如果老外或者有人跟你说“Are you smoking”,可要当心了,这可不是问你抽不抽烟,而是暗暗在“怼”你!
从字面意思看,“Are you smoking”表示你正在抽烟吗?但在口语中,它其实是说人傻,可以翻译为:你是不是傻?或者你脑子进水了吗?以前经常用smoking来指代吸毒,人们会开玩笑说你脑袋吸傻了吧,“Are you smoking”后来就引申为“你是不是傻?”
Are you smoking? 你是不是傻?你脑子进水了吗?Are you smoking? You were cheated by him veral times.你是不是傻?你被他骗了多少次了。What are you thinking? Are you smoking?你在想什么?脑子进水了吗?
What are you smoking? 你胡说/你这是什么意思?What are you smoking? I don't have any class that early. 你这是什么意思?这么早我哪有课?A: China has 10,000 people.B: You must be smoking!A:中国的人口数是一万。B:你一定是傻了。除了stupid和fool,英语中还有很多说人傻的表达。dope [doʊp] n.笨蛋;麻醉药物;涂料乐土by里乘
I felt like a dope.我感觉自己就像一个笨蛋。coocoo/cuckoo [ˈkʊkuː] cuckoo就是布谷鸟,这种鸟会生蛋,但不会孵化,所以它们会把蛋下到别人的窝里。后来cuckoo就有了说人笨的意思。Why did you do such a thing? You're so coocoo. 你为啥要这么做?太傻了。
someone is kind of coocoo/cuckooShe is kind of coocoo/cuckoo you know. Just leave her alone.你知道的,她有点傻,别理她。blockhead [ˈblɑ大量近义词ːkhed] n.木头人;笨蛋;傻子He was rather a blockhead. 他是个不折不扣的傻子。
那么,你抽烟吗用英语怎么说呢?询问别人是否抽烟,正确的表达是:Do you smoke? / Are you a smoker? 你抽烟吗?单位收入证明模板注意,不要用can,因为会有一种质疑的语气,有点不太礼貌。Do you smoke? No, I stop smoking for the sake of health since last year.你抽烟吗?从去年开始,我就已经戒烟了。smoke like a chimney 烟瘾很大如何制作蛋挞You smoke just like a chimney(烟囱). 你的烟瘾真大。我要看游戏chain smoker/heavy smoker 烟瘾大的人If you are a chain smoker you may get lung cancer. 如果你一支接一支地抽烟,有可能得肺癌的。Joe is a heavy smoker. He smokes at least four packs of cigarettes a day! 乔伊是个老烟枪,他一天至少抽四包烟。
我们都知道吸烟有害健康,那么戒烟的英语该怎么说呢?quit smoking/give up smoking 戒烟Every breath you take will eventually destroy your future. Quit Smoking! 你吸的每一口烟终将毁灭你的未来。请立即戒烟!All the smokers should give up smoking for the sake of their own and others' health. 每一位吸烟者都应戒烟,不仅仅是为了自己的健康,也为了别人的健康。二手烟对人体的伤害也很大,一些从未抽过烟的人也有可能患上肺癌,其中一个诱因就是二手烟。passive smoking 被动吸烟正负零符号怎么打It is a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of passive smoking. 孩子们是被动吸烟的最大受害者,这是个令人伤心的事实。cond-hand smoking 二手烟Second-hand smoking caus asthma and respiratory illness in children. 二手烟有害胎儿健康,还可导致儿童哮喘和呼
smoking gun 确凿的证据/实锤怎样爱一个人This memo could be the smoking gun that investigators have been looking for.这份备忘录可能是调查人员一直在寻找的确凿证据。The smoking g
un was the lipstick on his shirt. 他衬衫上的口红就是铁证。smoke and mirrors 欺骗性行为There was a big element of smoke and mirrors to the deal. 协议中有许多虚假成分。In many times we e the world in the smoke and mirrors.在很多时候我们看世界是在雾里看花。go up in smoke/end in smoke 烟消云散;化为乌有;付之一炬I'm afraid my dream of being a doctor has just gone up in smoke.我怕我想当医生的梦想已经破灭。 It would take just one match for this whole place to go up in smoke.只要一根火柴就能把这整个地方烧得精光。smoke screen 烟幕;障眼法Smoke screen这个习惯用语是第一次世界大战期间出现的。当时,在海面飞快前进的驱逐舰会在海面造成很密的烟雾。那些战舰为了保护自己,免受敌方炮弹的袭击而躲在驱逐舰造成的烟雾后面。现在,smoke screen这个说法已经成为日常用语,意思是人们为了隐瞒或伪装某件事而用的手法。But it's just a smoke screen to hide the fact he got fired from his job and can't find another.但是,这种说法只是用来掩盖真相。事实是他被他的公司解雇了,又找不到其他的工作。
最后普特君再和大家分享一些和烟有关的表达:电子烟 e-cigarettes;点燃一支烟 light a cigarette;烟丝/烟叶 tobacco;过滤嘴 filter tip;雪茄 cigar;烟盒 cigarette packet;一条烟 carton;烟斗 pipe;火柴 match;打火机 lighter;烟灰缸 ashtray;烟蒂 butt;掸掉烟灰 flick the ash off the cigarette;吸一口 take a puff;吐烟圈 blow smoke rings