1--#Born on a mountain top in Tenne#
2--#Greenest state in the land of the free#
3--#Raid in the woods so he knew every tree#
4--#Kilt him a bar when he was only three#
5--#Davy,Davy Crockett,king of the wild frontier!#
6--#Fought single-handed through the Injun War#
7--#Till the Creeks was whipped and peace was in store#
8--#And while he was handling#
9---What'd the doctor say?-Nothing.
10--Suppodly,it's just a twenty-four hour bug.
11--He gave me some pills.
12--I told you.You probably just ate some bad gristle.
13--We take the short cut or the scenic route?
14--Let's take the short cut.
15--But the scenic route is so much prettier.
16---Okay,let's take the scenic route.-Great.
17--It's actually slightly quicker,anyway.
18--Thank you.
19---What is a squab?-You know what a squab is.
20--It's like a pigeon,I suppo.
21--Should we go through the hole under the hor fence
22--or climb the rail over the bridle path?
23--Well,I guess the hor fence would be a little safer.
24--But the bridle path puts us out right next to the squab shack.
26--What's wrong?You're acting all skittish.
27--Don't worry.I've been stealing birds for a living since
28--before I could trot.
29--By the way,you look unbelievably beautiful tonight.
30--You're practically glowing.
31--Maybe it's the lighting.
32--#I've been in this town so long that back in the city#
33--#I've been taken for lost and gone#
34--#And unknown for a long long time#
35--#Fell in love years ago#
36--#With an innocent girl#
37--#From the Spanish and Indian home#
38--#Home of the heroes and villains#
39--#Once at night Catillian squared the fight#
40--#And she was right in the rain of the bullets#
41--#that eventually brought her down#
42--#But she's still dancing in the night#
43--#Unafraid of what a dude'll do in a town full of heroes and villains#
44---What's that?-What?
45--I think it's a fox-trap!
46---Look at this.-No,get away from there.
47--Is it spring-loaded?
48--Yeah,yeah,I guess if you come from over there,
49--and you're standing at this door to the squab shack,
50--this little gadget probably
51---What!?-Move out of the way,darling.格斗技
52---That's right where it's going to land.-Stop it!Let's go!
53--No,it just falls straight right down
54---I guess it's not spring-loaded.-I'm pregnant.
56--We're gonna have a cub.
57---Honey,that's great news.-If we're still
58--If we're still alive tomorrow morning,
59--I want you to find another line of work.
61--#My children were raid#
62--#You know they suddenly ri#
63--#They started slow long ago#
64--#Head to toe healthy wealthy and wi#
65--Does anybody actually read my column?
66---Do your friends ever talk about it?-Of cour.
67--In fact,Rabbit's ex-girlfriend just said to me last week,
68--"I should read Foxy's column,"but they don't get the Gazette.
69---Ash!Let's get cracking!-Why would they?It's a rag-sheet.
70---I'm sick.-You're not sick.
71---I have a temperature.-You don't have a temperature.
72---I don't want to go.-Hurry up.You're going to be late.
73--I love the way you handled that.
74--Your cousin Kristofferson's coming on the sixth.
75--I want you to be extra nice to him
76--becau he's going through a very hard time right now.
77--Where's he gonna sleep?
78--We're gonna make a bed for him in your room.
79--I can't spare the space.Put him in Dad's study.
80--Dad's study is occupied by Dad.
81--I don't want to live in a hole anymore.It makes me feel poor.
82--We are poor but we're happy.
84--Anyway,the views are better above ground.
梦见买东西是什么意思85--Honey,I'm ven non-fox-years old now.
86--My father died at ven and a half.
87--I don't want to live in a hole anymore,
88--and I'm going to do something about it.
89--Well,I'm off.垂直极限
90--Have a good day,my darlings!
91--You know,Foxes live in holes for a reason.
92--Hm,yes,I know.
93--What're you wearing?
94--Why a cape with the pants tucked into your socks?
95--I guess he's just
98--Yes.Here it is.This is the tree.
99--Come on over.Uh,I'm gonna call you back.
100--Obviously,it's first growth,indigenous.
101--Original dirt floor,good bark,skipping stone hearth as you can e.
103--Kylie!What'd I tell you?I'm showing the property.
104---You're not suppod to be here.-Oh,what time is it?I'm sorry.
105--This is Kylie.He's the super.He's
106--What's in the bucket,Mr.Kylie?
108---Just minnows.Try one?-Certainly.Thank you.
109--It's not exactly an evergreen,is it?
110--Aren't there any pines on the market this side of the river?
111--But,pines are pretty hard to come by in your price range.
112--What?What?What's that?
113--May I ask what you do for a living,Mr.Fox?
