神奇的图像处理算法(Amazing algorithms to enhance or transform images)
1 神奇的图像处理算法?
1.1 像素图生成向量图的算法
数字时代早期的图片,分辨率很低。尤其是一些电子游戏的图片,放大后就是一个个像素方块。Depixelizing算法可以让低分辨率的像素图转化为高质量的向量图。1.2 黑白图片的着色算法让老照片自动变成彩色的算法。1.3 消除阴影的算法
不留痕迹地去掉照片上某件东西的阴影的算法。1.4 HDR照片的算法
实现HDR的软件有很多,这里推荐G'MIC。它是GIMP图像编辑软件的一个插件,代码全部开源。1.5 消除杂物的算法
1.6 自动合成照片的算法
照片。这是清华大学的科研成果。1.7 美容算法
自动对容貌进行"美化"的算法。2 Amazing algorithms to enhance or transform images
List of algorithms for image processing who level of intelligence avoids infinitely complex tasks.
From the simplest to more complex ones.2.1 Depixelizing images新生儿社保卡怎么办理流程
Starting from a raster image that is made of large squares, we arrive at a clearer picture,?
as if one could a posteriori change the definition of the screen on which it was drawn .
This can be very uful if one wants to convert an old game on a modern platform such as?
一年级语文上册复习计划Canvas or a smartphone.
See article
depixelizing. Implemented by
Scale2x (on Sourceforge).?
HQX is a similar super resolution command line tool to enlarge images.
2.2 Color a black and white image
This technique is so well controlled that we can now e in color old black and white films.
It is explained in an article, Colorization Using Optimization giving veral examples.2.3 Restore a picture or make a HDR过期牛奶的用途
Wily by removing the "noi", ie the image defects such as dots and stripes,?
and it needs to know to interpret that, the algorithm gives life to a cliche damaged or washed out.
大队旗It is implemented in a plugin for Gimp,
It can also automatically make HDR, ie increa the brightness of light areas and darken the dark parts.
2.4 Turn a photo into drawing
This algorithm is implemented in G'Mic too.
Ud from the command line, G'Mic allows many changes examples of which can be en in the gallery.2.5 Seam carving Intelligent algorithm to resize images maintaining the appearance of objects within it.
It is actually implemented in the resizing functions of the main graphical utilities like Gimp
with the Liquid Rescale plugin, ImageMagick with the -liquid-rescale option.
Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing.2.6 Remove an object
It reached the highest level. From a rough outline of the object to remove on an image,?
and this may be a person like everything el, the algorithm is able to identify itlf the object in question,?
to define its exact boundaries, to extrapolate what would be the background if the object had not been prent,?
and restore the background all that without any human intervention.
This algorithm is available both as a Gimp?plugin to install or in Photoshop.2.7 Compo a picture
By drawing a sketch and then combining objects drawn in a simplistic way to photos,?
it manages to produce a new image that incorporates natural objects as though they were photographed.
This algorithm is implemented in the software?Sketch To Photo. From the article,?
you can download the command line program.
2.8 Beautify a face
There is no written rule to define whether a face is beautiful or if it is not,?
then the creators followed the principle that what is more clor to the common is better.lob发型
You judge yourlves t by comparing the two versions of the same face on the photo,
with the original face at left and at right as amended by the computer.
The algorithm has an
augmented reality application, in conjunction with a technology that combines a camera?
with glass to project an image of a modified reality on the glass.
More information about this十个手指的名称
esthetic trick algorithm.
二、相关算子定义:?即,其中h称为相关核(Kernel).? ?步骤:
testface = double(testface(:));
with the Liquid Rescale plugin, ImageMagick with the -liquid-rescale option.
the aggregate mapping from scene radiance L to pixel values Z from a t of differently expod images.