Collection of Data from 2014 Migrant Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey in China
王培安 主编
Chief Editor Wang Pei’an
编 委 会
编委会成员: 王 谦 贺 丹 刘鸿雁
胡强强 黄燕妮 庄亚儿
姜 玉 王志理 齐嘉楠 韩 枫 张 刚 赵雪晴
前 言
In May 2014, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC) conducted a migrant population dynamic monitoring survey throughout China. The sample points were distributed in 1,459 county-level units in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, involving 3诗经里的好名字,7
76 sub-districts and towns (townships) and 8,993 neighbourhood (villagers' committees). Interviewees were the migrant population who had lived in the inflow places for more than a month, did not have houhold registration in that city (district or county), and were at the age of 15-59 by May 2014. Tho who current residence is different from the place of their houhold registration in the same city were not included. Sample sizes of the provinces were divided into the eight grades of 14,000 persons, 12,000 persons, 10,000 persons, 8,000 persons, 7,000 persons, 6,000 persons, 5,000 persons and 4,000 persons. According to the survey plan, 201,000 persons were to be interviewed, but 200,937 persons were actually interviewed, involving 667,122 family members, of which, 575,288 family members were in the inflow places.大学生创业项目 Contents under monitoring include basic information of migrant population and family; employment and housing; basic public health and medical rvice; conditions about marriage and childbearing and family planning rvices; basic condition of community population; community management and rvices and so on. Results of the survey have well reprented not only the whole country and the provinces, but also urban groups and key cities.
To better rve scientific decision-making and related rearches with the data, we have collected and sorted out the above data and edited the Collection of Data from 2014 Migrant Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey in China. Comments are earnestly welcomed from the readers about anything inadequate or improper in the collection.
Department of Services and Management for Migrant Population,
National Health and Family Planning Commission of China
China Population and Development Rearch Center
May 2015