英语听⼒频道为⼤家整理的新概念英语听⼒室下载,供⼤家参考:) Up until some eighteen months ago-before Iwas given the great privilege of becoming a volunteer for UNICEF - I ud to beoverwhelmed by a n of desperation and helplessness when watching televisionor reading about the indescribable miry of the developing world's childrenand their mothers. 就在18个⽉前,当我有幸成为联合国⼉童基⾦会的⼀名志愿者之前,每当在电视上或者报纸上看到发展中国家的那些母亲和⼉童遭遇的令⼈难以置信的悲剧时,我常常会感到⽆限的绝望和⽆助。
If I feel less helpless today, it isbecau I have now en what can be done and what is being done by UNICEF, bymany other organizations and agencies, by the churches, by governments, andmost of all, with very little help, by people themlves. And yet, we must domore about the alarming state of the children in the developing world-many areonly just surviving-especially when we know that the finances needed areminimal compared to the global expenditure of this world, and when we know thatless than half of one percent of today's world economy would be the totalrequired to eradicate the worst aspects of poverty and to meet basic humanneeds over the next ten years. In other words, there is no deficit in human resources-thedeficit is in human will. 现在当我再看到这样的故事时,已经不那么觉得⽆助了。因为现在我知道联合国⼉童基⾦会以及另外⼀些组织、机构、教会、政府都在努⼒帮助他们。但是,我们还应该为那些处于危险状态的发展中国家的⼉童们做更多的事情,他们中的⼀些⼈现在处于仅仅能够
活命的状况。尤其是我们要明⽩这样⼀个事实--他们所需的财⼒上的帮助相对于全世界的花销来说,只是⼩⼩的⼀部分;我们也明⽩,拿出不到世界经济0.5%的⼒量,就⾜以根除地球上最贫穷的情况,使这些⼈们在今后⼗年获得基本的⽣存需求。换句话说,⼈类的资源不存在不充⾜的问题,不充⾜的是⼈们的意愿。The question I am most frequently asked is:"What do you really do for UNICEF?" Clearly, my task is to inform, tocreate awareness of the need of children. To fully understand the problems ofthe state of the world's children, it would be nice to be an expert oneducation, economics, politics, religious traditions, and cultures. I am noneof the things, but I am a mother. ⼈们最常问我的⼀个问题是:你真正为联合国⼉童基⾦会做了什么?很明显,我的职责是通过⾃⼰的努⼒,使社会了解和意识到⼉童的需要。如果我是⼀位教育家、经济学家、政治家、宗教学家或者⽂化专家的话,我将能更深刻地了解当今世界上的⼉童问题。尽管我不是上述任何⼀种专家,但是,我是⼀位母亲。
There is unhappily a need for greateradvocacy for children-children haunted by undernourishment, dia and death.You do not have to be a "financial whiz" to look into so many littlefaces with diad, glazed eyes and to know that this is the result ofcritical malnutrition, one of the worst symptoms of which is vitamin Adeficiency that caus corneal lesions resulting in partial or total blindness,followed within a few weeks by death. ⾮常遗憾的是,现在⼉童事业仍需要很⼤的⽀持,许
Every year there are as many as 500,000such cas in countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, the Philippines,Ethiopia.在印度尼西亚、孟加拉国、印度、菲律宾和埃塞俄⽐亚等国,每年会发⽣有50万之多的此类病例。
Today there are in fact, millions of children at risk of going blind.Little wonder that I and many other UNICEF volunteers travel the world to raifunds before it is too late, but also to rai awareness and to combat adifferent kind of darkness, a darkness people find themlves in through lackof information on how easy it is to reach out and keep the children. It costighty-four cents a year to stop a child from going blind-the price of twovitamin A capsules. 今天,实际上有上百万的⼉童正在受到失明的威胁。毫⽆疑问,我和基⾦会的其他志愿者在全世界旅⾏,不只是尽⼒量寻求社会对基⾦会的资⾦⽀持,同时也在向那些地区的⼈们普及最基本的医疗知识,告诉他们如何抚养他们的孩⼦。其实每年只需要8美分就能使⼀个孩⼦不⾄于失明,8美分只是两⽚维⽣素A的价格。
