In the Chapter “My a adventure” of Treasure Island, Stevenson gives a vivid account of the narrator’s adventurous walking alone for the “蝴蝶飞飞飞block-hou” one dark night:宝石图片
Generally the night fell blacker; it was all 绝密文件I could do to guide mylf even
roughly towards my destination; the double hill behind me and the Spy-glass on my right hand loomed faint and fainter; the stars were few and pale; and in the low ground where I wandered I kept tripping among bushes and rolling into sandy pits (146) .
In the holy sonnet “Oh, to vet me, contraryes meete in one”, Donne laments his “特殊类型招生inconstancy” as if it were extraordinary … (Achsah Guibbory, “John Donne”, 创业难吗English Poetry-Donne to Marvell, Ed. Thomas N. Corns, 130)
…he explained with bitter, hyperbolic wit how he is “every dead thing, / In whom love wrought new Alchimie”王者水晶 (lines 12-13,p.139).
Translation is uniquely revealing of the asymmetries that have structured international affairs for centuries…,(it)is a cultural practice that is deeply implicated in relations of domination and dependence(Lawrence Venuti, 1998a: 158).