生活在阳光下1 平地效应和⾼程灵敏度
这⼀项跟地⾯的起伏⽆关,其中不含有h,因此这⼀项通常称为平地效应引起的相位差。在实际处理中,⼀般需要进⾏“去平地效应” (pha flattening),处理的结果称为flattened interferogram,即剩下了上式等号右侧中的第⼆项:
这⼀项咋⼀看,只跟地形起伏,即h有关,实际上,它还包含了可能存在的形变。如果忽略掉形变,我们可以利⽤上式反演数字⾼程模型DEM。另上式等于得到⾼程模糊度,the altitude of ambiguity :
其中,表⽰平台的⾏⾼。这个表⽰引起⼀个的相位变化对应的⾼程。For the ERS-1/2 satellites, is about 800 km,θ is about 23 ± 3, is 5.66 cm. the interferogram with =100m has =960m . A 10 m DEM error would manifest itlf as 10/960 of a fringe.
考虑和的关系,如果想要获取较⾼精度的DEM ,可以选取适当长的垂直基线。为什么是适当呢?因为基线不能⽆限长。这是因为随着基线的增长,SAR 的相⼲性下降,若不考虑其他因素引起的去相⼲,当相⼲性完全失去时候对应的基线是critical baline
2 形变引起的相位变化
利⽤InSAR 反演⾼程的时候忽略了形变,但如果形变不能忽略呢?这时,我们可以计算形变。怎样做呢?还得从这个公式说起:
利⽤⼀个已有的DEM 模拟出地形引起相位信息,然后在待处理的相位信息中减去这⼀项。 The most common procedure is to u an existing DEM and the InSAR imaging geometry to produce a synthetic interferogram (a reprentation of the pha image that would be produced by topography alone) and subtract it from the interferogram to be studied .This is the so-called 2-pass InSAR approach
Alternatively, the synthetic interferogram that reprents the topographic contribution can come from a different
interferogram of the same area. The procedures are then called 3-pass or 4-pass InSAR
第⼀种⽅法⾥⼀般有两个步骤:DEM 重采样和相位模拟。
3 相⼲性和critical baline
Remember the pre-condition ? Unfortunately, it is not the ca in reality.中考体育评分标准
An InSAR coherence image is a cross-correlation product derived from two co-registered complex-valued (both intensity
and pha components) SAR images It depicts changes in backscattering characteristics on the scale of the radar
wavelength. Loss of InSAR coherence is often referred to as decorrelation. 容易发现相⼲性会影响InSAR 处理得到的DEM 和形变图的精度。相⼲系数的定义为:
where and are complex-valued backscattering coefficients, is the complex conjugate of , is the
deterministic pha due to baline error, topography, or large deformation in the correlation window.
去相⼲性,decorrelation 的定义为: which can have veral caus: (1) thermal decorrelation is caud by uncorrelated noi sources in radar instruments; (2)geometric decorrelation results from imaging a target from much different look angles; (3) volume decorrelation is caud by volume back
scattering effects; and (4) temporal decorrelation can be due to environmental changes over time. SAR image misregistration and other InSAR processing errors also can reduce the level of InSAR coherence.
前⾯已经说了critical baline 的定义,critical baline 可以从不同的⾓度进⾏推导,最终有:
critical baline 是⼀个很重要的概念,因为它可以指导影像选取和处理策略。分析上式可知,critical baline 与波长、带 h a
Envisat and ERS-2 images can be combined to prerve InSAR coherence in spite of a large baline of about 2 km, which is twice as large as the critical baline for either an ERS-2 or Envisat interferogram, which is becau of the 31 MHz carrier frequency difference. The resulting interferogram is very nsitive to the
surface topography and can be ud to generate a high-
precision DEM.
4 简单说明InSAR(DInSAR)的处理流程
图a SAR影像强度图
梦见孩子掉水里图b 对应的相位图,从中得不到有价值的信息
图c 另⼀幅不同时间获取的SAR影像对应的相位图,从中得不到有价值的信息
图d ⼲涉图,要得到⼲涉图,关键⼀步是配准
图e 去平地效应之后的⼲涉图,相⽐图d,条纹变稀疏了,进⼀步通过滤波处理、相位解缠、基线估计等可以得到DEM 图f 图d中的由地形引起的⼲涉图,这是模拟出来的
图g 从图d中由地形因素得到的⼲涉图,剩下的是⼲涉条纹主要由形变、噪声、⼤⽓延迟等引起
图h 将图g地理编码,并与影像叠置
图i 由实测形变数据模拟得到的相位图
Zhong, L., & Dzurisin, D. (2014). Insar imaging of aleutian volcanoes. Springer Praxis Books, 2014(8), 1778–1786.