第四章 模拟练习与答案
Binnk Filling
1. The Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain referred to as .
脑开头成语>左右相同的字2. While Mark Twain and Howells emed to have paid more attention to the "life" of the Americans, Henry James had apparently laid great emphasis on the" "of man.
3. In 1859, Darwin published , which exerted great influence on American Naturalism.
4. is regarded as "the true father of our national literature."
5. Henry probed deeply at the individual psychology of his characters, writing in a rich and intricate style that suppod his intensa scrutiny of complex human experience.
6. breaking out of the narrow limits of local color fiction, described the breadth of American experience as no one had ever done before, or since.
7. was the first literary giant bom West of the Mississippi.
8. The result of Mark Twain's European trip was a ries of newspaper ar ficles, later published as a book called .
9. The novel which was described by an American critic as "an outrage to American girlhood" is Henry James' .
10. is considered the founder of Psychological realism. He be lieved that reality lies in the impressions made by life on the spectator.
11. The name of the heroine in The Portrait of a Lady is .
12. In 1902 London published his first novel .
13. is the novel into which Jack London put most of himlf.
14. Henry James'realism is characterized by his approach to his subject matter.
15. The Financier, The Titan and The Stoic form Dreir's .
16. An American Tragedy is a masterpiece by .
17. The best work that Mark Twain ever produced is , which was a success from its first publication in 1884, and has always been regarded as one of the great books of western literature and western civilization.
18. is the pioneer who wrote in the naturalistic tradition.
19. Crane's novel relates the story of a good woman's downfall and destruction in a slum environment.
20. In the late nineteenth century, although Americans continued to read the works of Irving, Cooper, Hawthorne and Poe, the great age of American had ended.
21. The American 珂丽柏蒂sought to describe the wide range of American experience and to prent the subtleties of human personality.
22. After the Civil War, the Frontier was closing. Disillusionment and frustration were widely felt. What had been expected to be a "Golden Age" turned to be one.
23. Howells' is a fine specimen of American realistic writing.
24. War in Crane's novel is a plain slaughterhou. There is nothing like valor or heroism on the battlefield, and if there is anything, it is the fear of death, cowardice, the natural instinct Of man to run from danger.
25. Norris' novel has been called "the first fullbodied naturalistic American novel" and "a consciously naturalistic manifesto".
II.Multiple Choice
1. The Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States refers to the period from
to .
A. 1914 B. 1918 C. 1914 D. 1918
2. is not the reprentative writer in the Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States.
A. Henry James B. Emily Dickinson
C. William Dean Howells D. Mark Twain
3. explores the scrupulous individualism in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values, and gives its name to the get-rich quick years of the post Civil War era.
A. Innocents Abroad B. The Gilded age
C. Roughing It D. The Middle Years
4. is considered to be Theodore Dreir's greatest work.
A. An American Tragedy B. Sister Carrie
C. The Financier D. The Titan
5. is a novella about a young American girl who gets "killed" by the winter in Rome, and it brought Henry James international fame for the first time.
A. The American B. The Europeans
C. Daisy Miller D. The Portrait of a Lady
6. Stylistically, Henry James' fiction is characterized by 最强大脑刘健.