Dear Xie,智慧校园建设方案
You mentioned in your last letter that you are considering furthering your study abroad and wondering if this is a step worth taking. In my view, you should look at both sides of the coin before making up your mind.
珂润面霜怎么样Nowadays, the idea of attending overas schools appeals much to an army of Chine students. Needless to say, there are a host of advantages to studying abroad. But, I am afraid, far too many make hasty decisions in this matter. They are ill prepared for the problems they may encounter in the host country, such as the language barrier, lack of understanding of the local custom, the cost of living and so on. So some constantly run into troubles and even have to halt their study. You must keep in mind that you may also face tough problems like your peers.我的美好回忆
With best regards,
Truly yours,qq分组大全