驻村帮扶工作总结Design is a creative work that combines thinking and practice. It is the product of the combination of design thinking and design performance. The important sign of human birth is the vertical walking and manufacturing tools. The process of manufacturing tools is actually the design process, so the design is accompanied by human beings. Design as a basic skill in human social life, the process must have design thinking. Design thinking is a methodology that eks solutions bad on expected results or solves them in a uniquely creative way when encountering problems. However, most people think that "design thinking" is a unique way of thinking for designers. In fact, design thinking is a way of thinking that human beings can u in life and study. The same design thinking can also be applied to the design of preschool children's aesthetic education activities, so that the aesthetic education activities appear in an innovative new situation, and promote the aesthetic, creative and intellectual cultivation of preschool children.
The focus of this paper is to design the logical thinking and image thinking, divergent thinking and convergent thinking, lateral thinking and vertical thinking, imaginative thinking and associative thinking in design thinking to the design of preschool children's aesthetic education activities. among. The exploration process of this paper first analyzes the status quo of preschool children's aesthetic education activities in developed countries in Europe, America, and Japan, compares the current state of aesthetic education activities in China, summarizes the misunderstandings in domestic aesthetic education activities, and condly, design thinking and aesthetic education activities. The two theories are defined. The physiological and psychological needs of preschool children are combined with the various forms of design thinking to promote the process of aesthetic activities. Through the data analysis of social practice and questionnaires, various forms of design thinking are drawn in aesthetic education. The activity has a certain role in promoting the aesthetic power, creativity and intellectual development of preschool children. Through the u of design thinking in aesthetic education activities to stimulate children's love and preference for visual art, and to interact with art theory and practice, let the children discover beauty, obrve beauty, experience beauty and create beauty throughout the whole activity. The introduction of various forms of design thinking enables preschool
children to develop their wings, continuously develop aesthetic and creative abilities, promote the development of intelligence for preschool children, stimulate their yearning for a better life, and adapt to the development of the times. Ultimately, the design thinking will achieve better development and exploration in the aesthetic education activities.
Key words:Design; Design thinking; Aesthetic education activities; Innovation
摘要 ............................................................................................................................ I Abstract .. (2)
绪论 (5)
(一)研究背景 (5)
(二)教育发达国家与国内现状研究分析 (5)天安门上太阳升
(三)研究目的及内容 (8)怨天尤人的近义词
(四)研究意义及创新点 (11)
一、研究相关理论综述 (13)
(一)设计思维的界定 (13)
(二)美育活动的概述 (15)
(三)学龄前儿童发展的特征分析 (16)
二、美育活动中运用设计思维对学龄前儿童的能力培养 (19)
(一)学龄前儿童审美力与美育活动 (19)
(二)学龄前儿童创造力与美育活动 (19)
(三)学龄前儿童智力开发与美育活动 (20)
三、设计思维对美育活动设计理念的创新促进 (21)
(一)设计思维在学龄前儿童美育活动中的重要意义 (21)
(二)运用设计思维拓展学龄前儿童美感成长与创造发展的空间 (23)
腿上起红点(三)运用设计思维培养学龄前儿童对美的感知力及创造力 (25)
四、基于设计思维对美育活动的设计与实践 (27)
(一)美育活动前期准备 (27)
(二)美育活动过程实施设计 (29)
(三)美育活动实践后问卷调查分析 (33)
(四)美育活动的实践总结 (34)
结论 (35)
附录A:学龄前儿童美育活动教案 (36)
参考文献 (39)
攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况 (40)
致谢 (41)
随着设计概念的不断延伸,设计在人类的生活和社会各个方面都发挥着重要的作用,人类在任何方面都离不开设计,并在我国经济发展和文化观念意识上都非常重要。1969年,科学家(Herbert A. Simon)提出设计其实是一种思维方式,应当运用这种思维方式去解决人和人造物之间的关系。到了1980年Bryan Lawson在《设计师是如何思考的》这本书中再一次阐述了上述观点,并命名为设计思维。设计是一种态度,设计思维就是带着这种态度的思考方法,从理想目标着手,通过对当前和未来设计思维发展的关注,在探索问题中不断完善解决方案,力求接近理想的设计目标。[2]