I have known UNICEF a long time. For,almost forty-five years ago, I was one of the tens of thousands of starvingchildren in war-ravaged Europe to receive aid from UNICEF, immediately afterour Iiberation. 我很久之前就知道联合国⼉童基⾦会。⼤约45年前,在刚刚被战⽕蹂躏完的欧洲,我是⼏万名饥饿的⼉童中的⼀员,需要联合国⼉童基⾦会的援助。
That liberation freed us from hunger, repression, and constantviolence. We were reduced to near total poverty, as is the developing worldtoday. For it is poverty that is at the root of all their suffering-thenot-having: not having the means to help themlves. 战争结束,我们从饥饿、压迫和持久的暴⼒中解脱了出来。但是我们当时⼏乎⾚贫,就像现在发展中国家那样。贫穷是⼀切苦难的根源,贫穷导致缺乏帮助⾃⼰的⼿段。
That is what UNICEF is allabout-helping people to help themlves and giving them the aid to develop.Theeffect of the monstrous burden of debt in the developing world has made thepoor even poorer, and has fallen most heavily on the neediest. Tho whom ithas damaged the most have been the women and children. 这就是联合国⼉童基⾦会要做的-使⼈们拥有能够帮助⾃⼰的能⼒,给予他们发展的援助。在发展中国家,沉重的债务负担使得穷⼈更加贫困,⽽最贫困的⼈负担则最重。受伤害的莫过于妇⼥和⼉童。无锡有什么特产
Unlike droughts, floods, or earthquakes,the tragedy of poverty cannot easily be captured by the media and brought tothe attention of the public worldwide. It is happening not in any oneparticular place, but in slums and shanties and neglected rural communitiesacross two continents. 与⼲旱、洪⽔或者地震等⾃然灾害不同,贫困并不会常常被媒体关注,因此在世界范围内也得不到社会的注意。贫穷问题不只在特定的地⽅发⽣,它在两个⼤陆的贫民窟、棚户区和被忽视的农村地区⼴泛地存
It is happening not at any one particular time, but overlong years of increasing poverty, which have not been featured in the nightlynews but which have changed the lives of many millions of people. And it ishappening not becau of any one visible cau, but becau of an unfoldingeconomic drama in which the industrialized nations play a leading part, whichis spreading human miry and hardship on a scale and of a verityunprecedented in the postwar era. 贫穷问题也不只在特定的时间发⽣,很多年以来,贫困⼈⼝⼀直持续增长。尽管贫困问题并没有上电视台的晚间新闻,但是却威胁着上百万⼈的⽣存。贫困问题的发⽣,也不只是因为某⼀个原因,但有⼀个重要的原因,就是发达国家⼯业化⽣产和这些发展中国家⼿⼯劳作的产品差异。
爱牙护牙手抄报In Africa, for instance, in spite ofnational reforms, improved weather conditions, and a surge of theira
gricultural output, all their hard-earned gains have been undermined byinternational economic trends and a drastic fall in commodity prices. They arenow compelled to return four times as much money as they were loaned! But thepoorest ctors of society in the developing world are also suffering as aresult of all too frequent misappropriation of funds, as well as the tremendousinequality in the distribution of land and other productive resources. 举个例⼦说,在⾮洲,尽管国家进⾏了改⾰,⽓候条件有了改善,农业产量也显著增加,但是他们⾟苦劳作的所得却被国际经济趋势和农产品价格的猛烈下降所破坏。他们⽬前被迫要以4倍的钱数来还贷款。但是,在发展中国家⾥最贫穷的部分还源于经常发⽣的挪⽤盗⽤资⾦以及⼟地和其他⽣产资料的严重分配不均。
UNICEF's business is children-not theworkings of the international economy. In its everyday work in over 100developing nations, UNICEF is brought up against a face of today'sinternational economic problems that is not en in the corridors of financialpower, not reflected in the statistics of debt rvice ratios, not ated atthe conference tables of debt negotiations-it is in the face of a child. 联合国⼉童基⾦会的⼯作是为了⼉童,⽽不是为了国际经济。联合国⼉童基⾦会正在全球超过100个发展中国家开展⼯作。在这些⼯作中,联合国⼉童基⾦会遇到了⼀些国际经济问题,这些问题不会在⾦融巨⼦的⾛廊中看到,不会在债券汇率的数据中反映出来,也不会在债务谈判桌上发现,这些问题出现在⼉童的⾯庞上。retire
