Unit 1 The Evolution of Management as a Field of Study
evolution n.the process of developing发展
infer from many particulars概括
autobiography n. the biography of a person written by that person 自传
memoir n.an account of the person experiences of an author 回忆录,自传
extremely ad. Being in or attaining the greatest or highest degree 极度地
anthropologist n. someone who studies anthropology 人类学家
perspective n.the way in which a situation or problem in judged so that proper consideration is given to each part 合理观察,视角
turnover n. the number of workers hired by an establishment to replace tho who have left in a given period of time 人员更替数
approach n. the method ud in dealing with or accomplishing 方法
contingency n. a possibility that must be prepared for可能事件,可能出现情况
dynamic a.characterized by continuous change 不断变化
confrontation n. discord or a clash of opinions and ideas 观点或思想不断冲撞
incur v. to acquire or come into 获得
compromi v. something that combines qualities or elements of different things折中interdependent a. mutually dependent 互相依存
characteristic n. a feature that helps to identify 特性
popularity n. the quality or state of being popular 普及
sole a. of or relating to only one individual or group 单独
reliance n. the act of relying or the state of being reliant 依赖,依靠
sufficient a. being as much as is needed 充足学生电影
alliance n.the act of becoming allied or the condition of being allied 结盟
demographic n. of or relating to demography 人口统计
complement v. to rve as a complement to 补足
Unit 2 The Scope of Management
entail v. to have, impo, or require as a necessary accompaniment or conquence 伴随 act or be in accord or agreement 使和谐一致
picture in the mind 想象
affordable a.that can be afforded 买得起
exert much effort or energy 努力
mission n.special assignment given to a person or group 任务
informercial n. a commercial television program or relatively long commercial gment offering consumer information 商业信息片
franchi n.authorization granted to someone to ll or distribute a company’s goods or rvices in a
certain area 特许经营权
tactical a.of, relating to, or using tactics 战术
departmental a. 部门
peer n. a person who has equal standing with another or others 同等人,与他人在爵位、阶级或年龄上相当人
interpersonal a.relating to, occurring among, or involving veral people 人与人之间 promote the growth and development of 促进
pervasive a. having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate 渗透性
who has a share or an interest 股东
be in a period of highest productivity 活跃
automotive a.moving by itlf 自动
nonroutine n.非常规程序
analogue n.something that bears an analogy to something el 类似情况
Unit 3 What are Orgnizations ?
beast n.something a thing 事物
organization n. a group of people with special purpo, such as a club or business 团体,组织,机构,社团
invention n.something invented 发明物
contrivance n.device or tool, esp. one made by an individual for a particular puipo 发明物;
patronage n. all the patrons of a shop, hotel, etc, as a group 为了赞助而产生
impact n.the force of an idea, invention, system, etc. 影响力
perspective n.the way in which a matter is judged, so that consideration and importance is five to each part 判断事物方法
association n. the act of joining or the state of being joined with somebody or something 联合;结合;结交
very a. (ud for giving force to an expression)(用于强调)正是;完全;实在
whim n. a sudden idea or wish, often not reasonable 突起(怪)念头;一时兴致
fancy n. an image, opinion, or idea imagined and not bad on fact 无事实根据幻觉,意见或看法
finish successfully 完成;实现
soul n. a person 人;灵魂
guidelines n.the main points about something which is to be dealt with 指导方针;行动纲领
bridge v. to build a brige across 架桥
gap n. an amount of distance pr difference 差异;差距;歧异
by virtue of in virtue of 依靠;由于
survival n. something which has continued to exist from an earlier time 生存
behavior n.way of behaving 行为;举动
subt n. a t contained within a t 子集
maintenance n.the act of maintaining 维持;维护;保养;赡养
turnover n. the number of workers that are hired by a firm to fill the places of workers who have left in a particular period 人员更新
efficiency n.the state or quality of being efficient 功效;效率;效能
intellectual a. concerning the intellect 智力
limitation n. the fact or conditions of limiting or being limited 限制事实或状态
chart n.information written or draw in the form of a picture graph, etc. , usu. With the intention of making it understood 图表
e or describe in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, reason, etc. 预言;预测
Unit 4 Developing Qpality and Competitive Advantage
innovative a. marked by or given to innovations 革新,创新
make as perfect or effective as possible 使最优化,使尽可能底完善或有效medieval a.relating or belonging to the Middle Ages 中世纪
如何做笔记 that pays rent to u or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another 佃户
precede and introduce 宣告,展示介绍;开始,开创
exotic a. intriguingly unusual or different 异乎寻常;奇异
strenuous a.requiring great effort, energy, or exertion 艰巨,需要巨大努力、能量或投入hazardous a. marked by danger 带有危险性;危险
artificial intelligence the ability of machine to perform tho activities that are normally
thought to require intelligence 人工智能
珠子手链navigational n.an original type, from, or instance that rves as a model on which later stages are bad or judged 原型
chassis n.the rectangular steel frame, supported on springs and attached to the axles, that holds the body and motor of an automotive vehicle 底盘
caroul n. a circular conveyor on which objects are displayed or rotated 旋转式传送带outmaneuver v. to overcome by artful, clever maneuvering 智胜,在机智、谋略上胜过CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁
