割袍断义Cour Description
Cour Title: A Practical Cour on EST Translation/ 《实用科技英语翻译》
Hours/week: 2 ssions per week
Students: Second-year students (A–level, Grade 2008)
Instructor:Prof. Wei CHEN, Institute for Translation & Intercultural Studies (ITIS), School of Foreign Languages, WHUT
邮件推送Reference books:
1) Wuqiu FAN. Selections on Practical EST Translation. Foreign Language
Publishing Hou. 2001./范武邱。《实用科技英语翻译讲评》。外文出版社。2001年。
2) Zhijie FENG. Esntials for EST Translation. China Translation Publishing Hou. 2000./冯志杰。《汉英科技翻译指要》。中国对外翻译出版公司。2000年。
3) Xianfa HUA. A New Practical Textbook of English-Chine Translation. Hubei Education Press. 2001.
4) Chengzhang LIN. An Introduction to English Lexicology. Wuhan University Press.1996./林承璋。英语词汇学引论。武汉大学出版社。1996年。
This cour aims at training students to develop some elementary translation skills as capable EST translators or CIOs (Chief Information Officers) equipped with some knowledge of lexical and discour features of EST genres, criteria of EST translation, and aware of the common grammatical mistakes or errors in EST translation, rhetoric devices and logics through translation theories study and translating practice.
We wish to:
1)Offer optional but special class for the students to develop their interests towards EST translation. As science and engineering majors, the students will have chances to learn and appreciate EST materials;
2)Help the students enlarge their EST vocabulary so as to build a robust foundation for ESP (English for Special Purpos)(在拓展学生科技英语翻译能力的同时,有效地实现大学英语与专业英语的有效衔接。);
3)Help the students improve their reading ability through studying and appreciating texts of different styles in EST translation;
4)Help the students enhance their language accuracy and fluency in EST translation;
5)Help the students improve their critical-thinking ability in EST translation;
6)Familiarize the students with relevant translation theories in order to grasp some techniques ud for EST translation;
7)Offer the students workshops to do EST translation.
Teaching Methods: lectures; questions and answers; in-class discussion; prentations by students (giving students more space to air their own opinions) Contents:
Lecture 1 : Introduction
Lecture 2 : Lexical features of EST genres
Lecture 3 : Discour features of EST genres
Lecture 4 : Common Prefixes, Suffixes and Affixes in Technical Terms Translation
Lecture 5 : Body Nouns Ud in Technical Terms Translation
Lecture 6 : Some Common Techniques in Technical Terms Translation
Lecture 7 : Theme-Rheme Reprented in EST Translation
Lecture 8 : Aesthetic Orientation in EST Translation
Lecture 9 : Shifts between Generalization and Specification in EST Translation Lecture 10 : S entence Length and Focus in EST Translation
Lecture 11 : L ogic Analysis in EST Translation
Lecture 12 : E ST Translation Practice
Lecture 13: S ome Common Grammatical Mistakes in EST Translation
Lecture 14: Some Common Rhetorical Mistakes in EST Translation
Lecture 15: Some Common Logical Mistakes in EST Translation
Lecture 16: Exam
1.Lexical and discour features of EST genres;
2.Criteria of EST translation
3.Translation experti in EST translation
Difficulty: Translation techniques in EST translation
课程的重点是科技英语文体的词汇和语篇特征和翻译的标准。难点是科技英语的翻译技巧。Requirements of Students
a)Attend every class unless it is impossible for good reason. (Points are awarded for
class participation. If you do not attend, you cannot participate.)If you cannot make it to class, plea let me know ahead of time. ONE abnce without note for sick leave will lead to the loss of one point; THREE abnces with note for sick leave will lead to the loss of one point
b)Be punctual.
c)Keep cell phones turned off during class time.
d)Work positively and contribute to the best of your ability in class.
e)Complete all assignments on time. Makeup tests and late assignments will only be
considered in ca of emergency.
f)Take full advantage of necessary resources to practice your skills. Assignments:
劳动人民a)background knowledge arch for each lecture;
b)preview work for each lecture;党员e家登录平台
c)exercis after each lecture;
d)one quiz for every 4 lectures.
a)attendance (10%)
b)in-class participation (10%)
c)monthly quiz (10%)
d)final exam (70%)
Lecture 1 Introduction
1.The Definition of EST (English for Science & Technology)
EST (English for Science & Technology or Technical English or Scientific English) is a special language variety widely ud in the fields of science and technology. It’s believed that it first came to being in the 1950s along with the rapid development of science and technology, and it many rearchers and scholars began to conduct investigation of this common features of this special genre including reading comprehension, writing and even translation.
Example 1
Since the joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the rvice life of an engine, and the primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of a piston under working condition, it is important to show up the actual deformation of piston and for this purpo the finite element has been widely applied to analyze it numerically in China.
Example 2
The action of air on an airplane in flight at low altitude is greater than that at high altitude.
Example 3
Pictures can be stored in the camera’s internal memory (about 14 MB) or on the Secure Digital (SD) memory card. If no memory card has been inrted in the camera, pictures will be stored in the memory, and if the camera contains a memory card, then pictures will automatically be stored on the card.
2.Stylistic Features of EST
Completely different from other genres such as everyday English, literature English, EST has its own stylistic features due to the specialty in content, field and discour functions, and partly due to the unique habits of EST writers, which are mostly reprented in lexical level and syntactical level.
2.1Lexical level
1)Numerous Technical Terms
Technical terms refer to tho lexicons specialized in a certain subject or area, with which laymen are unfamiliar, e.g. cryogeneics(低温学), noepinephine(新肾上腺素)
A.Lengthy: mostly containing roots or affixes originating from Latin, Greek and French, etc. e.g. nucleonics(核子学), misomnus(半昏迷), autoradiography(自动射线照相术)
B.Numerous compounds coined(新造)to signify the new things coming out in the science and
< radiophotography(无线电传真), anti-armored-fighting-vehic le-missile(反装甲导弹)
C.numerous abbreviations
< FM (frequency modulation 调频), telesat (telecommunications satellite通讯卫星)
2)Numerous pudo-technical terms
Everyday English EST different ns
< frame 框架1)机架(machinery);2)帧(telecommunications)
transmission 1)发射(radio engineering);2)传动、变速(machinery);3)透射(physics);4)遗传(medical science)
2.2Syntactical Level
For conciness: abstract nouns denoting action or state + v-ing form or nominal phras,
< the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves(通过无线电波来发射和接受活动物体的图像);
illumination intensity determination(照明强度测定);
the generation of heat by friction(摩擦生热);
2)Lengthy ntences and logic connectors
For explicitation(将事理充分说明), we often employ some lengthy ntences containing expressions and claus(短语和分句)and logic connectors such as hence, conquently, accordingly, however, on the contrary, as a result, in short, etc.
3)The Prent Ten and The Perfect Ten
The stated findings and results in the essays or books can be verified and repeated.
4)The Passive Voice
Objective, less subjective, scientific, impersonal,幂次法则
5)The Antecedent(先行词)‘it’Construction
For balance of ntence structure
< It is quite uful to think of the earth and its atmosphere as being rather like an onion – that is a
ball made up of layers, although unlike an onion, each layer is made of different material.
6)Double or triple propositions(介词词组连用)Relationship of different things such as
spatial and temporal relationship(时空关系), subordination(所属关系)and cau-effect relationship(因果关系)etc.
< The action of air on an airplane in flight at low altitude is greater than that at high altitude.