Dialogue: 天哪-嘿妈妈Oh, dear. - Hey, mom.
Dialogue: 亲爱的你在走人行道之前Honey, you always check the firmness of the sidewalk Dialogue: 总会先检查它是不是结实是吧before you step on it, don't you?
Dialogue: 呃没有咋了Uh, no. Why?
Dialogue: 英格兰一个人慢跑的时候直接掉到人行道里只有胳膊露在外A jogger in England fell through up to her armpits.
Dialogue: 她倒没事只是这种事儿发生的越来越频繁了She's all right, but it just ems to be happening more and more.
Dialogue: 好吧以后不走人行道了Fine. No sidewalks.
Dialogue: 我今天从一个屋顶到另一个屋顶地跳着去见达斯汀怎么样Is it okay if I meet if I leap from roof to roof?
Dialogue: 哇你俩最近一直在约会哦Wow, you guys have been eing each other for a while. Dialogue: 好甜蜜啊你们的爱情像花骨朵一样含苞待放So sweet. Fresh bloom of flowering emotions.
Dialogue: 妈好恶心Mom, gross!
Dialogue: 啥喜欢一个男孩没啥恶心的What? There's nothing gross about liking a boy. Dialogue: 不是喜欢男孩恶心你这么说很恶心No. Y ou talking about it is gross. Dialogue: 随你便我知道你不喜欢我说这些事情Fine. I know you don't like to talk about the things.
Dialogue: 我问你准备去哪儿不会恶心你吧Would it be gross if I asked you where you're going?
Dialogue: 嗯如果你别给我一脸Well, it wasn't until you
Dialogue: “我的小闺女长大了”的表情就行made your "My little girl is growing up" Face. Dialogue: 我们要去参加一个口语诗歌沙龙But we're going to a spoken word poetry slam Dialogue: 那地方相当酷名字就叫“地方”at this really cool place called "Place". Dialogue: 我喜欢诗歌我一直压着韵说话I love poetry. I rhyme all the time.
Dialogue: 说的好艾伦咋好了你又看不出来Good one, Ellen. How good? There's no telling.
Dialogue: 我要葡萄葡萄会有用的-我爸咋了I need grapes. Grapes will help. - What's wrong with dad?
Dialogue: 我来告诉你你爸咋了I'll tell you what's wrong with dad.
Dialogue: 你爸有点紧张Dad is a little uptight becau dad has to
Dialogue: 因为你爸要在两天之后交书稿但你爸还没写完turn in his book in two days and dad isn't finished.
Dialogue: 这就是你爸的问题-我爸咋了That's what's wrong with dad. - What's wrong with dad?
Dialogue: 我来告诉你你爸咋了老爸有点紧张因为I'll tell you what's wrong with dad, dad is a
Dialogue: 你爸一直拖着没把书稿写完Y our father has put off finishing his book until the last minute,
Dialogue: 现在他压力山大and now he's stressing out.
Dialogue: 你还会拖延-这是我创作过程的一部分Y ou procrastinated! - It's part of my creative process.
Dialogue: 真的你一直在画Really? Y ou've been drawing
Dialogue: 手形火鸡修你的鞋跟hand turkeys and repairing the heels on your shoes. Dialogue: 何必找鞋匠呢我有工具啊Why pay a cobbler? I have the tools.
Dialogue: 你知道吗我本以为我可以以你为榜样班尼特Y ou know, I thought I'd t a better example for you, Bennett.
Dialogue: 我对你很失望-相当失望I'm very disappointed in you. - V ery disappointed. Dialogue: 你们说够没有-只有你没干完活儿Is everybody done? - Everybody but you. Dialogue: 拖延症很有意思Procrastination is a funny thing.
Dialogue: 我看完这个可以展示And I'll tell you all
Dialogue: 给鼻子做完整容之后的样子的网站后about it as soon as I check out this website Dialogue: 就告诉你关于它的一切that shows what I'd look like with a no job.
