、水溶性片劑(Water soluble tablet, ST)、水分散性片劑(Water dispersible tablet, WT)。 |
TC | 原體(Technical material) | 農藥有效成分原料,包含相關不純物及少量必要之添加物(A material resulting from a manufacturing process comprising the active ingredient, together with associated impurities. This may contain small amounts of necessary additives)。 |
TK | 原體(Technical concentrate) | 專供加工成品農藥之農藥有效成分原料,包含相關不純物及少量必要之添加物與適量之稀釋劑(A material resulting from a manufacturing process comprising the active ingredient, together with associated impurities. This may contain small amounts of necessary additives and appropriate diluents. For u only in the preparation of formulations)。 |
UL | 超低容量液劑(Ultra-low volume (ULV) liquid) | 直接供超低容量噴霧器施用之均質液狀製劑(A homogeneous liquid ready for u through ULV equipment)。 |
VP | 蒸散劑(Vapour releasing product) | 有效成分揮發或經控制釋放出其蒸氣之製劑(A formulation containing one or more volatile active ingredients, the vapours of which are relead into air. Evaporation rate is normally controlled by using suitable formulations and/or dispenrs)。 |
WG | 水分散性粒劑(Water dispersible granules) | 使用前加水稀釋調配,崩散後有效成分形成懸浮液之粒狀製劑(A formulation consisting of granules to be applied after disintegration and dispersion in water)。 |
WP | 可溼性粉劑(Wettable powder) | 使用時以水稀釋調配,分散形成懸浮液之粉狀製劑(A powder formulation to be applied as a suspension after dispersion in water)。 |
WS | 種子處理水分散性粉劑(Water dispersible powder for slurry ed treatment) | 使用前加水稀釋調配為糊狀供種子處理用之粉狀製劑(A powder to be disperd at high concentration in water before application as a slurry to the ed)。 |
WT | 水分散性片劑(Water dispersible tablet) | 使用時加水稀釋調配,有效成分崩散形成懸浮液之片狀製劑(Formulation in the form of tablets to be ud individually, to form a dispersion of active ingredient after disintegration in water)。 |
XX | 其他(未命名)劑型(Others) | 所有其他尚未定義劑型之暫訂代碼(Temporary categorization of all other formulations not listed above)。 |
ZC | 膠囊水懸混劑(A mixed formulation of CS and SC) | 有效成分穩定分散並形成含膠囊微粒之液狀製劑,通常使用前加水稀釋調配(A stable suspension of capsules and active ingredient(s) in fluid, normally intended for dilution with water before u)。 |
ZE | 膠囊懸乳混劑(A mixed formulation of CS and SE) | 有效成分形成膠囊微粒、液體微滴及固體微粒穩定分散於連續相為水之非均質液狀製劑,通常使用前加水稀釋調配(A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a stable dispersion of active ingredient(s) in the form of capsules, solid particles, and fine globules in a continuous water pha, normally intended for dilution with water before u)。 |
ZW | 膠囊水乳混劑(A mixed formulation of CS and EW) | 有效成分形成膠囊微粒及微滴穩定分散於連續水相之非均質液狀製劑,通常使用前加水稀釋調配(A fluid, heterogeneous formulation consisting of a stable dispersion of active ingredient(s) in the form of capsules and fine globules in a continuous water pha, normally intended for dilution with water before u)。 |
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