It isthe young child who growing mind and body is susceptible to permanent damagefrom even temporary deprivation. The human brain and body are formed within thefirst five years of life, and there is no cond chance. 这些问题包括:⼉童们正在发育的⾝⼼正在受到哪怕是暂时性的贫困的伤害。⼈类⼤脑和⾝体的发育情况,是在5岁之前就奠定了基础的,⽽且不会有第⼆次发育的机会。
It is the young childwho individual development today, and who social contribution tomorrow, arebeing shaped by the economics of now. It is the young child who is paying thehighest of all prices. We cannot therefore ignore the economic issues which forso many millions of the world's poorest families have made the 1980s into adecade of despair. ⼉童们今天的个⼈发展以及明天对于社会的贡献,都在隐性地被当前的经济情况所塑造。⼉童们也正在付出最昂贵的代价。我们不能忽视这样的事实:世界上成百万的最贫穷的家庭正在把20世纪80年代变成⼀个饥荒的年代。
Today the heaviest burden of a decade offrenzied borrowing is falling not on the military, nor on tho foreign bankaccounts, nor on tho who conceived the years of waste, but on the poor whoare having to do without the bare necessities, on the women who do not haveenough food to maintain their health, on the infants who minds and bodies arebeing stunted becau of untreated illness and malnutrition, and on childrenwho are being denied their only opportunity ever to go to school. 今天,承受⽆节制的借款带来的沉重负担的不是军⽅,不是那些外国银⾏家,也不是那些预⽀过奢侈⽣
When theimpact becomes visible in the rising death rates among children, then what hashappened is simply an outrage against a large ction of humanity. Nothing canjustify it. The connsus now beginning to take shape is that the burden ofdebt must be lifted to a degree where the developing countries can cope withdebt repayment, to the point where their economies can grow out of theiroverwhelming indebtedness, and t them on the road to recovery and realdevelopment. 当这种影响反映到⼉童死亡率的上升时,这简直就是违反⼈性的暴⾏了。这绝对是不正当的。⽬前,⼀个共识正在形成,那就是发展中国家的债务负担应该减少,使得发展中国家有能⼒偿还债务,使得发展中国家的经济能够从沉重⽆⽐的债务中解脱出来,同时⾛上复苏和真正发展之路
罽宾World population growth is beginning to bebrought under control. Change is in prospect everywhere-and if at this timethere is the vision to u this opportunity creatively to e a brave new worldand to dare to reach for it, there is a real possibility over the next tenyears to begin to come to grips with the triad of fundamental problems whichthreaten mankind: the prence and the threat of war, the deterioration of theenvironment, and the persistence of the worst aspects of absolute poverty. 世界⼈⼝增长正在逐渐受到控制。变化正在各地出现。但是如果在⽬前的时刻,我们能够创造性地利⽤这个
Many of the great social changes of modernhistory-the abolition of slavery, the ending of colonial rule, the isolation ofapartheid, the increasing connsus on the environment, or the growingrecognition of the rights of women-have begun with rhetorical commitment whichhas eventually turned into action. In the 1990s it may at last be the turn ofthe child, and our
dream for an international summit for children andratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child could become areality. 废除奴⾪制度、终结殖民地制度、取消种族隔离、对环境问题的关注以及对妇⼥权利的承认都是当代重⼤的社会变化。这些社会变化都是从⽂字上的开始最终变成实际⾏动的。在20世纪90年代,是我们应该关注⼉童问题的时候了。我们的梦想-召开⼀次国际⼉童⾸脑会议并且签署⼀份《⼉童权利协定》-⼀定会变成现实。奥黛丽·赫本⼥⼠对联合国⼯作⼈员的演讲(下)
