
更新时间:2023-07-18 20:03:15 阅读: 评论:0

proactive fiscal policy(积极的财政政策)
moderately loo monetary policy 适度宽松的货币政策
stimulus package 经济刺激政策
evitalization scheme for 10 major industries 十大产业振兴规划
risk control 风险控制 
macro-regulation 宏观调控
人民币跨境结算” cross-border ttlement
加大货币发行量 quantitative easing
fixed-ast investment 固定资产投资
unsalable products 积压产品
each link in distribution 每个流通环节
buying spree 收购潮
heavy loss 巨大损失
oversupply of vegetables 蔬菜供应量加大
战略性支柱产业 strategic pillar industry
pillar industry(支柱产业)
Leading industry 主导产业
basic industry 基础产业
产业结构调整 industrial restructuring
产业生态系统 industry eco-system
白衣天使的唯美句子emerging market 新兴市场
emerging technology 新兴技术
Emerging industry 新兴工业
renminbi clearing bank 人民币清算行 
Clearing bank 清算银行
offshore yuan center 人民币离岸中心
QFII全称为Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors
QE  全称为Quantitative Easing
反补贴税 countervailing duties

boosting food supplies and other necessities增加食品和其它必需品的供应
increasing subsidies for low-income families提高对低收入家庭的补贴
taking more targeted policies to maintain market order出台更多有针对性的政策维护市场秩序)现金补贴 cash subsidy
信贷紧缩元旦祝福图片 credit squeeze
有抵押债务 cured debt
外债余额 outstanding external debt
暂停偿债 debt standstill
nonperforming loans不良贷款
overdue loans(逾期贷款)
mortgage loans(按揭贷款)
added value(附加值)
commercial exploitation(商业炒作)
商业间谍活动 industrial espionage
floating exchange rates(浮动汇率制)
emerging economies(新兴经济体)
industrialized nations (工业化国家)
exchange rate fluctuations(汇率波动)
bilateral trade(双边贸易总额)
rerve currency(储备货币)
foreign exchange rerve(外汇储备)
Subprime Crisis(次贷危机)
dollar asts(美元资产)
monetary policy(货币政策)
稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy
货币操纵国 currency manipulator
dollar trap就是指美元陷阱
measure of money supply 货币供应量 
primary ctor(第一产业)
industrial ctor(第二产业)
tertiary /rvice ctor(第三产业)

one-off consumption就是指一次性消费
one-off payment 一次性付款
purchasing on a sudden impul 冲动购买/即兴购买
industry insider 业内人士
luxury goods buyers 奢侈品买家
potential consumers 潜在消费者
穿拖鞋开车怎么处罚恐慌购买 panic buying
强迫购物 forced shopping
消费热潮 spending spree
gold bug黄金投资者
金本位就是gold standard
strong momentum 强劲势头
middle income trap就是指中等收入陷阱
wide income inequality 收入差距增大
high environmental costs 较高的环境代价
inadequate domestic spending 国内消费不足
sustainable pattern 可持续发展模式
dollar dominance 美元的主导地位
micro-credit company就是小额贷款公司” 
private capital 民间资本
financial market 金融市场
credit market 信贷市场
red chip就是红筹股
junk bond 垃圾股
bank run就是银行挤兑
liquidity crunch资金紧缩
demand for withdrawals取款需求
credit order 信用秩序
bank panic 银行恐慌
systemic banking crisis 系统性银行危机 从而引起economic recession 经济衰退
migrant buyers就是指外地购房者

financial crisis(经济危机)
绩效工资 merit pay
工资协商制度 negotiation system on wages
state-owned monopolies(国有垄断企业)
cap and trade(限额交易、总量管制和交易
Pegged Exchange Rate(盯住汇率制)
公积金上限 threshold of housing fund
prepaid deposit(预付定金)
money laundering(洗钱)
tax evasion(偷税漏税) bribery(行贿受贿)
issuers of prepaid cards(购物卡发行方)
anonymous cards(不记名购物卡
card scalpers(卡贩子、购物卡黄牛)
灰色收入 off-the-books income
地下钱庄 illegal bank
financial fraud(金融诈骗)
Minimum living allowances(最低生活保障)
“subsistence allowance”也指最低生活保障
low-income groups(低收入群体)
basic subsistence costs(基本生活费用支出)
expenditure-income ratio(消费支出比例)
gap in work wages(工资收入差距)
income divide/ income disparity 收入差距
consumer price indexCPI,消费物价指数)
cut back on meals and clothes(节衣缩食)
housing loan repayments(房贷)
housing space per capita(人均居住面积)
收入分配 income distribution
wage arrears(拖欠工资)
two-fold increa in pay指的就是工资翻番
纳税等级 tax brackets
晒工资 wages online exposure
funded debt(长期债券、固定债务)
还未偿还债务outstanding debt
未到期的债务unmatured debt
loan defaulter 拖欠贷款者
lending quota就是指贷款额度
credit expansion(信贷扩张)
deposit-rerve ratio(存款准备金率)
export quota(出口配额)
购买力平价 purchasing power parity健康食物英语
通胀恐慌 inflation fear
suppress rising commodity prices就是抑制物价上涨的意思空气质量检测

divorce ttlement(离婚协议书)
吉他星空insurance premium(人寿保险费)
cargo premium(货物保险费)
at a premium是非常珍贵的
mass market cars大众市场的车型了
licen-plate lottery(车牌摇号)
car rental(汽车租赁)
green car(新能源汽车)
怎么做南瓜饼零排放车辆 zero-emission vehicle
跨界车 crossover vehicle
非公路用车 off-highway vehicle
by fair means or foul(不择手段,千方百计)
price cheating就是价格欺诈
pricing inconsistency(价格不一致)
misleading price tags(误导性的价签)
curb inflation(抑制通货膨胀)
academic cheating(学术造假)

本文发布于:2023-07-18 20:03:15,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:收入   购物   货币   贷款   银行   政策   差距   信贷
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