Dialogue: 这是我整成乔治·克鲁尼的鼻子后的模样Here's what I'd look like with George Clooney's no.
Dialogue: 这是猪鼻子Here's me with a pig no.
Dialogue: 真是打发时间的好东西Oh, this is such a time-waster.
Dialogue: 我要是有一对大耳朵会是什么样Ooh, what would I look like with bigger ears? Dialogue: 班尼特你守着一杯咖啡Bennett, you've been nursing
Dialogue: 一个半小时了that same cup of coffee for half an hour.
Dialogue: 是时候回去工作了It's time to get back to work.
Dialogue: 你说得对Y ou're right.
Dialogue: 我只需要补充一点点能量好让我有动力去This is just the kind of gentle push that I need to
Dialogue: 喔看艾芙莉回来了跟我们说说你的约会吧Oh, look, A very's back! Tell us everything about your date,
Dialogue: 说多长时间都行no matter how many hours it takes.
Dialogue: 啊还不错诗歌沙龙棒极了Ah, it was fine. The poetry slam was great. Dialogue: 达斯汀和我分手了然后我吃了一个桃现在我回家了Dustin and I broke up, then I had a peach, now I'm home.
Dialogue: 啊啥你们分手了怎么回事Waah. What? Y ou broke up? What happened? Dialogue: 你还好吗-嗯还好好极了Are you okay? - Oh, yeah. Fine. Totally fine. Dialogue: 这是双方的决定It was mutual.可乐简笔画
Dialogue: 我们进行了一次毫无激情的的友善拥抱We had a friendly, though somewhat dispassionate hug.
Dialogue: 然后我就吃了我前面说过的桃Then I had the peach I mentioned earlier. Dialogue: 然后我就报名在下周做一个演讲Then I signed up to do a spoken word piece next week.
Dialogue: 我其实已经开始准备了I've actually already started it.
Dialogue: 这是关于一个叫索尔的人的故事It's about a guy
Dialogue: 好极了Saul Good.
Dialogue: 两个小孩在学校邂逅"Two kids who met in school".
Dialogue: 一开始他只是我的亲密玩伴"At first, he was just my alge-bro".
Dialogue: 后来他成为了我的玩伴现在啥也不是Then it was a little mo', now it's no mo'. Dialogue: 好极了
Dialogue: 我要开始写了I'm gonna go work on it.
Dialogue: 哇她她没怎么受分手的打击嘛Wow. She, uh, she really took that breakup well. Dialogue: 这就是艾芙莉我勇敢的战士That's my brave soldier.
Dialogue: 你不去跟她谈谈-不不用Should you go talk to her? - No. No.
Dialogue: 我了解我闺女I know my daughter. She
Dialogue: 她从来不说她感情的事doesn't like to talk about the emotional stuff.
Dialogue: 每次我试着让她说她总会拒绝但她肯定没问题Every time I've tried, she's pushed me away, but she's fine.
Dialogue: 她小时候发现她的宠物蜥蜴卷进吸尘器Even when she was little, she didn't shed a single
Dialogue: 甚至都没流一滴眼泪tear when her pet lizard got sucked into the vacuum. Dialogue: 我是说蜥蜴逃跑的时候I mean, ran away.
Dialogue: 所以说无论亲猴子这种事多有吸引力And that's why no matter how tempting it might em,
Dialogue: 你也永远别去尝试you should never kiss a monkey.
Dialogue: 霍克在餐车工作最让我觉得惬意的事就是One of my favorite things about working at the food truck, Hawk,
Dialogue: 去听你那些又酷又惊险的故事is hearing all the cool stories you tell where you almost lo a lip.
Dialogue: 我的存在就是为了警示他人I am nothing if not a cautionary tale.
Dialogue: 看看我在车底找到的垃圾Look at all this garbage I found under the truck. Dialogue: 瓶子包装纸Bottles, wrappers,
Dialogue: 还有这两块被傻瓜留在轮胎后面的木块and the two blocks of wood some doofus left behind the tires.
