交易区间: Transition in between | 客户名称: Customer name | 吊唁 | 打印时间: Print time | 页数: Pages | |||||||||||||||
借记卡号: Debit card No. | 借方发生数: Debit numbers | 贷方发生数: Credit numbers | 行数: Line numbers | ||||||||||||||||
账号 Account No. | 按收支筛选: Filter by income and expens | 全部 All | 按币种筛选: Filter by currency Type | 全部 All | |||||||||||||||
记账日期 Transition Date | 记账时间 Transition Time | 币别 Currency Type | 金额 Transition Amount | 余额 Amount Balance | 交易名称 Transition Title | 渠道 Transition Channel | 网点名称 Branch Name | 附言 Postscript | 对方账户名 Counterpart Account Name | 对方卡号/账号 Counterpart Account No. | 对方开户行警察英语怎么读police Counterpart bank of deposit | ||||||||
2018-07-16 | 15:49:19 | CNY | Fee | counter | |||||||||||||||
CNY | Small amount exchange sale | --------------- | --------------- | ------- | 男生自我介绍 | Shanghai Sub-branch of BOC | |||||||||||||
--------------- | --------------- | -------- | |||||||||||||||||
纯种比熊多少钱 | CNY | Small amount general | counter急忙造句 | The Payment and Settlement Department of Shanghai Branch of BOC | ------- | ||||||||||||||
行路难翻译 | 独创 |
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