believe in yourlf :相信自己 ,坚信自己
believe 这个词没有任何缩写.
in 这个介词其实可以省掉、
yourlf 的缩写就是 urlf.
最后就变成 :believe urlf.
自己认真回答的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— 多谢 ⌒_⌒
vip (very important person) 重要人物,有钱人或高层人士 opec (organization of petroleum exporting countries) 石油输出国组织 ioc ← international olympics committee 国际奥委会 cls ← commonwealth of independent states 独联体 eec ← european economic community 欧洲经济共同体 oau ← organization of african unity 非洲统一组织 un ← united nations 联合国 isbn ← international standard book number 国际标准书号 gatt ← general agreement on tariffs and trade 关贸总协定 gem ← ground-effect machine 气垫船 gmt ← greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间 tv ← television 电视 cd ← compact disk 激光唱盘 cad ← computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计 it ← information technology 现代信息技术 mtv ← musictv 音乐电视 idd ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话 ghq ← general headquarters 总司令部 tb ← tuberculosis 肺结核 e-mail ← electric mail 电子邮件 h-bomb ← hydrogen bomb 氢弹 v-day ← victory day 第二次世界大战胜利日 gi jane ← address 是 add
vip (very important person) 重要人物,有钱人或高层人士
opec (organization of petroleum exporting countries) 石油输出国组织
ioc ← international olympics committee 国际奥委会
cls ← commonwealth of independent states 独联体
eec ← european economic community 欧洲经济共同体
oau ← organization of african unity 非洲统一组织
un ← united nations 联合国
isbn ← international standard book number 国际标准书号
gatt ← general agreement on tariffs and trade 关贸总协定
gem ← ground-effect machine 气垫船
gmt ← greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间
tv ← television 电视
cd ← compact disk 激光唱盘
cad ← computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计
it ← information technology 现代信息技术
mtv ← musictv 音乐电视
idd ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话
ghq ← general headquarters 总司令部
tb ← tuberculosis 肺结核
e-mail ← electric mail 电子邮件文不对题
h-bomb ← hydrogen bomb 氢弹
头胀疼是怎么回事v-day ← victory day 第二次世界大战胜利日
gi jane ← government issue jane 美国女兵
pvc ← polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
frp ← fibre glass reinforced plastic 玻璃钢
不受欢迎的客人ddt ← dicvhloro-diphenyl-tricchloroethane 滴滴涕
dna ← deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
m ← metre 公尺
cm ← centimetre 厘米
g ← gram 克
f ← fluorine 氟
ap ← associated press 美联社
upi ← united press international 合众国际社
afp ← agence francaine de press 法新社
dpa ← deutsche press agentur 德新社
usis ← united states information rvice 美国新闻处
ansa ← agenzia nationale stampa asssociata 安莎社(意大利)
mena ← middle east news agency 中东社
希望这些对你有用,我也弄了好久. 交个朋友吧!我的qq:45229991
2 = to/too
2b or not 2b = to be or not to be
4 = for
4ever = forever
asl = age/x/location
afaic = as far as i’m concerned
afaik = as far as i know
afk = away from keyboard
aiamu = and i’m a monkey’s uncle
aisi = as i e it
aka = also known as
ambw = all my best wishes
anfawfows = and now for a word word from our web sponsor
aots = all of the sudden
asafp = as soon as friggin possible
asap = as soon as possible
atst = at the same time
awgthtgtta = are we going to have to go through this again
awgthtgttsa = are we going to have to go through this sh again
aysos = are you stupid or something
b4 = before
b4n = bye for now
bbfbbm = body by fisher, brains by mattel
有哪些视频网站bbiab = be back in a bit
bbiaf = be back in a few
bbl = be back later
bbn = bye bye now
bcnu = be ein’ you
bf = boyfriend
bfd = big fing deal
bfn = bye for now
bhof = bald headed old fart
bif = basis in fact
水果英文bitd = back in the day
外企面试biz = business
小象简笔画bm = byte me
bmota = byte me on the ass
bnf = big name fan
bohica = bend over here it comes again
br = bathroom
brb = be right back
brt = be right there
bs = big smile
bt = byte this
btdt = been there done that
btsoom = beats the sh out of me
btw = by the way神采奕奕的近义词
btwbo = be there with bells on
bwdik = but what do i know?
bwo = black, white or other
cam = web camera
ciao = goodbye (in italian)
cid = consider it done
cio = check it out
cis = compurve information rvice
cmf = count my fingers
cof$ = church of scientology
craft = can’t remember a fing thing
craws = can’t remember anything worth a sh
csl = can’t stop laughing
ctc = choaking the chicken
cu = e you
cul/cyl/cul8r = e you later
cwyl = chat with you later
cya = cover your ass
dbeyr = don’t believe everything you read
dd = due diligence
ddd = direct distance dial
deti = don’t even think it
dgt = don’t go there
dhyb = don’t hold your breath
diik = damned if i known
dilligad = do i look like i give a d\amn
dilligas = do i look like i give a sh
dkdc = don’t know don’t care
dl = download
dltm = don’t lie to me