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Iron Man英 [ˈaiən mæn]美 [ˈaɪə从化温泉n mæn]
1. Student C: He is really the iron man of the a!
学生丙: 真是个海上“铁人”!
2. The Hollywood premiere of Iron Man last year was a glittering affair.
《钢铁侠IronMan)去年在好莱坞(Hollywood) 的首映式是一场耀眼的盛会.
脸上有色斑3. There is no turning back. That much, Iron Man knows.
自己面前的是一条不归路. 这点, 铁人心里很清楚.
4. Rocket into the action as Iron Man in the official movie game.
5. That much, Iron Man knows.
这点, 铁人心里很清楚.
6. The centrepiece of the modern city of Daqing is the Iron Man muum.
7. I would almost blasphemous by saying it's better than Iron Man but I don't know.
8. Run a school with the Daqing spirit, educate people with the iron - man spirit.
20用大庆精神办学, 用铁人精神育人.
9. He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair.
10. As rust is to iron, so is laziness to man.
11. Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man.
12. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces ju
mped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.
13. He is a man of iron lf - control.
14. Tom is a man of iron.
15. The strong man curved the iron bar.
The suits have taken over the franchi. Not the corporate suits, though 'Iron Man 3' is so
incoherent that it might have been written by a particularly quarrelsome committee, but therobotic suits. The movie is obsd by them. Tony Stark, the supersmart industrialist playedonce again by Robert Downey Jr., has his Mark 42 suit, which comes when he calls it, piece bypiece, anywhere in the world. Tony's friend Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes (Don Cheadle) has hisIron Patriot suit, which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint. There's a point tothis sartorial tech. Tony himlf is obsd by the suits, so he keeps building new ones. Theygive him a n of curity, and promi relief from the anxiety attacks he has been havingsince his near-disaster at the end of 'The Avengers' last year. But the third iteration of afranchi that began so well becomes a hollow hymn to martial gadgetry. The suits and storyclank in unison.
在《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)中,战甲成为了影片的主角。尽管这部看起来极不连贯的影片可能就是由一个特别爱争执的编剧委员会编的,但我们在这里所说的不是办公室着装,而是机械战衣,它们充斥着整部影片。这一次,仍由小罗伯特•唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)饰演的男主角──才智过人的实业家托尼•斯塔克(TonyStark)配备了马克42代(Mark 42)战衣,无论他在世界何处,只要他有需要,它都会一件件出现。托尼的朋友“罗德上校”(Col. James
"Rhodey" Rhodes)也有自己的“钢铁爱国者”(Iron Patriot)战甲,它是一套更新换代并且新刷了涂料的“战争机器”(War Machine)战衣。这一制衣技术有其合理之处,托尼本人因战甲感到困扰,因此不停地打造新战甲。它们给他带来安全感,也给他带来能从焦虑中解脱出来的希望,自从去年在《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)结局处遭遇到那个险些成为灾难的事件以来,他就一直受此折磨。作为一部开局很棒的影片的第三部续集,《钢铁侠3》成为了夸赞战斗装备的空洞赞歌。战甲与故事情节同时发生了碰撞。
That's not to deny the distinctions of this huge production, which was directed by Shane Black.The computer animation is often astonishing, even if the 3-D is indifferent and explosionsare explosions, no matter what's being exploded. (Tony's cliff-clinging hou in Malibu isreduced to rubble after he gives out his street address on national television.)pulled
这并不是要否认这部由沙恩•布莱克(Shane Black)执导的巨制的特别之处。电脑特效大多令人震撼,尽管3-D效果一般,反正无论是什么发生爆炸,爆炸场面都不过如此。(在国家电视台上公布自己的街道地址之后,托尼建在加州马里布悬崖之上的住宅沦为了废墟。)
The film's greatest distinction is the spin it puts on its villainy, which involves not only Guy
Pearce as the malevolent entrepreneur Aldrich Killian, but Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin, anarch-villain unlike any other. To explain why he's unlike any other would spoil one of the fewgood surpris in the script, which was written by Drew Pearce and the director. Let's just saythat Mr. Kingsley, or Sir Ben, if you will, makes The Mandarin both frightening and terrificallyfunny─Tony refers to the character as Sir Laurence Oblivion─and that the surpri is bothenjoyable and oddly damaging to a dramatic structure that doesn't need additionalhollowness.
该影片最大的特色是扭转了一众反派角色的形象,其中不仅包括盖•皮尔斯(Guy Pearce)饰演的邪恶企业家奥德里奇•基利安(Aldrich Killian),还有本•金斯利(Ben Kingsley)饰演的一个与众不同的大奸角──“满大人”(The Mandarin)。这里还是不解释为什么“满大人”不同于其他反派了,因为此举会毁掉这个由德鲁•皮尔斯(Drew Pearce)和导演共同撰写的剧本中为数不多的几个精彩意外情节之一。这么说吧,金斯利(假如你愿意,也可称他为‘本爵士’)将“满大人”(托尼把这个角色称为Sir Laurence Oblivion)演得既让人畏惧,又非常搞笑。此外,关于“满大人”的那个意外让人欣喜,但它也进一步破坏了一个本就显得空洞的戏剧结构。
In the first 'Iron Man,' Mr. Downey was the only funnyman. He was funny in a way thatsuperheroes had never been─hip, droll, sardonic and lf-ironic─and his quick wit meshedbeautifully with the movie's sophisticated style and elegant action. This time he ttles fornervous and flip. He gets his laughs, but Tony's lf-irony has been replaced by the star'slf-comment, and it doesn't help that the writing often depends on glib banter, the mostconspicuous example of which is an extended t piece in small-town Tenne. Findinghimlf there in extremis, Tony collaborates with a precocious little kid named Harley─he'splayed by Ty Simpkins─to produce a jury-rigged piece of equipment like the one E.T. ud tocall home. (When a massive explosion takes down the town's water tower, you watch withinterest though without feeling, since all of the previous massive explosions have functionedlike Novocain, leaving you prenumbed.)