Dialogue: 嗯你看这是用来挡车轮的傻大个Y eah, e, the are wheel blocks, tall buddy.
Dialogue: 两年前我用Couple of years ago I traded
Dialogue: 我的紧急刹车换了一顶超帅的牛仔帽my emergency brake for a really cool cowboy hat.
Dialogue: 这些木块可以防止卡车移位The keep the truck from rolling away,
Dialogue: 让我有安全感因为我住在里面which gives me peace of mind, since I live in it. Dialogue: 非常愿意看看你那顶牛仔帽Sure love to e that cowboy hat.
远志的副作用Dialogue: 他名叫达斯汀"His name was Dustin,
Dialogue: 而我并没有被困扰其实我好极了and I wasn't nonplusd in, fact; Saul Goode". Dialogue: 这是你第一次分手你比看起来更伤心It's your first breakup. Y ou're sadder than you're letting on.
Dialogue: 我可以闻到I can smell it.
Dialogue: 你能闻到悲伤-嗯没错Y ou smell sadness? - Oh, yeah.
Dialogue: 狗能闻到恐惧喜悦悲伤当然还有屁股Dogs smell fear, joy, butts, of cour.
Dialogue: 悲伤闻起来就像街上的土Sad smells like a puddle on the street where
Dialogue: 和一小块腊肠混起来的味道there's also been a tiny piece of salami.
Dialogue: 那么你的嗅觉该调调了Well, your smeller needs to be recalibrated,
Dialogue: 因为我没事becau I am just fine.
Dialogue: 我来安慰你我是条狗我就是干这个的I can comfort you. I'm a dog. It's my
Dialogue: 来吧爱抚我这就是我用护发素的原因Come on, pet me. It's why I u conditioner.
手掌事业线Dialogue: 这有帮助吗Is this helping at all?
Dialogue: 我要是再往你怀里钻我的鼻子就要抽筋了If I go any deeper I'm gonna get a snout cramp.
Dialogue: 好吧斯坦狗能闻到厌烦吗Okay, Stan, can dogs smell annoyed?
Dialogue: 因为你现在正在烦我Becau you're starting to bug me.
Dialogue: 嗯我闻到了就像芥末配上脏气球的味儿Oh, yeah. It's mustard with a little bit of dirty balloon.
Dialogue: 斯坦让我自己一人呆会儿我要写我的诗Stan plea. I'm trying to work on my poem.
Dialogue: 我知道她很伤心我要找个方法帮助她I know she's sad. I have to figure out a way to help her.
Dialogue: 草莓和兔子味Strawberries and rabbit?
Dialogue: 哦克洛伊正为什么事欣喜若狂呢Oh. Chloe's excited about something. Dialogue: 没错吧There's the sugar!
绿豆粥的功效与作用Dialogue: 你在里面怎么样了亲爱的书写得怎么样了How's it going in there, honey? How's the book coming?
Dialogue: 进展顺利我需要安静的空间别进来Fantastic! But I need quiet. Do not come in. Dialogue: 我在里面文思泉涌着呢It's like a blizzard of ideas in here!
Dialogue: 酷毙了This is awesome!
Dialogue: 不要告诉你妈Don't tell mommy.
Dialogue: 她不会理解She wouldn't understand
Dialogue: 这对我的创作进程有多重要how important this is to my creative process. Dialogue: 这对你的创作进程有多重要How is this important to your creative process? Dialogue: 问得好That's a good question,
Dialogue: 不过要回答这个问题可得花点工夫but it's gonna take a long time to answer. Dialogue: 我们边吃边讨论-好呀So let's go discuss it over a snack. - Okay!
Dialogue: 好极了有时候我真搞不懂他到底是个儿童心理医生Yikes. Sometimes I don't know if he is a child psychologist
Dialogue: 还是他需要去看儿童心理医生or he needs a child psychologist.
Dialogue: 这里一定有写可以帮到艾芙莉的东西There's gotta be something in here that can help A very.
