Did you know that every time musicians pick up their instruments, there are fireworks going off all over their brain?
On the outside, they may look calm and focud, reading the music and making the preci and practiced movements required.
But inside their brains, there s a party going on.
How do we know this?
奥运吉祥物Well, in the last few decades, neuroscientists have made enormous breakthroughs in understanding how our brains work by monitoring them in real time with instruments like fMRI and PET scanners.
在过去的几十年中,神经科学家对理解脑功能有了巨大的突破,功归于能即时监测脑功能的仪器,例如功能性磁振造影(fMRI) 、正电子发射计算机断层扫描仪(PET)。
When people are hooked up to the machines, tasks, such as reading or doing math problems, each have corresponding areas of the brain where activity can be obrved.
But when rearchers got the participants to listen to music, they saw fireworks.
Multiple areas of their brains were lighting up at once, as they procesd the sound, took it apart to understand elements like melody and rhythm, and then put it all back together into unified musical experience.
And our brains do all this work in the split cond between when we first hear the music and when our foot starts to tap along.
But when scientists turned from obrving the brains of music listeners to tho of musicians, the little backyard fireworks became a jubilee.
日语专业就业方向及前景It turns out that while listening to music engages the brain in some pretty interesting activities, playing music is the brain s equivalent of a full-body workout.
The neuroscientists saw multiple areas of the brain light up, simultaneously processing different information in intricate, interrelated, and astonishingly fast quences.
But what is it about making music that ts the brain alight?
The rearch is still fairly new, but neuroscientists have a pretty good idea.
Playing a musical instrument engages practically every area of the brain at once, especially the visual, auditory, and motor cortices.
As with any other workout, disciplined, structured practice in playing music strengthens tho brain functions, allowing us to apply that strength to other activities.
The most obvious difference between listening to music and playing it is that the latter requires fine motor skills, which are controlled in both hemispheres of the brain.
It also combines the linguistic and mathematical precision, in which the left hemisphere is more involved, with the novel and creative content that the right excels in.
For the reasons, playing music has been found to increa the volume and activity in the brain s corpus callosum, the bridge between the two hemispheres, allowing messages to get across the brain faster and through more diver routes.
This may allow musicians to solve problems more effectively and creatively, in both academic and social ttings.
Becau making music also involves crafting and understanding its emotional content and message, musicians often have higher levels of executive function, a category of interlinked tasks that includes planning, strategizing, and attention to detail and requires simultaneous analysis of both cognitive and emotional aspects.
This ability also has an impact on how our memory systems work.
And, indeed, musicians exhibit enhanced memory functions, creating, storing, and retrieving memories more quickly and efficiently.
Studies have found that musicians appear to u their highly connected brains to give each memory multiple tags, such as a conceptual tag, an emotional tag, an audio tag, and a contextual tag, like a good Internet arch engine.