Forty thousand (35,000 in 2003) childrenstill die every day-280,000 a week (245,000 in 2003). No natural calamity, beit flood or earthquake, has ever claimed as many children's lives-and thishappens every week mostly in the silent emergency of preventable dias likepolio, tetanus, tuberculosis, measles, and the worst killer of all, dehydrationfrom diarrhea caud by unclean drinkin凛然是什么意思
g water and malnutrition. 导致⼉童死亡的杀⼿是⼀些悄悄蔓延的疾病,例如⾻髓灰质炎、破伤风、结核病、⿇疹等。最恐怖的是痢疾引起的脱⽔症,这是由于饮⽤不卫⽣的⽔和营养不良⽽引起的。这些疾病其实都是可以预防的。
It costs fivedollars to vaccinate a child for life, 6 cents will prevent death from dehydration,and 84 cents per year will stop a child from going blind. How is it thatgovernments spend so much on warfare and bypass the needs of their children,their greatest capital, their only hope for peace? 现在,每天都有40000名⼉童失去⽣命(到2003年这个数字会是35000),每周死亡⼉童的⼈数是280000(到2003年是245000)。⽆论洪⽔还是地震,没有任何⼀种⾃然灾害能够夺⾛这么多⼉童的⽣命。给⼀个⼉童进⾏预防接种只需要5美元,防治脱⽔症只需要6美分,每年花费84美分就可以防⽌⼉童失明。为什么政府宁愿花巨资购置军备,⽽不愿意把钱花在⼉童⾝上?⼉童应该是最伟⼤的财产,是和平的希望。
Must admit to you that the magnitude of thetask that UNICEF has undertaken sometimes overwhelms me, and I am saddened andfrustrated when I stop to think of what we cannot do-like change the worldovernight-or when I have to deal with the cynics of this world who argue, Is itmorally right to save the lives of children who will only grow up to moresuffering and poverty due to overpopulation? 我必须承认,联合国⼉童基⾦会正在进⾏的⼀些⼯作有时让我觉得很受打击。当我停
Letting children die is not theremedy to overpopulation; family planning and birth spacing is. Rapidpopulation growth can be slowed by giving the world's poor a better life,giving them health, education, housing, nutrition, civil rights. The thingsare not free but available at a cost that developing countries can afford,given the assistance they need. China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico havealready proven that population can be slowed by working on public healtheducation and family planning. 通过给予世界上的穷⼈更好的⽣活,给予他们健康、教育、房屋、营养和⼈权等,可以使⼈⼝增长速度降低。这些措施不是免费的,需要付出⼀定代价,但是这都是发展中国家可以承受的,我们可以给予这些国家帮助。中国、印度尼西亚、泰国和墨西哥已经证明,通过在公共健康、教育和计划⽣育⽅⾯的努⼒,可以降低⼈⼝增长速度。
The World Bank now forecasts that by theearly 1990s the world should reach the historic turning point at which theannual increa in global population begins to decline. It is also true that inno country has the birth rate declined before infant deaths have declined. Inother words, parents can plan to have two children if they know they willsurvive, rather than having six in the hopes that two wi
ll survive. 世界银⾏预测,20世纪90年代初期是世界⼈⼝增长的转折点,⼈⼝增长趋势从此以后将从增长变为减少。⼀个事实是,没有任何⼀个国家在婴⼉死亡率降低之前能够实现出⽣率的降低。换句话说,家长应该⽣育两个孩⼦,同时保证这两个孩⼦都能⽣存下来,⽽不是⽣育六个⼦⼥,只希望其中两个能够存活。
That is whyUNICEF is also so dedicated to educating and informing mothers in child care.For it is the mother who is still the best "caretaker" of her child,and UNICEF supports any amount of educational projects for women in thedeveloping countries that relate directly to health and nutrition, sanitationand hygiene, education and literacy. 这也是为什么联合国⼉童基⾦会要致⼒于对母亲们进⾏有关如何照料⼦⼥的教育。因为,母亲是⼉童们的"保姆"。联合国⼉童基⾦会⽀持发展中国家的⼀切与妇⼥的健康、营养、卫⽣、教育、扫盲等有关的教育计划。理性消费