Why Historians Disagree
Allen F. Davis & Harold D.Woodman
1 Most students are usually introduced to the study of history by way of a fat textbook and become quickly immerd in a vast a of names, dates,events and statistics. The students' skills are then tested by examinations that require them to show how much of the data they remember; the more they remember, the higher their grades. From this experience a number of conclusions em obvious: the study of history is the study of "facts" about the past; the more "facts"you know,the better you are as a student of history. The professional historian is simply one who brings together a very large number of "facts". Therefore students often become confud upon discovering that historians often disagree sharply even when they are dealing withe the same event.
2 Their commonn reaction to this state of affairs is to conclude that one historian is right while the other is wrong. And presumably, historians who are wrong will have their "facts" wrong. This is ldom the ca, however. Historians usually all argue reasonably and persuasively. And, the "facts"---the names,dates, events, statistics--usually turn out to be correct. Moreover, they often find that contending historians more or less agree on the facts; that is , they u much the same data. They come to different conclusions becau they view the past form a different perspective. History, which emed to be a cut-and -dried matter of memorizing "facts," now becomes a matter of choosing one good interpretation form among many. Historical truth becomes a matter of personal preference.
3 生命的医院游戏 This position is hardly satisfying. They cannot help but feel that two diametrically oppodpoints of view about an event cannot both be right; yet they lack the ability to decide between them.
4 To understand why historians disagree, students must consider a problem they have more or less taken for granted. They must ask themlves what history really is .
5 In its broadest n, history denotes the whole of the human past. More restricted is the notion that history is the recorded past, that is , that part of human life which has left some sort of record such as folk tales, artifacts, or written documents. Finally, history may be defined as that which historians write about the past. Of cour the three meanings are related. Historians must ba their accounts on the remains of the past, left by people. Obviously they cannot know everything for the simple reason that not every event, every happening, was fully and completely recorded. Therefore the historian can only approximate history at best. No one can ever claim to have concluded the quest.手机如何绑定银行卡
6 But this does not say enough. If historians cannot know everything becau not everything was recorded, neither do they u all the records that are available to them. Rather, they lect only tho records they deem most significant. Moreover, they also re-create parts of the past. Like detectives, they piece together evidence to fill in the gaps in the available records.
山东省大学排名7 Historians are able to lect and create evidence by using some theory of human motivations and behavior Sometimes this appears to be easy, requiring very little sophistication出神入化的意思 and subtlety. Thus, for example, historians investigating America's 笔记本怎么拍照entry int
o World War I would probably find that the sinking of American merchant ships on the high as by German submarines was relevant to their discussion. At the same time, they would most likely not u evidence that President Woodrow Wilson was dissatisfied withe a new hat he bought during the first months of 1917. The choice as to which fact to u is bad on a theory--admittedly, in this ca a rather crude theory, but a theory nonetheless. It would go something like this: National leaders contemplating war are more likely to be influenced by belligerent acts against their countries than by their unhappiness with their haberdashers.
8 If the choices were as simple as this ,the problem would be easily resolved. but the choices were not so easy to make. Historians investigating the United States' entry into World Was I will find in addition to German submarine warfare a whole ries of other facts that could be relevant to the event under study. For instance, they will find that the British government had a propaganda machine at work in the United States that did its best to win public support for the British cau. They will discover that American bankers had made large loans to the British, loans that would not be repaid in the event of a British defeat. They will read of the interception of the "Zimmerman Note," in which the German Foreign Secretary ordered the German minister in Mexico, in the event of war, to suggest an alliance between Germany and Mexico whereby Mexico, with German support, could win back territory taken form Mexico by the United States in the Mexican War. They will also find among many American political leaders a deep concern over the balance of power in Europe, a balance that would be destroyed --to America's disadvantage--if the Germans were able to defeat the French and the British and thereby
emerge as the sole major power in Europe.