
更新时间:2023-07-18 20:33:43 阅读: 评论:0

Sabrina 龙凤配
Sahara 撒哈拉
Sailor from Gibraltar,the 直布罗陀的⽔⼿
Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea 午后曳航Salome 莎乐美
San Francisco ⽕烧旧⾦⼭
San Francisco Story,the 旧⾦⼭的故事
San Quentin 圣昆丁监狱
Sand Pebbles,the 圣保罗炮艇
Sandpiper,the 春风⽆限恨
Scary Movie 2 惊声尖笑
Scent of a Woman ⼥⼈⾹
Schell,Maximilian 麦斯⽶伦?雪⼉
Schindler's List ⾟德勒的名单
Score, the 先声夺⼈
Scrooge ⼩⽓财神
Secret War of Harry Frigg,the 逃亡⼤作战
See Spot Run ⿊点乱跑
Serendipity ⼗年后Call我
Sergent York 约克军曹
Seven Seal,the 第七封印
Seventh Heaven 七重天
Sex,Lies,and Videotape 性、谎⾔、录像带Shadowlands 影⼦⼤地
Shaft ⿊豹
Shallow Grave 魔⿁⼀族
Shampoo 洗发精
Shane 原野奇侠
Shanghai Express 上海特快车
Shanghai Noon 西域威龙
Shawshank Redemptio,the 刺激1995 Sheltering Sky,the 遮蔽的天空
Ship of Fools 愚⼈船
Shogun 幕府⼤将军
Show Boat 画舫璇宫
shrek 史瑞克 
Silence of the Lambs 沉默的羔⽺
Silk Stockings 玻璃丝袜
Singin' in the Rain 万花嬉春
Singing Nun,the 仙乐飘飘处处闻
Sister Act 修⼥也疯狂
Sister Act2:Back in the Habit 修⼥也疯狂第⼆集  Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠
Sliver 银⾊猎物
Snatch 偷拐抢骗
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ⽩雪公主Snows of Kilimanjaro,the 雪⼭盟
Soderbergh,Steven 史蒂芬?索德柏
Some Like It Hot 热情如⽕
Someone like you ⼼花怒放
Sommersby 英雄本⾊
Son of Flubber 飞天⽼爷车续集
Son of Paleface 脂粉双枪侠之⼦
Song of Bernadette,the 圣⼥之歌
Song of Norway 翠⾕春晓
Song of Songs 歌中之歌
Song of Spartacas,the 万夫莫敌续集
Song to Remember,a ⼀曲难忘
Song Without End ⼀曲相思情未了凉拌虫草花的做法
Sons and Lovers ⼉⼦与情⼈
Sophie's Choice 苏菲亚的抉择
Sound of Music, the 真善美
South Pacific 南太平洋
Space Balls 星际⼤奇航
Space Cowboys 太空⼤哥⼤
书的作文Spartacus 万夫莫敌
Specter of the Ro 玫瑰幽灵实在的近义词是什么
Speed 悍卫战警诚谢
Spellbound 意乱情迷
Spencer's Mountain 史家⼭
Spielbert,Steven 史蒂芬?史匹柏
Spira Stairca,the 辣⼿⼈魔
Spirit of St.Louis,the 壮志凌云(林⽩传)
Splash 美⼈鱼
Splendor in the Grass 天涯何处⽆芳草
Spy in the Green Hat,the 龙虎榜续集
Spy Kids ⼩⿁⼤间谍
Spy Who Came in from the Cold,the 柏林谍魂Spy Who Loved Me,the 海底城
Stage Fright 欲海惊魂
Stagecoach 驿马车
Stalag 17 战地军魂
Stalker 潜⾏者
Stalking Moon,the ⽉落⼤地
Stallone,Sylvester 席维斯.史特龙
Stanley & Iris 史丹利与爱莉丝
Stanley and Livingstone 荡寇志
Star Is Born,a 星海浮沉录
Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan 星战⼤怒吼
Star Trek-The Motion Picture 星舰迷航记
Star Wars, the 星际⼤战
Starman 外星恋
Steel Magnolias 钢⽊兰
Stir of Echoes 灵异骇客
Stone,Oliver 奥⽴佛?史东
Storm 暴风⾬
Storm over the Nile 尼罗河上暴风⾬
Storm over the Nile 四⽻⽑
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Story of Jacob and Joph,the 贾可和约瑟的故事Story of Louis Pasteur 万世流芳
Story of Mankind,the ⼈类的故事
Story of Piera,the 碧叶拉的故事
Story of Robin Hood 侠盗罗宾汉
Strangers in the Night 深夜怪客Strangers on a Train ⽕车怪客(追魂记) Strangers When We Meet 相逢何必曾相识Streetcar Named Desire,a 欲望街车Striking Distance 终极警探总动员Student Prince,the 学⽣王⼦
Suddenly Last Summer 夏⽇痴魂
Sugar & Spice 辣妹抢银⾏
Sugarland Express 横冲直撞⼤逃亡Summer of'42 往事如烟
Summer Place,a 畸恋
Summer Stock 花开蝶满枝
Sans Laisr d'Adress 未曾留下地址Savage Innocents,the 雪海冰上⼈
Save the Last Dance 留住最后⼀⽀舞Saving Silverman 拯救⽼弟
Say It Isn't So 番⽯榴鸳鸯
Sayonara 樱花恋
Scaramouche 美⼈如⽟剑如虹
Scarlet Letter, the 红字
Summer Storm 夏⽇暴风⾬
Summer Time Killer 夏⽇杀⼿
Summer Wishes,Winter Dreams 夏愿冬梦Summertime 艳阳天
Sumurun 爱妃苏姆萨
Sun Also Ris,the 妾似朝阳⼜照君Sunburn 迷糊娇娃憨密探
Sundays and Cybele 花落莺啼春Sundown ⽇落
Sundowners ⼣阳西下
Sunny Side of the Street,the 晴朗之街Sunnyside ⽥园诗
Sunt ⽐佛利⼭终极警探
Sunt Boulevard 红楼⾦粉
Supergirl ⼥超⼈
Superman 超⼈
Superman Ⅱ超⼈第⼆集
Superman Ⅲ超⼈第三集
Superman IV:The Quest for Peace 超⼈第四集Susan Slade 缘定三⽣
Suspicion 深闺疑云
Swamp Woman ⼥囚⼤逃亡
Swan Princess,the 天鹅公主
Swann in Love 史璜之爱
Swarm,the 杀⼈蜂
Sweet Bird of Youth 春浓满楼情痴狂
Sweet Charity 俏姐⼉
Sweet November 甜蜜的⼗⼀⽉
Sweetie 甜姐⼉
Swimmer,the 浮⽣录
Swing Kid, the 摇摆⼩⼦
Swing Kids 摇摆狂
Swinger,the ⾦丝猫
Swinger's Paradi 超⼈第四集
Swiss Family Robinson 海⾓⼀乐园
Switch 变男变⼥变变变
Sword and the Ro,the 剑与玫瑰
Sword in the Stone,the ⽯中剑

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