Dialogue: 你写出点啥了班尼特What have you written so far, Bennett?
Dialogue: 太过分了我不在献词里This is an outrage! I'm not in the dedication!
Dialogue: 在哪里在哪里Come on,
Dialogue: 第四章妈妈知道该怎么办"Chapter four. Mother knows best.
Dialogue: 她也曾经是青春少女She was once a teenage girl too".
Dialogue: 这怎么能帮到艾芙莉等等How is that gonna help A very?
Dialogue: 你能让我在这儿过夜我真的很感激泰勒I really appreciate you letting me spend the night here, Tyler.
Dialogue: 你住的餐车让我毁了Y ou live in that truck, and I crashed it.
Dialogue: 这是我应该做的先让我把事情跟我家人说清楚It's the least I can do. Let me just
clear it with my folks.
Dialogue: 如果不行If it's a problem,
Dialogue: 我雄鹰霍克曾在繁星下度过许多的晚上The Hawk has spent many a night under the stars.
Dialogue: 有一次我在动物园的火烈鸟沼泽里呆了一夜Once in the flamingo marsh at the zoo. Dialogue: 我都开始长羽毛了看看I actually started to grow feathers. Look.
Dialogue: 我开玩笑的I'm kidding.
Dialogue: 那么我住下可以吗So, uh, it's okay if I stay?
Dialogue: 你在明天车修好前就住在这里Y ou're staying here until your truck is fixed tomorrow. Dialogue: 我坚持让你住我爸妈就会同意的I insist, my parents will insist.
Dialogue: 我的好哥们儿在这儿住一晚行不行-绝对不行Is it okay if a buddy spends - Absolutely not.
Dialogue: 妈但是我-你爸要完成他的书稿But mom, I... - Y our father has to finish his book.
Dialogue: 不能分他的神对吧班尼特No distractions. Right, Bennett?
Dialogue: 班尼特Bennett!
Dialogue: 做一架纸盒飞机是我创作进程的一部分Building a juice box jumbo jet is part of my process.
Dialogue: 我要到楼顶看看这小家伙能不能飞起来I'm gonna go up on the roof and e if this baby flies.
Dialogue: 能不能就让我的朋友呆-不行Could my friend - No!
Dialogue: 他们没意见进来吧They're cool with it. Come on in.
Dialogue: 多累的一天啊哈哈What a day! Ha ha ha!
Dialogue: 我就想好好地歇一会儿I just want to put my feet up and relax.
Dialogue: 是艾伦我马上回去工作Y es, Ellen, I'm going back to work.
Dialogue: 比谁爬楼梯快-噢Race you up the stairs! - Oh!
Dialogue: 跑跑跑Go go go!
Dialogue: 嘿Hey!
Dialogue: 你的脚现在有多大了How big are your feet getting?!紫菜蛋花汤
Dialogue: 噢这儿闻起来更悲伤了Oh. It smells even sadder in here.
Dialogue: 斯坦Stan.
Dialogue: 你爸的新书里有些内容可以帮到你There's something in your dad's new book that can help you.
Dialogue: 我给你说过我不需要任何帮助I told you, I don't need any help.
Dialogue: 你觉得这篇怎么样Now what do you think
Dialogue: 他人之心尽皆粉碎"Other people might have their heart shattered".
Dialogue: 感情消逝尊严尽失"Feelings scattered, dignity tattered,
Dialogue: 灵魂湮灭希望幻灭soul battered, hope splattered".
Dialogue: 吾之所幸幸无大碍"Lucky for me, it never really mattered".
Dialogue: 我喜欢听你清脆轻松的声音I like the light, breezy tone.
Dialogue: 艾芙莉你爸的书说你妈妈是解决问题的关键A very, your dad's book says your mom is the key.
Dialogue: 她知道该怎么帮助你She'll know how to help you.
Dialogue: 你只需要忽略她嘴里Y ou just have to ignore all the