Unit 5 Competitive Industry Environment Analysis
long-term a. involving, maturing after, or being in effect for a long time 长期
aggregation n. a group or formed by this 集合体
carbonated a. containing carbon dioxide 充了碳酸气
root beer n.以黄樟油、冬青油为香料无醇饮料
ale n.any of various type of beer, esp. one that is pale in color 麦酒
caffeine n. a bitter white alkaloid,C8H10N4O2 咖啡因
alignment n.the act of aligning or the condition of being aligned 结盟
meaningless a.having no meaning or significance 无意义,无价值
at of military force in the face of enemy or after a defeat 撤退
vertical integration垂直统一管理
interactive a.acting or capable of acting on each other 互相作用
deli n. a delicatesn 熟食店
buffet n. a meal at which guests rve themlves from various dishes displayed in a table or sideboard 自助餐
nutrition n. the process of nourishing or being nourished 营养
make or become less vigorous 缓和
pharmaceutical a. of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists 制药
neuroscience n.any of the sciences, such as neuroanatomy and neurobiology, that deal with the nervous system 神经科学
inflammatory a. characterized or caud by inflammation 发炎
niche n. a special are of demand for a product or rvice 产品或服务所需特殊领域preemptive a.undertaken or initiated to deter or prevent an anticipated, usually unpleasant situation or occurrence 先发制人
that enters, especially one that enters a competition 参加竞赛者
cellular phone n.便携式电话
dramatically ad.catching and holding the imagination by unusual appearance or effects 戏
replenishment n.something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency 补给,补充backward integration 后向合并
alleviate v. to make more bearable 减轻
oleomargarine n. margarine 人造黄油,人造奶油
tinplate n. very thin sheets of iron or steel covered with tin 镀锡铁皮;马口铁
maturity n. the state or quality of being fully frown or developed 成熟
shakeout n. 经济衰退
cereal n. a grass such as wheat, oats, or corn, the starchy grains of which are ud as food 谷物
razor n. a sharp-edged cutting instrument ud especially for shaving the face or removing other body hair 剃刀
Unit 6 Materials and Process ~ Management of a Company
inventory n.the quantity of goods and materials on hand 库存
submit v. to commit to the consideration or judgment of another 使……听从
bidder n. one who attempts to win a contract by bidding 投标人
obsolete a. outmoded in design, style, or construction 过时
establish v. to t up 建立
resource n.the total means available to a company for increasing production or profit, including plant, labor, and raw material 储备力量
stockpile v. a supply stored for future u, usually carefully accrued and maintained 储存calculate v. to make an estimate of 计算
interchange v. to give and receive mutually 交换
telecommunication n.the electronic systems ud in transmitting messages, as by telegragh,
cable, telephone, radio, or television 电讯
executive n. a person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an organization 经营管理人
simulation n. reprentation of the operation or features of one process or system through the u of another 模拟
principle n. a fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action 准则
eliminate v. ti get rid of 消除
multifunction a. 多功能
flexible a. responsive to a delay 可变通;灵活
holdup n. an interruption or a delay 停顿
incentive n. something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward, that induces action or motivates effort 诱因;动机
coordinate v. to harmonize in a common action or effort 调整
Unit 7 Operating Statement of a Company
wholesale a. of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale 批发clarity n. clearness of thought or style 清晰
readability n.interesting or easy to read 易读,可读性
conci a. expressing much in few words 简明,简洁
inventory n. the quantity of goods and materials on hand 库存
手抄报防溺水gross sales 销售总额
net sales 扣除销货折扣和退货后净额
margin n.the minimum return that an enterpri may earn still pay for itlf 最低利润
gross profit 毛利,总利润,利润毛额
sales salaries 销售人员工资
advertising expen 广告费用
office salaries 办公室或一般文秘人员工资
miscellaneous a. made up of a variety of parts or ingredients 混杂
emingly ad. apparently; ostensibly 表面上地
skeleton n. a supporting structure or framework 构架
invoice n. a detailed list of goods shipped or rvices rendered, with an account of all costs 发货清单
refund n. a repayment of funds 退款
cancellations n. the act or an instance of canceling 取消
Unit 8 Human Resource Management: An Overview
utilization n. making u of 利用;使用
mesh v. to connect 结合;相合
reprentative n. a person acting in place of one or more other 代表;代理吴育标
ud for starting a business 资金
primary a.chief; main 主要
who is in charge of a particular department or unit, as in a governmental agency or school system 监督;管理人员
cosmetic n. a preparation such as face-cream, body-powder, etc. , intended to make the skin or hair more beautiful 化妆品
substantive a. expressing existence 表示存在
insight n.the power of using one’s mind to understand something deeply, without help from outside information 洞察力;见识
catalyst n. a substance which, without itlf changing, caus chemical activity to quicken 催化剂
energizer n. something or somebody that gives energy to 使活跃人或物
quit v. infml to stop and leave 停止;辞职
recruitment n.招聘,招工
mission n. a group of people, esp. people acting for their country, who are nt abroad for special reason 使团,代表团;任务,使命
plague v. to cau continual discomfort, suffering, or trouble to, to make rather angry 折磨,烦恼;使得灾祸
compensation n. 赔偿金,赔偿费,赔偿物
lf-esteem n. one’s good or too good opinion of one’s own worth 自尊心;自大,自负