⏹ 形合,就是指句子内部的词语之间﹑短语之间或分句之间主要用语言手段(即形式手段)连接起来,从而表达出句子的语法意义和逻辑关系 美国研究生学费
⏹ 意合,指句子内部的词语之间﹑短语之间或分句之间主要用非语言手段(即非形式手段)连接,句子的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语﹑短语和分句的意义即能表达出来。
省译 和增译
⏹ 英译汉省译连词
⏹ 汉译英增译连词
省译 和增译-连词
⏹ 英文中的连词(conj.)是连接分句与分句或短语与短语的手段,说明所连接成分之间的逻辑关系。其中,连接并列成分的连词称为“并列连词”( cordinating conjunction)如and 和but;表示其他逻辑关系,如因果﹑让步﹑条件﹑时间﹑目的﹑结果等从属关系的连词称为“从属连词”(subordinating conjunction)
省译 和增译-连词
⏹ “并列连词”和“从属连词”都是英语重要的语法手段,体现了英文句子中严密的逻辑性。
⏹ 汉语中的并列连词,尤其是与英文连词and对应的“和”字并不像英文使用得如此频繁,所以翻译的时候往往省略,特别是连接动词短语或分句的“and”.
⏹ 而汉语有时候虽然也使用成对的关联词,如“因为…所以…”“虽然…但是…”“如果…就…”双鱼座的女人等,但很多时候,汉语的分句与分句之间的关系是通过前后意思表现出来,不一定要依赖连词,因此英译汉时英文中的从属连词往往省译,而汉译英时往往要根据分句之间的连贯添加本来没有的连词。
⏹ 例1:
⏹ We went to the opera and saw Carmen.
⏹ 我们去听歌剧,见到了卡门。
⏹ 例2:
⏹ Annie plays softball, and she plays soccer too.
⏹ 安妮打垒球,也踢足球。
⏹ 英文中的and 如果表示顺承关系,即所联系的两个动作或分句是先后关系,在汉语中一般更要省译。如:
⏹ 例3 :
⏹ My friend grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him.
⏹ 我的朋友在欧洲的一个森林长大,月亮对他来说意义非同一般。
⏹ 例4:
⏹ Late at night, underneath the full moon, everything emed bathed in a quiet supernatural light, and we could e the stones in the river, and watch the deer and antelope crossing , almost half a kilometer away.
⏹ 深夜,一轮满月下,一切似乎都沐浴在超自然的静谧月光之中,我们可以看见河里满是石块,远处大约半公里处,还有鹿群和羚羊穿过。
⏹ 例 5:
⏹ He shut himlf away and listened to a great deal of loud music.
⏹ 他把自己关了起来,听了许多声音很大的音乐。
⏹ 例6:
⏹ There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains-and perhaps write, but not in anger.I may grow old there, and wear the bottoms of my trours rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.
⏹ 我会在那里种菜,读书,在山间漫步—或许还要写作,但没有愤怒。我可能在那里度过晚年,挽起裤脚,悠闲地喝着咖啡度日。
⏹ 从属连词在很多时候也省译
⏹ 例7:
⏹ The chestnut husks split wide when open when they came to the ground, revealing the polished brown of the shy fruit.
⏹ 栗子落在地上,外壳绽裂开来,羞答答地露出亮棕色的果实。
⏹ 例8:
⏹ If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
⏹ 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
⏹ 例9:
⏹ The air was motionless, but when you opened your mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill from a glass of iced water before you sip, 3但6and now and again a leaf came drifting- from nowhere,from the sky.
⏹ 一丝风都没有,但张开嘴却可以感到一丝寒意,就像啜饮一杯冰水前先吸到的冷气。偶尔还会有一片叶子飘来—不知来自何方,或许来自天上。
⏹ 例10:
⏹ We knew spring was coming as we had en a robin.
⏹ 我们看到了一只知更鸟,知道春天快要来了。
⏹ 例11:
⏹ It had been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to tho who could lo their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall.
⏹ 那是个天气晴朗﹑迷人的金色秋天,美好的秋色为那些青年送别。待到战后和平时期,黄叶纷飞的秋天再度来临,当日的青年已经青春不再,有的已经失去了生命。
增译 (松赞干布读音C-E名人名言怎么写)
⏹ 以上是英译汉过程中省译连词的例子,从这些例子中我们可以悟出:英译汉时遇到连词应首先想到省译,因为这是英语和汉语的一个区别,如果省译不通,再适当译出连词。而汉译英则相反,在汉译英时尤其要注意添加连词。
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例1:
⏹ 母亲吸烟的孩子,他们的肺发育没有达到应该达到的速度,其发育程度实际上比母亲不吸烟的孩子低7%。
⏹ The lungs of the children who mothers are smokers are not developing as fast as tho of the lungs of the children who mothers are non-smokers and are, in fact, 7% less developed than tho of the latter.
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例2:
⏹ 今后五年,中国将新增发电装机容量八千万千瓦,新建铁路一万六千公里新增七千万到八千万门局用电话交换机。
哲理作文⏹ In the coming five years, China will increa its power generation capacity by 80 million kilowatts, extend its railway by 16,000 kilometers and increa its telephones lines by 70-80 million.
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 除有时根据英文文法添加and外,汉译英时更多的根据意思表现出来的逻辑关系,添加一些表示条件﹑时间﹑原因﹑让步等的从属连词,如:
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例3:
⏹ 大学再来进行这样的“育婴”,岂不是一个没完没了的恶性循环?
⏹ Isn’t it an endless vicious cycle if the university continues this kind of “baby-feeding”?
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例4:
⏹ 全公司员工共同努力,有什么任务会完不成呢?
⏹ If the entire company makes joint effort, what task can’t we fulfill?
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例5:
⏹ 居里因车祸去世,居里夫人继续了他的教职,支撑着艰苦的研究工作。
⏹ After Mr. Curie was killed in a car accident, Madam Curie took over his teachin
g and persisted in the hard rearch.
增译 (C-E)
亚琛工业大学⏹ 例车定位6:
⏹ 消费者物价指数持续上涨,政府已经开始采取抑制物价上涨的措施,并开始实施一些惠民政策。
⏹ As the CPI (Consumer Price Index) keeps increasing, the government has taken some measures to curb the ri of the price and implemented some policies to benefit the people.
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例7:
⏹ 我多次劝他放弃一些不现实的想法,他对此置若罔闻。
⏹ Though I have persuaded him for times to give up some unrealistic ideas, he always turns a deaf ear to what I have said.
⏹ 或:
⏹ I have persuaded him for times to give up some unrealistic ideas, but he always turns a deaf ear to what I have said.
增译 (C-E)
⏹ 例8
⏹ 这个制度漏洞太多,已失去了效果。
⏹ This system has become ineffective since it has many disadvantages.
⏹ 或:
⏹ This system has many disadvantages, so it has lost its effect.