Thermal conductivity of unidirectional composites consisting of randomly disperd glass fibers and temperature-dependent polyethylene matrix 期刊名称: Science and Engineering of Composite Materials
作者: Wan-Qing Lin,Yu-Xuan Zhang,Hui Wang
资源链接年份: 2019年
ll命令期号: 第1期
颠倒是非关键词: Fiber reinforced composites;Microstructure;Randomness;Thermal
conductivity;Finite element method
摘要:This extensive study investigated the influence of microstructure on the effective transver thermal conductivity of unidirectional glass fiber reinforced composites, in which the fibers are randomly disperd and the thermal conductivity of polyethylene matrix is a function of test temperature. The microstructure is characterized by parameters such as the number of fibers, fiber vol
ume fraction, fiber size, fiber arrangement and thermal property contrast. Firstly, a simple algorithm is developed to automatically generate clost-to-real random array of fibers in unit cell to reconstruct the composite microstructure. Then, the established two-dimensional random two-component composite unit cell is solved using finite element simulation and the obtained effective thermal conductivities are compared with the theoretical 社团活动记录