关键词: 光伏发电短期预测,模型融合Stacking ,相似日的聚类,高斯混合聚类,Xgboost
Photovoltaic power generation exhibits time-varying, volatility and randomness, which adverly affects the stability of photovoltaic power generation. When the photovoltaic power plant is connected to the power grid on a large scale, its volatility pos a huge challenge to the overall stable operation of the power grid, reduces the reliability of the power grid operation, and increas the operation and management costs of maintaining power grid fluctuations. Therefore, accurate and reasonable prediction of photovoltaic power generation is of great significance for the safe dispatch
of the power grid, maintaining the stable operation of the power grid, and improving the utilization rate of photovoltaic power plants. At prent, most of the traditional machine learning predictions for photovoltaic power generation are through direct prediction. This paper is bad on the idea of improving accuracy. First, a combination of photovoltaic feature fusion lection and model parameter combination lection is ud to design a method bad on improved Xgboost algorithm. Predictive model of photovoltaic power. Considering the shortcoming of this method is that the prediction accuracy of extreme weather is poor, a similar day screening model bad on Gaussian mixture clustering is further propod. Finally, an algorithm bad on the fusion of Stacking model is designed to solve the problem that the single model has limited lifting accuracy. The main rearch contents include:
(1) Ultra-short-term photovoltaic prediction algorithm bad on improved Xgboost. At prent, most of the traditional machine learning predictions of photovoltaic power generation are through direct prediction, which cannot effectively filter the features. This paper designs an improved Xgboost ultra-short-term prediction algorithm, through a feature fusion method to effectively filter the model and parameter combination to effectively improve the prediction accuracy of Xgboost for photovoltaic power generation.
(2) Similar day screening model bad on Gaussian hybrid clustering algorithm. In order to solve the problem of low photovoltaic forecast accuracy in some extreme weather (cloudy, rainy, etc.), a similar day screening model was designed bad on Gaussian hybrid clustering algorithm under different weather conditions. The samples lected by the traditional screening method were compared and analyzed under the same model, and it was found that the samples lected by this method were beneficial to the fitting of the model under extreme weather conditions.
(3) Bad on the fusion of Stacking model photovoltaic power prediction algorithm. Aiming at
the problem of limited prediction accuracy improvement of a single prediction model, the idea and method of integrated learning are introduced, and a short-term prediction method bad on Stacking method combining support vector machine, BP neural network, linear regression, decision tree, xgboost and other models Compared with the single model Xgboost and BP neural network, the accuracy has been significantly improved, and by comparing with the actual power of photovoltaic power generation, it has a good agreement and has high engineering promotion value in practical applications.
Keywords: short-term forecast of photovoltaic power generation, model fusion Stacking, clustering of similar days, Gaussian hybrid clustering, xgboost
第一章绪论 (1)
1.1 研究背景与意义 (1)
1.2 光伏发电出力预测研究技术类别 (2)
卑微的近义词1.3 光伏短期功率研究现状 (4)
1.3.1 国内研究现状 (4)
1.3.2 国外研究现状 (5)
百折不回1.4 课题的主要研究内容 (6)
第二章光伏出力因素分析以及模型原理 (8)
2.1 天气因素的可视化分析 (8)桃花妖哪里多
2.1.1 辐照度 (8)
2.1.2 大气温度 (9)
喝黄酒的好处2.1.3 天气类型的影响 (9)
2.2 光伏预测基本模型的介绍 (10)
2.2.1 决策回归树 (10)
2.2.2 线性回归 (12)
2.2.3 BP神经网络 (13)
2.2.4 支持向量机 (16)
2.3光伏发电功率误差评价指标 (17)
2.4 本章小结 (19)
第三章基于改进Xgboost的超短期光伏发电功率预测 (20)
3.1 Xgboost模型原理 (20)
3.1.1 Xgboost (20)
3.1.2 Xgboost的模型参数 (21)
3.2 基于改进Xgboost的光伏预测 (21)
3.2.1 数据预处理过程 (21)
3.2.2 特征融合与测试 (26)
好听的群网名3.2.3 模型设计及流程图 (27)
3.3 算例分析 (28)
3.4 本章小结 (31)
第四章基于高斯混合聚类的相似日筛选模型 (33)
4.1 高斯混合聚类算法 (33)
4.2 基于高斯混合聚类的相似日筛选模型 (34)电路图讲解和实物图
4.2.1 模型设计和流程图 (34)
4.2.2 基于天气类型的光伏发电功率数据聚类 (35)
4.2.3 基于欧氏距离的相似日筛选 (36)
4.3 算例分析 (37)
4.4 本章小结 (39)
第五章基于Stacking模型融合的超短期光伏发电功率预测 (40)
5.1 Stacking融合模型原理 (40)
5.2 基于Stacking模型融合的光伏发电功率预测 (42)
5.2.1 Stacking模型融合设计 (42)
5.2.2 模型设计与流程图 (42)
5.3 算例分析 (44)
5.3.1 天气类型1的仿真分析 (44)
5.3.2 天气类型2的仿真分析 (45)
5.3.3 天气类型3的仿真分析 (47)
5.3.4 天气类型4的仿真分析 (48)
5.4 本章小结 (50)
第六章总结与展望 (51)
参考文献 (52)
附录1 攻读硕士学位期间撰写的论文 (55)
附录2 攻读硕士学位期间申请的专利 (56)
附录3 攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目 (57)
致谢 (58)