名“侵⼊伊朗领⼟”的英国⼠兵。两国之间本来剑拔弩张的关系瞬间缓和,英国⾸相布莱尔也主动向伊朗⽰好,表⽰尊重伊朗⼈民和伊朗悠久的⽂化,英国对伊朗没有恶意,并表⽰他希望两国政府间的分歧会通过和平对话的⽅式解决。对此事的发展趋势,美国总统布什也不得不⼝是⼼⾮的说很⾼兴看到这个结果,但内⼼的苦闷外⼈不得⽽知,本希望借 “⾁包⼦打狗”发难,却不知反被狗咬。此事对美伊之间潜在的战争危险有何影响,⼤家还得拭⽬以待。——编者
[CNN原⽂]Iran president says British sailors and marines (1) to be freed
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) —— Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with some of the 15 British military personnel (2) held in Iranian custody (3) for almost two weeks, shortly after pardoning (4) the group and vowing to t them free.
Iranian state television (5) showed footage (6) of Ahmadinejad shaking hands, smiling and chatting with the detainees(7), who were dresd in suits. One of them was heard to comment in English: "We are grateful for your forgiveness."
Ahmadinejad joked with one of them: "What kind of compulsory trip were you on?" He added: "I wish you success."
An Iranian diplomat in London told The Associated Press that the 15 would be handed over to (8) the British Embassy in Tehran. It is unclear when that handover would take place.
According to the president's office, the Britons will leave Tehran at Thursday (0430 GMT).
Parents expresd huge relief.
"Well, we were absolutely, totally shocked," said Alison Carman, mother of Lt. Felix Carman, as she stood beside her husband. "It was just unbelievable. It was a bolt out of the blue. (9) We'd been praying for their relea, and when it actually happened, I think I fell to the floor, and Paul burst into tears."
In the town of Hayle, a party was under way (10) at the Cornubia Pub, where one of the detained sailors, Nathan Thomas Summers, worked before joining the Royal Navy.
"We haven't gotten any news yet, but the Ministry of Defen and the Royal Navy have been absolutely fantastic keeping us up to date with every bit of information we've needed," said Summers
' mother, Tracey Watkins.
屏障的近义词 "We really will celebrate once I actually e my son on English soil," she said. "That will be the time. When he's in my arms."
She said she was told that Summers would have to undergo debriefing (11) and a physical exam (12) before eing his family, but he can call them once he reaches the British Embassy.我和爸爸
"As politics is concerned, I try to keep out of it (13)," Watkins said. "I am just glad I'm getting my son back."
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the announcement comes "as a profound relief, not just to them but to their families that have endured such distress and anxiety over the past 12 days."
"Throughout, we have taken a measured approach (14): firm but calm, not negotiating but not confronting either," Blair said in a brief statement to reporters.
"To the Iranian people, I would simply say this: We bear you no ill will. (15) On the contrary, we respect Iran as an ancient civilization and as a nation with a proud and dignified history.
"And the disagreements that we have with your government we wish to resolve peacefully through dialogue. I hope, as I have always hoped, that in the future we are able to do so."
In Washington, White Hou spokesman Gordon Johndroe said: "President Bush also welcomes the news."
Ahmadinejad's announcement came at the end of a lengthy (16) news conference (17) Wednesday, in which he said the detainees had violated Iran's territorial waters and called their relea "a gift to the British people."
"I declare that the people of Iran and the government of Iran —— in full power to place on trial the military people —— to give amnesty (18) and pardon (19) to the 15 people, and I announce their freedom and their return to the people of Britain," Ahmadinejad said.
The action was a goodwill gesture for the Iranian new year, he said, adding that Iran had received a letter from Britain
promising not to intrude into Iranian waters.
"The British government nt a letter to our Foreign Ministry and said it would not happen again. Of
cour, our decision had nothing to do with the letter. It's a decision made by our government to give a gift to the people of Britain," Ahmadinejad said in answer to a reporter's question.
"They will go through some brief formalities (20), and then they will go to the embassy," he said. "They can go on a British Airways flight to Heathrow, they can go through the UAE, it is up to the British Embassy in Tehran in coordination with the Foreign Office here."
Ahmadinejad had earlier praid the border guards (21) who captured the 15 on March 23, prenting their commander with a medal for bravery.
"I thank the border guards who bravely protect our borders and also arrested the violators, and I grant them the bravery medal to their commander," Ahmadinejad said.
Ahmadinejad's announcement followed a cooling (22) in the diplomatic row that had raged (23) between London and Tehran since the Britons' detention March 23.
Iran had relead veral videos showing the 14 men and one woman, including confessions (24) from four of the sailors.
Britain said the confessions were coerced and expresd its outrage (25) about the videos' relea.
Other developments
A U.S. military official said Washington officials were considering a request made by Iran to allow Iranian reprentatives access to the five detained Iranians captured in early January by U.S. forces during a military raid in northern Iraq. "The request has been made, but nothing has been approved," the official told CNN on Wednesday.
Iranian officials in Kish Island said a U.S. inquiry into an American citizen who has been missing for veral weeks in southern Iran was made for "political purpos," according to IRNA, Iran's state-run news agency.
1. marine ⽔兵
2. military personnel 军事⼈员,包括军⼈以及为军⼈提供后勤保障的⼈员,paramilitary personnel 是准军事⼈员,包括民兵、预备队、没有公开活动的游击队员以及参加军事训练但未⼊伍的⼈员。
仓库工作总结 3. hold in custody 监禁,custody是监管,保管的意思
4. pardoning 宽恕,饶恕,免于对...所犯罪过的惩罚
5. state television 国家电视台,state⼀般⽤来表⽰“国家的”,如国家机关state departments
6. footage 胶⽚,电影胶⽚
7. detainee 被拘留的⼈,detain拘留,羁押,相当于hole sb. in custody
8. handed over to 移交,转交
9. It was a bolt out of the blue. 晴天霹雳。bolt是闪电的意思,out of the blue指的是碧空万⾥
10. under way 这在计划中,在准备中,就要开始
11. debriefing 述职,报告任务
12. physical exam 体检
唯唯连声 13. As politics is concerned, I try to keep out of it. 对于政治,我避⽽远之。
14. taken a measured approach 采取有节制的措施
15. We bear you no ill will. 我们对你们没有恶意。
16. lengthy 冗长的,由名词length变化⽽来
17. news conference 新闻发布会
18. amnesty 赦免,⽐较正式,⼀般是国王、君主、总统等以较⾼的⾝份免除某⼈的罪责,这些罪责往往都是冒犯了这些⼈的尊严,所以⼀般是政治犯。
19. pardon 宽恕,赦免,范围⽐较⼴,实施这⼀⾏为的可以是个⼈、国家权⼒机关,也可以是⼀个组织。
20. formalities ⼿续
21. the border guards 边防军
22. cooling 缓解,冷却
23. raged 激化,变的尖锐
24. confessions 认罪,坦⽩⾃⼰的罪过
25. outrage 愤怒 outrageous 残暴的,⽆耻的