114--I ud to steal birds,but now I'm a newspaper man.
115--Oh,sure.I've en your by-line.
116--Good afternoon,gentlemen.
117---You're going?-Oh,
118--Thank you for the minnow.It was superb.
119--Don't buy this tree,Foxy.
120--You're borrowing at nine and a half with no fixed rate,
121--plus moving into the most dangerous neighborhood in the country
122--for someone of your type of species.
123--You're exaggerating,Badger.
124--I'm sugar-coating it,man!This is Boggis,Bunce,and Bean!
125--Three of the meanest,nastiest,ugliest farmers in the history of this valley!
126--Really?Tell me about them.
128--Walt Boggis is a chicken farmer.
129--Probably the most successful in the world.
130--He weighs the same as a young rhinoceros.
131--He eats three chickens every day for breakfast,lunch,supper,and desrt.
132--That's twelve in total,per diem.
匮乏的反义词133--Nate Bunce is a duck and goo farmer.
134--He's approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf,
135--and his chin would be under water in the shallow end
136--of any swimming pool on the planet.
137--His food is home-made doughnuts
138--with smashed-up goo livers injected into them.
139--Frank Bean is a turkey and apple farmer.
140--He invented his own species of each.
141--He lives on a liquid diet of strong,alcoholic cider
142--which he makes from his apples.
143--He's as skinny as a pencil,as smart as a whip
144--and possibly the scariest man currently living.
145--The local human children sing a kind of
146--eerie little rhyme about him.
147--Here,listen to this.
148--#Boggis,Bunce,and Bean.#
149--#One fat,one short,one lean.#
150--#The horrible crooks,so different in looks,#
151--#were nonetheless equally mean.#
152--In summation,I think you just got to not do it,man.
153--That's all.
154--I understand what you're saying,and your comments are valuable,
155--but I'm gonna ignore your advice.
有缘再会156--The cuss you are!
157--The cuss am I?
158---Are you cussing with me?-No,you cussing with me?
159---Don't cussing point at me!-You can cuss yourlf!
160---You're not gonna cuss with me,you little cuss!-Don't cuss with me!
161---Just buy the tree.-Okay.
162--Take a left and then to the right.Set them down.
163--Just another batch.Help that other guy over there.
164--Lift with legs not with your back.Flip it sideways.
165--Don't try to be a superman here.
166--Alright.We got two circles.
游戏机英文167--We got the yellow circle and the green circle.
168--Let's just keep them parate.Hold it right there.
169--We need to bring about two percent more in.
170--Good.Here we go.A little bit more.A little bit more.
171--That's good.
172--Let's just that bottom structure rettled in.
173--Let's bring in the side unit.Watch out!
174--Try to be careful,you guys.
don't peel away the bark.
177--He's slightly younger,but he's a cuss of a lot bigger.
178--That's just genetics,I guess.Ash has a littler body-type.
180--Watch this,Dad!
182--Good jump,Ash!
183--Remember to keep your tail tucked!
184--Still painting thunderstorms,I e.
185--Do you still feel poor?
187--Wow!Wow!Look at that!
188--This kid's a natural!I'm speechless,Kristofferson!
189--Plus,he knows karate.
190--Do you think I'm an athlete?
191---What are you talking about?-Well,you know,I think I'm an athlete,
192--and sometimes I feel like you guys don't e me that way.
193--What's the sub-text here?Is he praying?
194--I think that's yoga.
195--How long is Kristofferson suppod to stay with us?
196---Until your uncle gets better.-Right,but roughly
197--how long do we plan to give him on that?
198--Double-pneumonia isn't even really that big of a deal,is it?
199--Lower your voice,Ash.
200--Who am I,Kylie?
201---Who how?What,now?-Why a fox?
202--Why not a hor or a beetle or a bald eagle?
203--I'm saying this more as,like,existentialism,you know?
204--Who am I,and how can a fox ever be happy without a,uh
205--you forgive the expression,a chicken in its teeth?
206--I don't know what you're talking about,but it sounds illegal.
207--Here,put this bandit hat on.
208--Maybe you're a medium.Take it off for a min.
209--And don't wear it around the hou.
210--And so it begins.
211--Do you mind if I slide my bedroll slightly out from under the train t?
212--It's hard to sleep in that corkscrew position.
213--There's a lot of attitudes going on around here.
214---Don't let me get one.-No,it's only just that my spinal-cord
215--Sleep wherever you want,man.Here,take my bed.
216--I'll just,uh,I'll crawl under the book-ca.
217--Who cares if I get splinters in my ears?
218---Never mind.-Oh,you're gonna pout about it?
219--Becau I've had it up to here!With the sad hou guest routine.
220--Good night.